
You must not install ISM on a computer in which a NetWorker server or a NetWorker client is already installed. If you attempt such an installation, it fails with the following message: The ISM setup script detected that another storage manager is installed in /nsr, which conflicts with ISM. If you want to setup ISM, you need to de-install the other storage manager and then run $INFORMIXDIR/bin/ism_startup -init.

For ISM to be installed on a computer that has a NetWorker server or client on it, the NetWorker server or client has to be completely uninstalled first.

To uninstall your currently running ISM on UNIX:

1. Log in as user informix.

2. Change to the ISM binaries directory: 


3. Become user root.

4. Shut down the ISM daemons: 

./ism_shutdown -q

5. Verify that the daemons are shut down: 

ps -ef | grep nsr

6. Move the ISM executables to a temporary directory: 

mkdir ./ism.tmp 

mv ism* ism.tmp 

mv nsr* ism.tmp 

mv mm* ism.tmp 

mv save* ism.tmp 

mv scanner ism.tmp 

mv usam ism.tmp 

mv recover ism.tmp 

7. Move the ISM catalogs to a temporary directory:


mv ism ism.bak 

8. Remove the symbolic link to the ISM catalogs: 

rm /nsr 

9. Remove the call to ism_catalog from the $INFORMIXDIR/onbar script.

Now you are ready to install your new storage manager on UNIX. 

Tip: The ism_shutdown command shuts down the ISM daemons nsrd, nsrexecd, nsrmmdbd, and nsrindexd. It does not uninstall ISM, that is, it does not remove the ISM executables in $INFORMIXDIR/bin, the symbolic link /nsr, or the various ISM files in $INFORMIXDIR/ism.


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