How to move DB2 instance and databases from one filesystem to another
This is just to show all the overall steps needed to move the instance and databases. This is one of the ways.
This is just to show all the overall steps needed to move the instance and databases. This is one of the ways.
First, need to take a full off-line db2 backup of the databases.
Then preserve all the instance level and database level configurations.
Specially, the dbm config, database config, registry settings.
db2cfexp could be used to preserve the instance level configurations,
Then, drop the database and instance from current location.
Recreate instance in new location.
Update all the configurations as preserved earlier.
db2cfimp could be used to import back the instance level configurations,
Then perform a redirect restore of the databases under new instance if the new container paths needs to be defined. Though the underline filesystem is changed, if the exact same paths as the source location are present in the destination location then regular restore should work fine.
Just to reiterate that the database level configurations will be propagated as part of backup/restore process and need not have to be taken care separately unless some new paths have to be redefined in the destination locations, example active log directory, archive path etc.
First, need to take a full off-line db2 backup of the databases.
Then preserve all the instance level and database level configurations.
Specially, the dbm config, database config, registry settings.
db2cfexp could be used to preserve the instance level configurations,
Then, drop the database and instance from current location.
Recreate instance in new location.
Update all the configurations as preserved earlier.
db2cfimp could be used to import back the instance level configurations,
Then perform a redirect restore of the databases under new instance if the new container paths needs to be defined. Though the underline filesystem is changed, if the exact same paths as the source location are present in the destination location then regular restore should work fine.
Just to reiterate that the database level configurations will be propagated as part of backup/restore process and need not have to be taken care separately unless some new paths have to be redefined in the destination locations, example active log directory, archive path etc.