
Optim 11.3 버전에서 Oracle 12c 에 대한 DB Alias를 만들 때 필수적으로 필요한 권한들이 있습니다.

매뉴얼에서는 기본적으로 아래의 권한이 필요하다고 나와 있습니다.

Oracle 12cR1에서는 정상 동작하였고 12cR2는 테스트가 필요합니다.







SELECT on SYS.USER$ TO oracle_user

SELECT on SYS.ENC$ TO oracle_user

테크노트에서는 작업에 따라 아래의 권한이 추가로 필요할 수 있다고 합니다.







IBM Optim 11.3 Fix pack 4 버전에서는 DB2 11.1 버전과 SQL Server 2016 은 Toleration Support 인 상태입니다.

여기서 Toleration Support 라는 의미는 공식적으로는 지원되지 않는 버전이지만 연결은 가능하도록 지원한다는 의미입니다.

해당 가능은 Optim Configuration 에서 숨겨진 설정을 활성화했을 때 작동하는 것 같습니다.

Optim 9버전에서도 동작하는 것을 확인했습니다.

절차는 아래의 내용 또는 링크를 확인하시면 됩니다.


1. Close Optim

2. Bring up the Optim Configuration Program.

3. Hold down the Ctrl and Shift keys, and at the same time click on File->Import Registry data.

4. You will see a 'Start Special Task' window, which will ask you for a key. Type in 'optim'.

5. Scroll down to find the 'IgnoreDBMSVerCheck' key. Change the value from '0' to 'D' (no quotes).

6. Click OK, and exit out of the 'Start Special Task' window, and out of Configuration.


Update the zap section of both pstserv.cfg and pstlocal.cfg with the following update:

# zap


#     Zaps should be entered only on advice from IBM Technical Support.


#     format is:


#        zap   zap-name   zap-value


#     Windows counterpart: Configuration Program

zap IgnoreDBMSVerCheck D




A remote query against the Optim Connect Server running on AIX returns "[C012] Invalid username/password", even though the User ID and password are valid.


AIX 6.x

Optim Connect 5.3.2 with Workspace security enabled

Diagnosing the problem

Before contacting support, please confirm the following:

1) The ability to query the data source without security enabled (anonymously)

2) The user id that is running the Optim Connect Server, irpcd daemon, has the ability to validate local user accounts on the AIX server.

Resolving the problem

Please contact Optim Support for an update for extended password security on AIX 6.x.

Product Alias/Synonym

Attunity Optim Connect Server




Optim server on AIX 6.1 can't find the 32 bit Oracle 11.x cleint


Error from Optim Server trace file:

ENVW32IF ENVIntLoadSharedLib (4373) EXCP 09/23/2011 14:41:29 000023 00094036 0000004A
LoadLibraryEx for 'pn0dsqr3' Failed. GetLastError returns 126, Msg "The specified module could not be found. "

ENVW32IF ENVIntLoadSharedLib (4381) EXCP 09/23/2011 14:41:29 000024 00094036 0000004A 
LoadLibraryEx Failed on Unix. errno is 8, dlerror() gives "(null)"

ENVCCOMP ENV_LoadSpgm (1067) EXCP 09/23/2011 14:41:29 000025 00094036 0000004A 
Cid=5 CType=0, Spgm=PN0DSQR3 ECode=231

ENVCSERV ERR_SysErr (0000) SYSE 09/23/2011 14:41:29 000026 00094036 0000004A
System Error: Load Service Pgm
Aux Data: PN0DSQR3
Date/Time: 09/23/2011 14:41:29
Recursion: 0 
RetCode: PST_FAILED(-00001) General logic error
ExtCode: ENVERR_BADSPGMLOAD(00231) Load of PST SPGM or ExtDLL failed
Token1: PN0DSQR3
Token2: PN0DSQR3

The Optim Workstation will also report the following upon selecting the Optim Server:

Unable to communicate with server <server name>.
Optim directory <directory name> is unknown
Unexpected response from internal component, RC:-1


The AIX 11.x 32 bit Oracle client no longer uses the <Oracle_home>/lib32 directory and has moved to just <Oracle_home>/lib directory. The Optim server cannot find the correct Oracle client library files to use the Oracle client, thus reporting that it can't find the Optim directory


AIX 6.1 and Oracle 11.x

Resolving the problem

For Optim to operate correctly, the following symbolic links are required:

Go to $ORACLE_HOME/lib: 
ln -s libclient11.a libclient10.a

ln -s lib lib32




Optim Exit running pr0sign command failed with challenge module message:
"Challange module /opt/IBM/Optim/rt/bin/libpr0chlg.so is corrupt (9)".


