

What do these messages from the db2fmp process mean?


This technote provides some FAQs regarding messages in the db2diag.log in regards to db2fmp processes used to run non-SQL routines such as Java and C.

Scenario #1: Threads in db2fmp process, SQL1042

When the DB2 registry variable DB2_MAX_THREADS_PER_FMP is set you may see the messages below which can be safely ignored. This registry variable was introduced as an enhancement to DB2 via IZ08425. 

In some cases the SQL1042 is a legitimate error so its important to note that in this scenario "Max number of thread in fmp reached; no thread created" is the cause of the SQL1042. The SQL1042 can be safely ignored.

Please note that the SQL1042 is transparent to the application, so no errors will be returned to the application. DB2 automatically starts a new db2fmp process to service the existing or subsequent requests.

2011-01-10- I34781A381 LEVEL: Warning 
PID : 1200 TID : 1 PROC : db2fmp (Java) 0
INSTANCE: db2inst1 NODE : 000 
EDUID : 1 EDUNAME: db2fmp (Java) 0 
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, routine_infrastructure, sqlerMasterThreadListener, 
MESSAGE : Max number of thread in fmp reached; no thread created

2011-01-10- I74680A573 LEVEL: Warning 
PID : 1234 TID : 100 PROC : db2sysc 
INSTANCE: db2inst1 NODE : 000 DB : SAMPLE 
APPHDL : 0-33648 APPID:
EDUID : 608 EDUNAME: db2agent (SAMPLE) 0 
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, routine_infrastructure, sqlerMasterThreadReq, 
MESSAGE : FMP reported it could not create a new thread 
DATA #1 : Hexdump, 4 bytes 
0x000000020210F180 : 0000 0C05 ....

2011-01-10- I2221A448          LEVEL: Severe
PID     : 1234                 TID  : 100         PROC : db2sysc 0
INSTANCE: db2inst1             NODE : 000         DB   : SAMPLE
APPHDL  : 0-51434              APPID:
EDUID   : 260                  EDUNAME: db2agent (SAMPLE) 0
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, routine_infrastructure, sqlerGetFmpThread, probe:20

Scenario #2: Operating system resource issue, SQL1042

The messages are very similar to Scenario #1 so how do we determine if the SQL1042 is legitimate? Work backwards and look for preceding messages originating from the same PID and TID. 

In the case below we see the source of the error is originating from the operating system (OSERR) and the operating system API which returned the error (pthread_create). pthread_create() is an AIX API indicating that the operating system was unable to create a new thread in the db2fmp process. The root cause is likely an operating system limitation or resource issue when trying to create an additional thread due to the EAGAIN return code.

2011-01-01- E287334A401 LEVEL: Severe (OS) 
PID : 2609242 TID : 1 PROC : db2fmp (Java) 0
INSTANCE: db2inst1 NODE : 000 
EDUID : 1 EDUNAME: db2fmp (Java) 0 
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, oper system services, sqloCreateAppThread, probe:100 
CALLED : OS, -, pthread_create 
OSERR : EAGAIN (11) "Resource temporarily unavailable" 

2011-01-01- I287736A455 LEVEL: Severe 
PID : 2609242 TID : 1 PROC : db2fmp (Java) 0
INSTANCE: db2inst1 NODE : 000 
EDUID : 1 EDUNAME: db2fmp (Java) 0 
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, trace services, sqlt_logerr_data (secondary logging 
func, probe:0 
MESSAGE : Failed to create app thread: 
DATA #1 : Hexdump, 4 bytes 
0x0FFFFFFFFFFFEF60 : 0000 000B ... 

2011-01-01- I288192A343 LEVEL: Severe 
PID : 2609242 TID : 1 PROC : db2fmp (Java) 0
INSTANCE: db2inst1 NODE : 000 
EDUID : 1 EDUNAME: db2fmp (Java) 0 
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, routine_infrastructure, sqlerCreateWorkerThread, 

Scenario #3: SQL1042N returned on AIX platforms using Power7 processors

There is an incompatibility between the IBM JDK bundled with DB2 v9.7 and Power7. For details refer to the link db2setup or db2fmp (Java) abnormally terminated on Power7

Scenario #4: SQL1042N returned due to permission issue 

Ensure the DB2 instance home directory has the permission below, otherwise the db2fmp may not be able to access files located in ~/sqllib/function

/home $ ls -la 
drwxr-xr-x 14 db2inst1 db2admg 4096 Aug 04 10:51 db2inst1/

Also check the stored procedure binaries in ~/sqllib/function to ensure they are world readable because the fenced userid is usually not the instance owner.

