먹보고릴라님 | 쿼리 | 2013-12-16 17:48:46
CSV 파일을 import from 으로 하여 파일을 insert 시키는데 있어
csv파일에 있는 데이터들이 반은 들어가고 반이 안들어가게 되어 질문하게 되었습니다.
SQL3129W The date, time, or timestamp field containing ""2013-8-2 12:3:38""
in row "11" and column "10" was padded with blanks.
SQL3129W The date, time, or timestamp field containing ""2013-8-2 11:39:20""
in row "11" and column "16" was padded with blanks.
SQL3129W The date, time, or timestamp field containing ""2013-8-2 11:39:20""
in row "11" and column "17" was padded with blanks.
SQL3148W A row from the input file was not inserted into the table. SQLCODE
"-180" was returned.
SQL0180N The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is
incorrect. SQLSTATE=22007
위와 같은 메시지가 나옵니다.
위와 같은 메시지를 처리할려면 trim으로 공백을 지워야 할 것 같은데
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