Since IDS Version 10.00 dbspaces can be created with other than the default 2k/4k pagesize.
This feature has multiple benefits:
less disk I/O with larger pagesizes (8k ... 16k)
more rows per data/index page (max. 255 Rows / data page)
higher upper limit of rows per table (max. 16777216 pages / table fragment)
higher upper limit of table/index extents
reduce "-136 ISAM error: no more extents." Errors
Example (stores_demo database):
IDS 7.31, 9.40, 10.00, 11.50 / 2k dbspace pagesize:
database_name stores_demo
tabname customer
dbspace_name root_dbs
extents_act 140
max_extents 232
IDS 10.00, 11.50 / 16k dbspace pagesize:
database_name stores_demo
tabname customer
dbspace_name dat_dbs16k_001
extents_act 351
max_extents 2023
You can use the following select to show the upper limit of table/index extent sizes:
SELECT --+ORDERED,INDEX(a,systabs_pnix),INDEX(b,sysptnhdridx),INDEX(c,syspaghdridx),INDEX(d,sysdbstab_dbsnum)
a.dbsname AS database_name,
a.tabname, AS dbspace_name,
b.nextns AS extents_act,
TRUNC(c.pg_frcnt / 8) + b.nextns AS max_extents
FROM sysmaster:sysdbstab d,
sysmaster:syspaghdr c,
sysmaster:systabnames a,
sysmaster:sysptnhdr b
WHERE c.pg_partnum = sysmaster:partaddr(d.dbsnum, 1)
AND sysmaster:bitval(c.pg_flags, 2) = 1
AND c.pg_nslots = 5
AND a.partnum = sysmaster:partaddr(d.dbsnum, c.pg_pagenum)
AND a.partnum = b.partnum;
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