-rw-r--r-- 1 db2fenc fencgrp 875 Jul 29 14:24 DUMMY_JAVASP.class 

Scenario #5: Executing long running query 

A remote DB2 client has abnormally terminated when executing a long running query which includes a call to a routine. These messages are informational in nature and can be ignored. However the application should contain some exception handling logic to handle any abnormal terminations. Under the covers DB2 will clean up any non-SQL routines being executed on behalf of the connection. one of the side effects is that the db2diag.log may contain a 0xFFFFFB38 ( SQL1224) 

In the example below the message originating from the db2fmp process about "The database manager is not able to accept new requests..." is misleading. The message is originating from the JDBC (db2jcc.jar) used internally by the DB2 server to execute a Java routine and can be ignored. There is nothing wrong with the DB2 database server.

2011-01-12- I6813000A541       LEVEL: Error
PID     : 9644                 TID  : 172         PROC : db2sysc 0
INSTANCE: db2inst1             NODE : 000         DB   : SAMPLE
APPHDL  : 0-20965              APPID:
EDUID   : 172                  EDUNAME: db2agent (SAMPLE) 0
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, common communication, sqlcctcptest, probe:11
MESSAGE : Detected client termination
DATA #1 : Hexdump, 2 bytes
0xFFFFFFFF4B7F3376 : 0036                                       .6 

2011-01-12- I6813542A523       LEVEL: Error
PID     : 9644                 TID  : 172         PROC : db2sysc 0
INSTANCE: db2inst1             NODE : 000         DB   : SAMPLE
APPHDL  : 0-20965              APPID:
EDUID   : 172                  EDUNAME: db2agent (SAMPLE) 0
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, common communication, sqlcctest, probe:50
MESSAGE : sqlcctest RC
DATA #1 : Hexdump, 2 bytes
0xFFFFFFFF4B7F346E : 0036  

2011-01-01- I6814066A503       LEVEL: Error
PID     : 9644                 TID  : 172         PROC : db2sysc 0
INSTANCE: db2inst11             NODE : 000         DB   : SAMPLE
APPHDL  : 0-20965              APPID:
EDUID   : 172                  EDUNAME: db2agent (SAMPLE) 0
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, base sys utilities, sqeAgent::AgentBreathingPoint, probe:10
CALLED  : DB2 UDB, common communication, sqlcctest
RETCODE : ZRC=0x00000036=54 

2011-01-01- I6814570A507       LEVEL: Error
PID     : 9644                 TID  : 172         PROC : db2sysc 0
INSTANCE: db2inst11             NODE : 000         DB   : SAMPLE
APPHDL  : 0-20965              APPID:
EDUID   : 172                  EDUNAME: db2agent (SAMPLE) 0
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, routine_infrastructure, sqlerInvokeFencedRoutine, probe:40
DATA #1 : Hex integer, 4 bytes
DATA #2 : Hex integer, 4 bytes
0xFFFFFB38  /* SQL1224 */

2011-01-01- E6815078A3474      LEVEL: Severe
PID     : 9644                 TID  : 172         PROC : db2sysc 0
INSTANCE: db2inst1             NODE : 000         DB   : SAMPLE
APPHDL  : 0-20965              APPID:
EDUID   : 172                  EDUNAME: db2agent (SAMPLE) 0
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, routine_infrastructure, sqlerReturnFmpToPool, probe:900
DATA #1 : String, 50 bytes
Marking fmp as unstable, fmp is forced or aborted:

DATA #2 : Boolean, 1 bytes
DATA #3 : String, 20 bytes
Fmp entry use count:
DATA #4 : unsigned integer, 4 bytes
DATA #5 : String, 8 bytes
Fmp TID:

DATA #6 : Hexdump, 4 bytes
0x000000020079F650 : 0000 0037  /* 0x37 = 55 */
DATA #7 : String, 8 bytes
Fmp row:
DATA #8 : sqlerFmpRow, PD_SQLER_TYPE_FMP_ROW, 496 bytes
 fmpPid: 15781 

When executing Java routines one additional side effect is that the message below will appear in the db2diag.log. This message is misleading because there is nothing wrong with the database manager on the DB2 server. The message originates from the JDBC driver which is local to the DB2 server used to execute Java routines. This message can be safely ignored.