Unable to sign the Optim Exit.


Corrupted ".mw" directory

Resolving the problem

Resolving the challenge module issue requires re-creating the corrupted ".mw" directory.
Here are the suggested steps.

  1. Delete a hidden folder named ".mw" located at the logged in user's default Optim home directory.
  2. At the home directory, run "ls -la" from command prompt to locate the folder.
  3. Remove the ".mw" folder by issuing "rm -r .mw".
    Note: Mainwin will create a new .mw folder after steps are done.
  4. Re-sign the Optim exit using "pr0sign -d" with the same user id that installed Optim, and the id that is in a plan to run the Optim server.




Based on the fact, Optim is a 32bit application, which also can be used / installed on a Linux 64bit operation system, a customer has to install the correct Oracle client version to be able to connect the Oracle database on Linux x64.


Starting with Oracle 11gR2 clients will no longer contain the 32bit libraries. For that reason, a 32bit Oracle client has to be installed, to be able to use Optim on Linux x64 as server.

To get the full functionality of Optim, use the "Administrator" installation type. This type contains all libraries needed and the binaries, for example, sqlldr, the Oracle SQL Loader, sometimes needed.

see also:
Oracle® Database Client Installation Guide
11g Release 2 (11.2) for Linux
1.2.3 Separate 32-Bit Client Shiphome for 64-Bit Ports

The supported database versions of Oracle with a current Oracle client you can find at Oracle directly:
Note:207303.1 "Oracle Client / Server Interoperability Support"

For 11.1-clients that means: 
Server must have or higher, is not supported.




How to find the build number for a specific Optim version


Optim versions for customers can be downloaded from your personally configured Passport Advantage ( PA ) download area. The names of the files, which will be saved on disk are crypt and do not contain any hint about the version in itself.

Sometimes it is necessary to find out which version of Optim is a such file, named like this:CZD0AEN.ZIP


In Optim versions before 8, there is an empty directory in the directory structure, after the downloaded compressed file was extracted. The name of this empty directory, starting with "Bld..." reflects the build number of the specific Optim version.

In a command line operation on Unix or Windows, the directory structure can be created with the command "ls -la" for Unix and Linux, or with the command "dir" for Windows.

$ ls -la

drwxr-xr-x 2 optim731 OPTIMGRP      4096 Aug  4 06:51 Bld3638
drwxr-xr-x 2 optim731 OPTIMGRP      4096 Aug  4 06:51 enterpris
-rwxr--r-- 1 optim731 OPTIMGRP      290196458 Aug  4 06:51 install.bin
drwxr-xr-x 2 optim731 OPTIMGRP      4096 Aug  4 06:51 Linux
drwxr-xr-x 2 optim731 OPTIMGRP      4096 Aug  4 06:52 OptimConnectInstallationManuals
-rwxr--r-- 1 optim731 OPTIMGRP      953 Aug  4 06:51 optim_installer.properties




The Archive process begins but immediately ends without archiving any rows, or abruptly ends at a specific row in a specific table without explanation.

The Archive Process Report returns:

Archive Process Errors:
The Server process for the Archive Request has abnormally terminated.

There is no further error information displayed.


The Optim trace shows:

ERRWERRH ERR_RetryMgr (0240) EXCP 09/27/2011 16:28:36 000062 000006E8 00005A4
Win32 Exception=C0000005 Desc=Access Violation
ERRWERRH ERR_RetryMgr (0000) ENVE 09/27/2011 16:28:36 000063 000006E8 000005A4
Exception:C0000005 (Access Violation) at 02DCC372
Exception occured on 09/27/2011 at 16:28:36
PN0CSS00 csscdep0.c CSSObjDepends(00783-0004C372)
Registers at Failure:
CS=0023 DS=002B ES=002B FS=0053 GS=002B SS=002B
EIP=02DCC372 EAX=40FE7C02 EBX=0412EF48 ECX=40FE7C02
EDX=00000002 EBP=062DD384 EDI=00000830 ESI=00C884A4
ESP=062DD240 FLG=00010202 PID=000006E8 TID=000005A4
Current Stack Len:142784 Attempt to Read at Address 40FE7C0A


CSSCDDL0 CSSGetDDLObject (1333) EXCP 09/27/2011 16:28:36 000064 000006E8 000005A4
ErrMsg: Error Exit)
RetCode: CSSERR_CREDDLERR(07080) Create DDL Object failed
AuxCode: ENVERR_EXCEPTION(01023) Operating System Exception
Token1: UpdDepLinkScan
Token2: Access Violation
Token4: Access Violation


Some of the extended objects that Optim attempts to Archive can produce this issue.


