
Exporting query results to a remote machine with MySql (an alternative to SELECT INTO OUTFILE)

MySql’s SELECT INTO OUTFILE syntax provides a nice way to export the results of a query into a tab delimited (by default) text file. Unfortunately, the file has to be created on the MySql host (by a user with file permissions), rendering it unsuitable for dumping the data to a remote machine. If you wish to dump the query results to a different machine then the mysql docssuggest redirecting the output from the mysql command line client:

리모트 호스트에서는 SELECT INTO OUTFILE 문을 사용할 수 없으므로 표준출력(stdout)으로 데이터를 추출해야 한다는 이야기.

The SELECT … INTO OUTFILE statement is intended primarily to let you very quickly dump a table to a text file on the server machine. If you want to create the resulting file on some client host other than the server host, you cannot use SELECT … INTO OUTFILE. In that case, you should instead use a command such as mysql -e “SELECT …” > file_name to generate the file on the client host.

This works great but the default output you’ll get from redirecting STDOUT won’t be the same as using SELECT INTOOUTFILE. The two main (only?) differences are, in the redirected output, the addition of the headers and that NULL values are output as NULL instead of the special \N (backslash-N) sequence. We can fix both of these things by specifying an optional switch (skip-column-names) to the mysql client and employing some sed magic.

mysql -h"my-host" -u"my-user" -p"my-password" -e"select * from my-database.my-table" --skip-column-names |\
  sed -e 's/[[:<:]]NULL[[:>:]]/\\N/g' >\

That sed magic is replacing instances of NULL, surrounded by some whitespace, with the special \N escape sequence.

Oh, and it’s probably worth mentioning that this is only really important if you want to load this data back into mysql (using LOAD DATA INFILE for example). If you were to load the default output, from redirecting the mysql client, back into mysql then you’d end up with an unwanted header row and NULL strings (or 0 for numeric columns) where you expected actual NULL values.

It took us a while to figure this out so I thought it might be of some use to others.




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