2011-01-01- I6840110A1387      LEVEL: Warning
PID     : 15781
                TID  : 55          PROC : db2fmp (Java) 0
INSTANCE: db2inst1             NODE : 000
EDUID   : 55                   EDUNAME: db2fmp (Java) 0
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, BSU Java support, sqlejLogException, probe:10
DATA #1 : String, 962 bytes
com.ibm.db2.jcc.am.DisconnectNonTransientException: [jcc][2055][11259][3.61.86] The database manager is not able to accept new requests, has terminated all requests in progress, 
or has terminated this particular request due to unexpected error conditions detected at the target system. 
    at com.ibm.db2.jcc.am.ed.a(ed.java:321)
    at com.ibm.db2.jcc.t4.ab.T(ab.java:1264) 

Scenario #6: SQL1131 or SQL4302

This indicates the non-SQL routine was abnormally terminated. This is usually not a serious error as long as the application is coded to handle these exceptions and the messages do not appear frequently e.g. once a month.

2011-02-02- I299008A471 LEVEL: Warning 
PID : 8245982 TID : 1280 PROC : db2fmp (Java) 0
INSTANCE: db2inst1 NODE : 000 
EDUID : 12080 EDUNAME: db2fmp (Java) 0 
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, trace services, sqlt_logerr_data (secondary logging 
func, probe:0 
MESSAGE : Thread of db2fmp terminated with nonzero rc 
DATA #1 : Hexdump, 4 bytes 
0x000000011E7685EC : FFFF FB95 /* SQL1131 */ ...

2011-02-02- I299480A453 LEVEL: Severe 
PID : 8245982 TID : 1280 PROC : db2sysc 0 
INSTANCE: db2inst1 NODE : 000 DB : SAMPLE 
APPHDL : 0-40776 APPID: 
EDUID : 17812 EDUNAME: db2agent (CLNPIS) 0 
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, routine_infrastructure, sqlerDisassociateWithFmp, 

Scenario #7: Marking fmp as unstable

This message is returned when DB2 decides to shut down a db2fmp process and can be part of normal DB2 operations. DB2 automatically picks a new db2fmp or creates a new db2fmp process to execute any subsequent calls to stored procedures or UDFS.

To determine whether this message is more than informational please check for additional db2diag.log entries around the same timestamp which return a ZRC return code, 0xFFFFxxxx return code or an error from the operating system (OSERR). Please use the db2diag tool to decode these return codes. 

This message may also be returned when:

2011-01-10- E288536A3366 LEVEL: Severe 
PID : 582 TID : 9823 PROC : db2sysc 0 
INSTANCE: db2inst1 NODE : 000 DB : SAMPLE 
APPHDL : 0-40834 APPID: 
EDUID : 18069 EDUNAME: db2agent (SAMPLE) 0 
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, routine_infrastructure, sqlerMasterThreadReq, 
DATA #1 : String, 50 bytes 
marking fmp as unstable: 
DATA #2 : String, 8 bytes 
Fmp TID: 
DATA #3 : Hexdump, 4 bytes 
0x078000000113B770 : 0000 0000 .... 
DATA #4 : String, 8 bytes 
Fmp Row: 
DATA #5 : sqlerFmpRow, PD_SQLER_TYPE_FMP_ROW, 504 bytes 
fmpPid: 2609242 
fmpPoolList Ptr: 0x0000000000000000 fmpForcedList Ptr: 
nextFmpCB Ptr: 0x0780000000ed6980 prevFmpCB Ptr: 0x078000000100ea20 
fmpIPCList Ptr: 0x0780000001138960 
stateFlags: 0x00000013 numFmp32Attaches: 0 
numActiveThreads: 41 numPoolThreads: 0 
fmpCodePage: 1252 fmpRowUseCount: 42 

2011-01-10- I2049780A492 LEVEL: Warning 
PID : 7131362 TID : 1 PROC : db2agent (SAMPLE) 0 
INSTANCE: db2inst1 NODE : 000 DB : SAMPLE 
APPHDL : 0-1333 APPID: 
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, trace services, sqlt_logerr_data, probe:0 
MESSAGE : Removing FMP from pool 
DATA #1 : Hexdump, 16 bytes 

2011-01-10- I2040223A1335 LEVEL: Error 
PID : 7131362 TID : 1 PROC : db2agent (SAMPLE) 0 
INSTANCE: db2inst1 NODE : 000 DB : SAMPLE 
APPHDL : 0-1333 APPID: 
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, oper system services, sqlossig, probe:10 
MESSAGE : Sending SIGKILL to the following process id 
DATA #1 : signed integer, 4 bytes 

The SIGKILL can be safely ignored since it is returned when DB2 brings down the db2fmp.

