

This script compares the permission and ownerships of files in a file distribution list with the binaries in the installed Informix product. It generates a list of problems and also a script to correct the permissions and ownership.


Incorrect permissions or ownership of IBM Informix files might result in product malfunction.

Resolving the problem

This Korn-Shell script will check the permission and ownership of the files that came with your Informix product. It will check the Informix file distribution list against files on the disk to verify that all have the correct ownerships and permissions. 

The script will create two output files in the current directory.

To use the script take these steps:
    1. Copy the file file_check.sh.txt to a work directory. Change the name to file_check.sh.

    2. Run the script using this syntax:
      file_check.sh -f filename [-d directory]
          The file distribution list (required)
          The path to the directory in which your Informix products are installed. If this is not given then the value of $INFORMIXDIR will be used.
    The name of the file distribution list will vary depending on the product. It will always be located in the $INFORMIXDIR/etc directory and will always end with the word files.

        The file distribution list ​​
        ​​for this product...​​
        ...has this name​​
        IBM Informix online Dynamic Server (OnLine)​​
        IBM Informix Extended Parallel Server (XPS)​​
        IBM Informix Dynamic Server (IDS) version 7​​
        IBM Informix Dynamic Server (IDS) version 9, 10 & 11​​
        IBM Informix Client SDK ​​

About missing files

When file_check.sh reports a missing file it means that the file is listed in the file distribution list but does not exist. This is not always a problem. 

Sometimes a file will be removed from a release and due to an oversight the file name will not be removed from the file distribution list. When this occurs it will not cause problems.

Consider the notice of a missing file to be a notification of a potential problem.

Sample Output

These are the output files from a sample run of file_check.sh. This run found 4 "missing" files and one file with the wrong group and permissions.
    Contents of file_check.sh.out
      Missing File(s)

      Wrong Group (Run ./file_check.sh.update for fix)

      Wrong Owner (Run ./file_check.sh.update for fix)
      No File Found

      Wrong Permission (Run ./file_check.sh.update for fix)

    Contents of file_check.sh.update
      chgrp informix /usr/informix/bin/onstat
      chmod 2755 /usr/informix/bin/onstat

Cross Reference information
Information ManagementInformix Extended Parallel Server (XPS)UNIXAll VersionsAll Editions
Information ManagementInformix onLineNot ApplicableUNIXAll Versions
Information ManagementInformix SENot ApplicableUNIXVersion Independent
Information ManagementInformix ToolsNot ApplicableUNIXAll Versions
Information ManagementInformix C-ISAMNot ApplicableUNIXVersion Independent




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