

What do you need to know to set up multi-byte or different locale databases in IBM Informix Servers?


You currently have a typical en_us (US English) database, which is a normal, default style database with no extra intervention needed for the setup. You want to expand your company database into another country and use a multi-byte character set, or a different locale for the database. What is needed for the setup?


There are several issues to consider when setting up a database with a locale which is non-US. Here is an overview of the considerations, which are discussed below:

  1. An understanding of code-sets and their impact on a database.
  2. An understanding of default vs nondefault locale code-sets.
  3. Unicode vs language code-set usage

Code-sets and their impact

An ASCII code-set is based on 128 printable characters that occupy 7 bits of a single byte representation. Some characters encoded in other languages can not be represented by a single byte value. one example of a multibyte code-set is the Japanese code set known as Kanji. The technical name is SJIS (ja_jp.sjis). It is a multibyte code-set, with characters that are encoded in 2 or 3 bytes. Some code-sets can have up to 4 bytes to represent a printable character. There are several issues to consider in using any code-set:

Default vs nondefault Code-sets

A default code-set is relative to the language base in which is is used. Some languages have the same letter characters as English, but they also have character variations. The character variations cause the result that some code-sets are nondefault.. Some considerations for default and nondefault code-sets:

Code-set installation and setupIBM Informix GLS User's Guide, available here:http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/idshelp/v111/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.glsug.doc/glsug02.htm
See also:
Esql/c Programmers Guide, available here:



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