The meaning of the stateFlags can be decoded via the chart provided in the technote belowAccumulation of db2fmp (Java) processes.

Scenario #8: Messages related to Java memory

Please see the technote db2fmp (Java) Memory Issues in the links below.

Scenario #9: Data Partitioned System

On systems using data partitioning, please ensure that the fenced userid exists on ALL partitions. Otherwise SQL1042C may be returned. Most of the DB2 table snapshot functions are implemented as non-SQL routines.

db2 "select count(*) from SYSIBMADM.TBSP_UTILIZATION" 
SQL1042C An unexpected system error occurred. SQLSTATE=58004

Scenario #10: SQL0952N Processing was cancelled due to an interrupt.

If the application calling the routine cancelled the call, -952 will be reported in the db2diag.log. The application may have canceled the routine because there was an error or it may have logic to terminate the routine call if no result is returned within a timeout. To investigate further check the application log and the application developer to determine what may have caused the application to cancel the call the to routine.

Other Aids

The db2diag command can be used to translate any hexadecimal messages such as 0xFFFFFB38 or ZRC=0x8136001C code into a meaningful SQLCODE.

db2diag -rc FFFFFB38

Input ECF string 'FFFFFB38' parsed as 0xFFFFFB38 (-1224).
ERROR: ../sqz/sqlzwhatisrc.C:
Input ZRC 0xFFFFFB38 (-1224) cannot be identified as a V7 or V6 ZRC value


Related information

Knowledge Collection: DB2 Stored Procedure and FMP iss
db2fmp (Java) performance issues
IZ08425: Enhancements for db2fmp
db2fmp (Java) memory issues
Accumulation of db2fmp (Java) processes
db2setup or db2fmp (Java) abnormally terminated on Powe



DB2 Setup log file started at: Thu Oct 13 16:53:26 2011 CDT


Operating system information: AIX 6.1

ERROR:The value provided for the FILE keyword is not valid. The location specified

"/opt/IBM/db2/V9.1" exists and is not empty. Specify a new or empty location.

DB2 Setup log file finished at: Thu Oct 13 16:53:26 2011 CDT



Installing DB2 in a non-default directory results in a "FILE keyword is not valid" error.


Error as seen in the installation.log file:

DB2 Setup log file started at: Tue Jun 16 08:13:26 2010 EDT              
Operating system information: AIX 5.3                                    
ERROR:The value provided for the FILE keyword is not valid. The location 
specified "/opt/db2V91" exists and is not empty. Specify a new or empty location.                                                                  
DB2 Setup log file finished at: Tue Jun 16 08:13:27 2010 EDT             

In this scenario the non-default installation directory being used is /opt/db2V91.


The specified directory is not empty. There may be files or possibly another directory within it.

Resolving the problem

Change directories (cd) to the non-default directory you want to install in. Verify that the directory is empty.

root@nuat01 /opt/db2V91> ls -latr 
total 8 
drwxrwxrwx 2 root system 256 Feb 1 07:40 lost+found 
drwxr-xr-x 6 bin bin 256 Feb 1 15:54 .. 
drwxrwxrwx 3 root system 4096 Feb 5 18:59 . 

In this example the directory is not actually empty. The lost+found directory is present. 


  1. Remove lost+found directory
  2. Install DB2
  3. Recreate lost+found directory



Error description

User affected: Users who use V8 client ->V8 Gateway ->DB2 server configuration.

