
Troubleshooting is a systematic approach to solving a problem. The goal of troubleshooting is to determine why something does not work as expected and how to resolve the problem. Certain common techniques can help with the task of troubleshooting.

The first step in the troubleshooting process is to describe the problem completely. Problem descriptions help you and the IBM® technical-support representative know where to start to find the cause of the problem. This step includes asking yourself basic questions:

  • What are the symptoms of the problem?
  • Where does the problem occur?
  • When does the problem occur?
  • Under which conditions does the problem occur?
  • Can the problem be reproduced?

The answers to these questions typically lead to a good description of the problem, which can then lead you to a problem resolution.

What are the symptoms of the problem?

When starting to describe a problem, the most obvious question is "What is the problem?" This question might seem straightforward; however, you can break it down into several more-focused questions that create a more descriptive picture of the problem. These questions can include:

  • Who, or what, is reporting the problem?
  • What are the error codes and messages?
  • How does the system fail? For example, is it a loop, hang, crash, performance degradation, or incorrect result?

Where does the problem occur?

Determining where the problem originates is not always easy, but it is one of the most important steps in resolving a problem. Many layers of technology can exist between the reporting and failing components. Networks, disks, and drivers are only a few of the components to consider when you are investigating problems.

The following questions help you to focus on where the problem occurs to isolate the problem layer:

  • Is the problem specific to one platform or operating system, or is it common across multiple platforms or operating systems?
  • Is the current environment and configuration supported?
  • Do all users have the problem?
  • (For multi-site installations.) Do all sites have the problem?

If one layer reports the problem, the problem does not necessarily originate in that layer. Part of identifying where a problem originates is understanding the environment in which it exists. Take some time to completely describe the problem environment, including the operating system and version, all corresponding software and versions, and hardware information. Confirm that you are running within an environment that is a supported configuration; many problems can be traced back to incompatible levels of software that are not intended to run together or have not been fully tested together.

When does the problem occur?

Develop a detailed timeline of events leading up to a failure, especially for those cases that are one-time occurrences. You can most easily develop a timeline by working backward: Start at the time an error was reported (as precisely as possible, even down to the millisecond), and work backward through the available logs and information. Typically, you need to look only as far as the first suspicious event that you find in a diagnostic log.

To develop a detailed timeline of events, answer these questions:

  • Does the problem happen only at a certain time of day or night?
  • How often does the problem happen?
  • What sequence of events leads up to the time that the problem is reported?
  • Does the problem happen after an environment change, such as upgrading or installing software or hardware?

Responding to these types of questions can give you a frame of reference in which to investigate the problem.

Under which conditions does the problem occur?

Knowing which systems and applications are running at the time that a problem occurs is an important part of troubleshooting. These questions about your environment can help you to identify the root cause of the problem:

  • Does the problem always occur when the same task is being performed?
  • Does a certain sequence of events need to happen for the problem to occur?
  • Do any other applications fail at the same time?

Answering these types of questions can help you explain the environment in which the problem occurs and correlate any dependencies. Remember that just because multiple problems might have occurred around the same time, the problems are not necessarily related.

Can the problem be reproduced?

From a troubleshooting standpoint, the ideal problem is one that can be reproduced. Typically, when a problem can be reproduced you have a larger set of tools or procedures at your disposal to help you investigate. Consequently, problems that you can reproduce are often easier to debug and solve.

However, problems that you can reproduce can have a disadvantage: If the problem is of significant business impact, you do not want it to recur. If possible, re-create the problem in a test or development environment, which typically offers you more flexibility and control during your investigation.

  • Can the problem be re-created on a test system?
  • Are multiple users or applications encountering the same type of problem?
  • Can the problem be re-created by running a single command, a set of commands, or a particular application?

출처 : https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/informix-servers/12.10?topic=support-techniques-troubleshooting-problems


시스템 환경

O/S : Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition (5.20.3790 SP2)

CPU : x86 Family 15 Mode 6 Stepping 8 GenuineIntel - 3333Mhz * 8EA (dual core)

RAM : 32 GB

S/W : IBM Optim 7.3.1



DBMS : Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

대상 데이터 크기

TABLE : 360 GB

INDEX : 200 GB


-Extract Process

1. Client-Side OCI Error id=Unknown RC value

=> DB Alias의 코드셋 설정을 확인한다.

2. Snapshot too old

=> 데이터 추출이 길어지는 경우에 오류가 발생할 수 있다. 추출하는 범위를 축소해본다.

(데이터 변경으로 인한 언두(롤백) 테이블 스페이스가 부족하거나 undo_retention 파라미터 값이 낮아서 발생할 수 있다.)

3. ORA-00904: "X"."USER_PROP"."GETCLOBVAL": 부적합한 식별자

=> 큐테이블을 추출하려는 경우에 오류가 발생한다.

4. The following unexpected error occurred: RC=17423.

=> Post Compression 옵션을 적용할 때 Extract가 끝날 때 오류가 발생한다.

5. ORA-24381: error(s) in array DML

=> Database Connections 파라미터를 1로 조정해본다. 