It is important to note that, while the process report returns information about the Server process, this can happen when running locally as well.

Diagnosing the problem

For further diagnostics, it may be beneficial to select each of the extended objects one at a time, and re-run the Archive, to pinpoint the failing element.

Resolving the problem

From the Archive Request:

1) Choose the Objects tab

2) Deselect all of the Extended Objects

3) Successfully re-run the archive




Running any RTSERVER command for the Optim Unix server does not return a prompt.


The command prompt hangs with the RTSERVER command.


Environment setup issue with Optim on Unix

Resolving the problem

To set the environment and start the server for the RTSERVER hang issue, here are the recommended steps:

  1. Go to the {OptimInstallPath}/rt/bin directory.
  2. Run '. ./rtsetenv'
  3. Type 'echo $PSTHOME' to confirm {OptimInstallPath}/rt/bin directory gets returned.
  4. Within the same console command prompt window, type 'mwcleanup -s'.
  5. Type 'mwcleanup -s' (This needs to be ran twice as step 4).
  6. Type 'mwadm stop'
  7. Stop the RTSERVER by typing: rtserver stop
  8. Go to the directory of the user starting up the Optim, and look for a hidden folder called '.mw' (dot mw). Erase the folder as the Mainwin will create a new one.
  9. Attempt to start the Optim server by executing: rtserver start




How can I connect to archived data using DG4ODBC in a UNIX environment?


DG4ODBC is used in UNIX environments to access archived data. This facility requires the use of Optim Connect (Attunity) 5.3.2 or above, and the Optim Connect ODBC 3.5 driver.

DG4ODBC requires that unixODBC Manager be installed on the UNIX server where Optim Connect daemon is running.

unixODBC Manager 

The example below is set up and configured using the unixODBC Manager from unixODBC, which can be downloaded from: ftp://ftp.unixodbc.org/pub/unixODBC/unixODBC-2.3.1.tar.gz

Once you download the file you will need to follow the steps outlined to install and configure the Manager on the Unix server where the Optim Connect daemon is installed. 

Note: If the DB is a 64-bit Database you must install and configure the unixODBC Manager as 64-bit, and load the 64-bit ODBC driver from Optim Connect. This can be found under the installation directory of Optim eg: \path\odm\thin clients\

Before connecting to the datasource you will need to define an environment variable called ODBCINI.ini. For example: 

export ODBCINI.ini=/path/odbc.ini

This can be added to the Optim rtsetenv script, which sets up the Optim environment prior to starting the Optim Server and the Optim Connect daemon.

Below are sample entries for files that need to be defined on the DB Server, namely, tnsnames.ora, listener.ora and the file initDG4.ora (which points to the Datasource (Archive File or Archive Collection) that you have defined in Optim Connect). 

Note: There is an ENVS parameter defined in the listener.ora file which points to the ODBC.ini file. This is the environment variable containing the parms for the unixODBC Manager. Also, this variable contains the path to the Optim Connect driver which is used to connect to the Archive File or Collection.

tnsnames.ora entry:

DG4 =
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = tcp)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1522))

listener.ora entry:

(ORACLE_HOME = /export/opt1/users/oracle/ora11/product/11.1.0/db_1)
(ENVS="ODBCINI=/export/opt1/users/oracle/unixodbc64/etc/odbc.ini,LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/export /opt1/users/oracle/Attunity/odbc35_64bit,LIBPATH=/export/opt1/users/oracle/Attunity/odbc35_64bit")

initDG4.ora entry:

# This is a sample agent init file that contains the HS parameters that are
# needed for an ODBC Agent.

# HS init parameters
HS_FDS_CONNECT_STRING=DG4 (This is the datasource name defined in the Optim Connect binding) 

odbc.ini entry:




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