Problem description:
In V8 client -> V8 GW -> server configuration, if the request from the client is big(greater than communication buffer size) and MONITOR is turned on on gateway, running "force application" command on gateway may cause gateway instance crash.
You can see similar messages in db2diag.log:
2005-06-08-   Instance:XXXXXX   Node:000
PID:76504(db2agentg (XXXXX ) 0)   TID:1
DRDA Application Server  sqljsTermAgentReply Probe:10
DIA5000C A DRDA AS token "AGENT TERMINATING" was detected.  The
diagnostic data
returned is (SRVDGN): "SQLERRP:SQLJCMN  SQLCODE:-30081".
PID:76504 TID:1 Node:000 Title: SQLCA
 sqlcaid : SQLCA     sqlcabc: 136   sqlcode: -30081   sqlerrml:
 sqlerrmc: 32 * 0 TCP/IP SOCKETS send
 sqlerrp : SQLJCMN ?
 sqlerrd : (1) 0x81360012      (2) 0x00000012      (3)
           (4) 0x00000000      (5) 0x00000000      (6)
 sqlwarn : (1)      (2)      (3)      (4)        (5)       (6)
          (7)      (8)      (9)      (10)        (11)
2005-06-08-   Instance:XXXXXX   Node:000
PID:76504(db2agentg (XXXXX ) 0)   TID:1
base sys utilities  sqleagnt_sigsegvh Probe:1
Error in agent servicing application with coor_node:
0x2FF19ECC : 0x0000                                     ..
Trap file looks like that:
0xD1F0E0A0 sqljcCompleteDss__FP10sqljCmnMgrl + 0x11C
0xD2CABCA0 sqljrDrdaArDisconnect__FP7UCintfc + 0x244
0xD2510640 sqleuUCagentDrdaArTermConnect__FP7UCintfc + 0x88
0xD250EB68 sqleUCagentConnectReset + 0x148
0xD1CC7DC0 sqljsCleanup__FP13sqle_agent_cbP11UCconHandle + 0x244
0xD1CC7608 sqljsDrdaAsInnerDriver__FP17sqlcc_init_structb + 0x2A0
0xD1CC7440 sqljsDrdaAsDriver__FP17sqlcc_init_struct + 0x134

Local fix

Connect directly to server.

Problem summary

User Affected:
Users who using DB2 gateway and monitor is turned on Problem Description:
If you run DB2 as a gateway, and monitor is turned on in the gateway, you may encounter DB2 crash if you issue "force applicaiton all" command in gateway server.
Problem Summary:
In V8 client -> V8 gateway -> server configuration, and monitor is turned on on the gateway. You may encounter DB2 instance cras h if you running "FORCE APPLICATION" command on the DB2 gateway server. The trap file looks like that:
0xD1F0E0A0 sqljcCompleteDss__FP10sqljCmnMgrl + 0x11C
0xD2CABCA0 sqljrDrdaArDisconnect__FP7UCintfc + 0x244
0xD2510640 sqleuUCagentDrdaArTermConnect__FP7UCintfc + 0x88
0xD250EB68 sqleUCagentConnectReset + 0x148
0xD1CC7DC0 sqljsCleanup__FP13sqle_agent_cbP11UCconHandle + 0x244
0xD1CC7608 sqljsDrdaAsInnerDriver__FP17sqlcc_init_structb + 0x2A0
0xD1CC7440 sqljsDrdaAsDriver__FP17sqlcc_init_struct + 0x134

Problem conclusion

Problem was first fixed in Version 8.1 FixPak 11(also known as Version 8.2 FixPak 4)(s060120)

Temporary fix

Connect to DB2 server directly, don't use DB2 gateway.

APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name


  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




  • Special Attention


  • Submitted date


  • Closed date


  • Last modified date




2011-10-11- E8925734A426       LEVEL: Error

PID     : 18152                TID  : 1           PROC : db2agent (******) 0

INSTANCE: ***                  NODE : 000         DB   : ******

APPHDL  : 0-2162               APPID: *LOCAL.***.111107141109

AUTHID  : ***

FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, net8 wrapper, Net8_Connection::xa_open, probe:450


DATA #1 : String, 16 bytes

xa_open() Failed






This document lists some SQL30081N TCP/IP communication protocol errors and recommended action plans associated with them.


The protocol error is dependent on the platform. Each protocol error has its own definition and corresponding action plan.


Problem Details
The SQL30081N error has the following format:

SQL30081N A communication error has been detected. Communication protocol being used:protocol . Communication API being used: interface . Location where the error was detected:location . Communication function detecting the error: function . Protocol specific error code(s): rc1, rc2 , rc3 . 