6. The Extract Request has validation errors.

The data type of column 'TEXTKEY' in table

'PORTALDB.KM_USER.DR$CTX_TKM_KID_01$K' is not supported.

=> 데이터 타입이 ROWID인 경우 발생한다. (Extract 수행 불가)

-Load Process

1. There are insufficient resources available for Optim to run the request. Review the Resource Estimation Analysis section of the report and make additional resources available and rerun the request. 

=> Load Request를 실행하였을 때 디스크 또는 스토리지 여유 공간이 부족할 때 오류가 발생한다.

Compressㅇ File 옵션에서 Delimiter를 지정하면 된다.



LOB 컬럼을 포함한 테이블을 로드할 경우, 또는 건수, 사이즈가 작아도 오류가 발생하는데 정확한 원인을 알 수 없다.

실행이 될 때도 있다가 안되기도 한다.

2. Loader ended with ExitCode 1(또는 Loader ended with ExitCode 2)

=> 테이블 스키마 형상이 다르거나 제약조건, 테이블 락 등을 의심해 볼 수 있다.

또는 로드 중 constraint 위배 등 sql loader의 오류를 확인한다.

3. Error while writting to F:\OptimData\data\TEST_BOSS\PROD_BOSS_ORABRM_ZST_SETTL_BW_RAWCDR.000 (Reason:It caused an unexpected error while writing to the drive.)

=> 디스크 쓰기 경합이 심각한 수준이거나 디스크에 여유 공간이 부족한 경우 오류가 발생한다.

4. The LOB-type column 'HEAD2' length is zero. This is not accepted by the Oracle Loader.

=> Load Request의 General 탭에서 File Attachments에서 Process as Columns를 선택한다.

이 옵션을 적용하면 LOB 컬럼별로 파일을 생성하지 않는다. LOB 컬럼 사이즈가 4,000 바이트를 초과하면 LOB 컬럼별로 파일을 생성한다.

도움말 발췌)File Attachments

If the source file contains file attachment pseudocolumns, indicate how the Load Process should proceed.


If a source file contains file attachment pseudocolumns, fail the Load Process.

Process As Columns

Process file attachment pseudocolumns as normal table columns.

If matching columns do not exist in the table, the pseudocolumns are ignored.

5. inline LOBs

=> Load Request에서 CLOB 또는 BLOB의 크기가 4,000 바이트를 넘지 않는다면 적용하는 것이 유리하다.

이 옵션을 적용하지 않으면 LOB 타입의 컬럼 데이터 개수만큼 파일이 생성된다. (Process as Columns 옵션 선택했을 때 제외)

Note. LOB 컬럼을 포함한 테이블 건수가 매우 많다면 조건을 지정해 받는 것이 최선이다. 범위를 축소하여 건수가 줄었다면 LOB 컬럼 크기가 4,000 바이트인지 확인하여 수십만건 이상일 경우 INSERT를 수행하거나 범위를 더욱 축소하여 LOAD를 시도해본다. 

6. Load Request was cancelled by the user. Can not create file .

=> LOB 컬럼을 로딩하면서 레코드 개수만큼 파일이 생성되어 오류가 발생하는 것으로 추정.

7. 예외처리시 Additional Parameter에 errors 파라미터를 명시하여 오류제한을 최대한 높여 작업한다. (기본 값 50)

=> 예. errors=999999999

8. SQL*Loader-951: Error calling once/load initialization

ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1

ORA-01031: insufficient privileges

=> Direct Path 로드 수행시 DBA ROLE 또는 LOCK ANY TABLE 권한이 필요하다.

9. Error converting data into loader file format.

=> Column Map을 지정하여 데이터 로드를 수행할 때 간혹 발생하는 오류. Convert Request를 수행하여 로드하면 해결된다.

10. /ERROR Unexpected response from internal component, RC:-1

=> 테이블 스페이스 공간이 부족한 경우 발생할 수 있는 오류.

11. The Server process for the Load Request has abnormally terminated.

Optim Server OPTIMSVR abnormally terminated or was cancelled by user

=> LOB컬럼이 있는 데이터를 로드할 때 Compressed Files (Delimiter 지정) 옵션 적용시 오류 발생,

다른 Delimiter를 선택하거나, Compressed Files 옵션을 적용하지 않고 수행한다.

12. The selected character delimiter was found in Table/Column


Please respecify a delimiter which is not in any column data.

Error converting data into loader file format.

=> 로드할 데이터에 Compressed Files 옵션에서 지정한 Delimiter 값이 들어있는 경우 오류 발생,

다른 Delimiter를 선택하거나, Compressed Files 옵션을 적용하지 않고 수행한다.

-Insert Process

1. Data Base Error Detected in OPTIMDB.USMART.SS_COMM_FEEDBACK:

ORA-04098: 'USMART.TR_AFT_CUD_SS_CO_FEEDBACK' 트리거가 부적합하며 재검증을 실패했습니다

=> 트리거를 비활성화하지 않았을 때 발생하는 오류. IMP_FULL_DATABASE ROLE 또는 ALTER ANY TRIGGER 권한이 필요하다.


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