You try to start the Informix server but it fails to start with messages like these in the online.log: 21:45:30 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Started. 21:45:30 size of resident + virtual segments 10443875920 + 4831838208 > 9663676416 total allowed by configuration parameter SHMTOTAL
- output of oninit -v:
Checking group membership to determine server run mode...succeeded
Reading configuration file '/opt/informix/etc/onconfig.test'...succeeded
Creating /INFORMIXTMP/.infxdirs...succeeded
Checking config parameters...succeeded
Allocating and attaching to shared memory...FAILED - messages in online.log:
21:45:30 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Started.
21:45:30 size of resident + virtual segments 10443875920 + 4831838208 > 9663676416
total allowed by configuration parameter SHMTOTAL
The size of the resident and virtual portions of shared memory exceed the shared memory limit set by the onCONFIG parameter SHMTOTAL.
Resident portion of shared memory
The resident portion of the database server shared memory stores the following data structures that do not change in size while the database server is running:
- Shared-memory header
- Buffer pool
- Logical-log buffer
- Physical-log buffer
- Lock table
Virtual portion of shared memory
The virtual portion of shared memory size is determined by the value of the onCONFIG parameter SHMVIRTSIZE and stores the following data:
- Internal tables
- Big buffers
- Session data
- Thread data (stacks and heaps)
- Data-distribution cache
- Dictionary cache
- SPL routine cache
- SQL statement cache
- Sorting pool
- Global pool
Diagnosing the problem
Estimating the Size of the Resident Portion of Shared Memory
Estimating the Size of the Virtual Portion of Shared Memory
Resolving the problem
- Increase the value of the onCONFIG parameter SHMTOTAL if possible.
- Decrease the value of one or more of these onCONFIG parameters:
- BUFFERPOOL ( the buffers value )