For example:
SQL30081N A communication error has been detected. Communication protocol
being used: "TCP/IP". Communication API being used: "SOCKETS". Location
where the error was detected: "". Communication function detecting the error: "connect".
Protocol specific error code(s): "111", "*", "*".

The following table lists protocol specific errors that can occur on different platform and their action plan to resolve the problem.

cf) db2diag.log (HP)

2011-10-11- E8945037A747       LEVEL: Error

PID     : 17111                TID  : 1           PROC : db2sysc

INSTANCE: ***                  NODE : 000         DB   : ******

FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, XA DTP Support, sqlxaConnect, probe:4666


DATA #1 : SQLCA, PD_DB2_TYPE_SQLCA, 136 bytes

 sqlcaid : SQLCA     sqlcabc: 136   sqlcode: -30081   sqlerrml: 45

 sqlerrmc: 239 * * TCP/IP SOCKETS connect

 sqlerrp : SQLJCMN

 sqlerrd : (1) 0x81360012      (2) 0x00000012      (3) 0x00000000

           (4) 0x00000000      (5) 0x00000000      (6) 0x00000000

 sqlwarn : (1)      (2)      (3)      (4)        (5)       (6)

           (7)      (8)      (9)      (10)        (11)


Windows​​AIX​​SUN​​HP​​Linux​​Short Name​​Action Plan​​
10061​​79​​146​​239​​111​​ECONNREFUSED ​​

Connection Refused​​

Client attempts to make connection to server using an invalid IP/port ​​

Check server side: ​​

DB2 environment variable DB2COMM is set: DB2COMM=TCPIP ​​

DBM CFG's SVCENAME is set to the instance's port number or service name. The command to update this parameter is: "db2 update dbm cfg using svcename <port/service name>" ​​

If service name is set, please check 'services' file see if the name corresponds to an unused port number ​​

Make sure db2 server instance is started properly ​​

Check client's side: ​​

Node directory's entry: ​​

Service name should show the right port number/service name corresponds to db2 server's instance port (svcename setting) ​​

To check if server's port is opened: ​​

telnet <hostname> <port> ​​

If fails then the port on server is not opened and the problem is outside of DB2 area. ​​

Additional technote on ECONNREFUSED:​​
​​http:​​/​​​​/​​www.ibm.com​​/​​support​​/​​docview.wss?rs​​=​​71​​&​​uid​​=​​swg21328644​​​​ ​​


Windows​​AIX​​SUN​​HP​​Linux​​Short Name​​Action Plan​​
10053​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​SOCECONNABORTED ​​

Software caused a connection abort. ​​


Software closed connection ​​

If error is reported on client application which uses ODBC/CLI to connect to DB2 UDB server. ​​

Please disable DB2's CLI timeout: ​​

Add 'QUERYTIMEOUTINTERVAL=0' on client's side's db2cli.ini file ​​

Check application if they have any timeout. ​​

e.g. ADO timeout, VB timeout ​​

If application connects to OS390 server, please check idlethreadtimeout parameter (IDTHTOIN) on OS390. ​​

This parameter sets the active thread timeout limit on OS390. ​​


Windows​​AIX​​SUN​​HP​​Linux​​Short Name​​Action Plan​​
10054​​73​​131​​232​​104​​ECONNRESET ​​

Connection has been reset by partner​​

Connected partner has closed the connection. ​​

Check any timeout limit on partner side. ​​

E.g. Firewall, Application, DB2 CLI layer and etc ​​

If error is reported on client application which uses ODBC/CLI to connect to DB2 UDB server. ​​

Please disable DB2's CLI timeout: ​​

Add 'QUERYTIMEOUTINTERVAL=0' on client's side's db2cli.ini file ​​

Check if there's any firewall between client and server. ​​

If it has any time limit on open connection ​​

Check application if they have any timeout. ​​

e.g. ADO timeout, VB timeout. ​​


This error can also be caused by the issue described in ​​technote_1395285​​
When a local database connection is catalogued using a different alias name than the database name, you might get error SQL30081 when you try to connect to that database using a TCPIP connection.​​
If you get that error when when you try to connect to a database, make sure that on the machine where that database resides the database is not catalogued using a different alias name than the database name.​​


Windows​​AIX​​SUN​​HP​​Linux​​Short Name​​Action Plan​​
10060​​78​​145​​238​​110​​ETIMEDOUT ​​

Connection timeout​​

Connection has reached the network timeout limit and is terminated by network ​​

Timeout by tcpip layer ​​

TCPIP has their own timeout value, if the open connection stayed too long, tcpip will force the connection off. ​​

Usually this is network issue ​​

Check TCPIP's KEEPALIVE setting ​​

see note1 ​​


Windows​​AIX​​SUN​​HP​​Linux​​Short Name​​Action Plan​​
10048​​67​​125​​226​​98​​EADDRINUSE ​​

The specified address already in use​​

A: 2 instances are starting on the same machine listening on the same port (usually would trap on db2start) ​​

B: A client application or agent is making an outgoing connection attempt and is using a socket that is already being used by another connection to the database or is in the wait state (2MSL state). ​​

Usually only happen to Windows client: ​​

This is a Microsoft error. Winsock has given a port that is already in use (winsock defect) or is closed but still waiting in the wait state. ​​

Workaround for Windows: ​​

1. Adjust the time that a socket sits in wait state after being closed (default is 2 minutes) ​​

TcpTimedWaitDelay​​ ​​

see Note 3 ​​

2. Adjust the number of ports available (default is 5000) ​​

MaxUserPort​​ ​​

see Note 4 ​​

3. ​​Adjust the use of connect / disconnect so that it doesn't cycle so rapidly in the program (best solution).​​ 10048 is most often caused by rapid connection / disconnection logic in the application, which puts too many ports in the time_wait state (2MSL). Re-using the connection handle when an application is issuing multiple statements is the best way of handling this (don't disconnect then reconnect every time a statement completes) ​​

4. ​​Implement client side connection pooling so that the application logic internally doesn't have to change. ​​Make sure the pool is large enough to handle 80% of the connections. Make sure the pool has some form of re-connect logic in the case of a disconnect while idle. ​​


Windows​​AIX​​SUN​​HP​​Linux​​Short Name​​Action Plan​​
10055​​74​​132​​233​​105​​ENOBUFS ​​

No buffer space available​​

System running out of resource to complete the TCPIP call ​​

For Windows: ​​

The problem is caused by running out of Windows desktop heap or system page table entries. It is not DB2 related ​​

Increase the Windows SystemPages registry entry. ​​


Windows​​Short Name​​Action Plan​​
10065​​WSAEHOSTUNREACH​​No route to host​​
For Windows client, Linux server:​​
Unset firewall on Linux server to allow connections to go through from clients.​​
Note 1: From DB2 manual explained more what KEEPALIVE does and how we use it.

DB2 uses TCP/IP's connection KEEPALIVE option to detect if there is a connection failure. This option transmits a message periodically to determine if the partner is still alive. If the partner fails to respond to this message, the connection is considered to be broken, and an error is returned.

Note 2:

KEEPALIVE settings affect all TCP/IP applications running on the machine.

For Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT:

Use the KeepAliveTime TCP/IP configuration parameter in the registry. The KEEPALIVE parameter may be created if it does not exist under the Parameters registry subkey. Add this parameter to:


The default value is two hours.

For OS/2:

Use the inetcfg command. (For OS/2 TCP/IP Version 2.0, you must apply the fix CSD UN64092 to use this command.)

For AIX:

Change the values of the network options tcp_keepidle and tcp_keepintvl with the no command (for details, type man no). The default value is two hours.

For HP-UX systems:

Change the values of the network options tcp_keepstart and tcp_keepfreq with the nettunecommand (for details, type man nettune).

For Solaris systems:

Change the value of the network option tcp_keepalive_interval with the following command:

ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_keepalive_interval value

(For details, type man ndd.)

For other platforms:

See your TCP/IP documentation for details on configuring the KEEPALIVE setting. If it is not supported by the TCP/IP stack, then it is not used by DB2.

Note 3:

This parameter determines the length of time that a connection stays in the TIME_WAIT state when being closed. While a connection is in the TIME_WAIT state, the socket pair cannot be reused. This is also known as the 2MSL state because the value should be twice the maximum segment lifetime on the network. See RFC 793 for further details.

Note 4:

This parameter controls the maximum port number used when an application requests any available user port from the system. Normally, short-lived ports are allocated in the range from 1024 through 5000. Setting this parameter to a value outside of the valid range causes the nearest valid value to be used (5000 or 65534).

Note 5:

For other TCPIP messages.




EINVAL (22) "Invalid argument" LEVEL: Error (OS) error is returned when you pipe the output of a DB2 command to the head operating system command (for example, "db2 list tablespaces show detail | head -81").


We've added a problem diagnose purpose code in sqlowqueInternal function on DB2 UDB Version 9.

When a command such as "db2 list tablespaces show detail | head -81" or "db2 select * from employee | head -10" is run, DB2® Version 9 logs the following message in the db2diag.log file:

2007-03-06- E10282A659         LEVEL: Error (OS)
PID     : 9883690              TID  : 1           PROC : db2bp
INSTANCE: hidehy               NODE : 000
APPID   : *LOCAL.hidehy.070307041048
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, oper system services, sqlowqueInternal, probe:40
MESSAGE : ZRC=0x870F003E=-2029060034=SQLO_QUE_BAD_HANDLE "Bad Queue Handle"
          DIA8555C An invalid message queue handle was encountered.
CALLED  : OS, -, write
OSERR   : EINVAL (22) "Invalid argument"
DATA #1 : system V message queue identifier., PD_TYPE_SYSV_QUEUE_ID, 4 bytes
DATA #2 : Pointer, 8 bytes
DATA #3 : unsigned integer, 8 bytes

When a command such as db2 "select * from tab1" | more is run (tab1 has a lot of records such as 700000) then run Control + C on HP, will show the message too.
(The same scenario above does not reproduce in Solaris)

This error may occur in any scripting language that does not use direct connection to the DB2 instance but instead spawns a subshell to handle the DB2 connection (e.g. shell, C using "system", Perl using "open", "system" or "``", etc.).


The logging of this message is expected. There is no option to remove the logging of this message. The message can be ignored.

If you pipe the DB2 command output to the less or tail commands, the message will not be written.

If you pipe the output to awk first then pipe to head or others, the message will not be written.


$db2 select * from employee | awk '{print $0}' | head -10

$db2 list tablespaces show detail | awk '{print $0}' | head -8

If you use Perl and a sleep(), the message will not be written.

open(DB2QUERY,"db2 -tf $querysql |") || die "Failed to get data from DB2, $!";
while (<DB2QUERY>)
. . .
while (!eof(DBQUERY)){};





Message "Fenced server is not null but not connected, Cleanup failed for server" in db2diag.log


You see a message similar to the following in db2diag.log:

2008-08-11- I584734A1271 LEVEL: Error
PID : 581690 TID : 16022 PROC : db2sysc
INSTANCE: my_inst NODE : 000 DB : MYDB
EDUID : 16022 EDUNAME: db2agent (MYDB) 0
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, Query Gateway, sqlqgRouter_conn_lost_cleanup, probe:25
DATA #1 : <preformatted>
Message: Fenced server is not null but not connected,
Cleanup failed for server: MYSERVER

[0] 0x090000000F632524 sqlqgRouter_conn_lost_cleanup__FP12FencedServer + 0x104
[1] 0x090000000F62DE88 sqlqgRouter__FP17sqlqg_FMP_RequestPP15sqlqg_FMP_ReplyP10sqlri_ufob + 0x348
[2] 0x090000000F633070 sqlqg_fedstp_hook + 0x1B0
[3] 0x090000000AF8988C sqlqgDyload__FP10sqlri_ufob + 0x23C
[4] 0x090000000AF68F34 sqlriFedInvokerTrusted__FP10sqlri_ufobP21sqlriRoutineErrorIntf + 0x1A8
[5] 0x090000000AF68554 sqlriFedInvokeInvoker__FP10sqlri_ufobP14sqlqg_Fmp_Info + 0xE4
[6] 0x0900000009CBA7B0 sqlqg_Call_FMP_Thread__FP17sqlqg_FMP_RequestPP15sqlqg_FMP_Reply + 0x458
[7] 0x090000000B248EE8 sqlqgFedStart__FP14UnfencedServerc + 0x80C
[8] 0x0900000009CC30B0 sqlqgPassthruPrepare__FP15sqlri_rpassthru + 0x2BC
[9] 0x090000000991B5E8 sqlrj_passthru_prepare__FP8sqlrr_cbP11sqlrrstringP14sqlrr_cmpl_envPi + 0x48


This message can usually be ignored. It can be a side effect of any of the following conditions:

(1) An earlier error occurred that caused Federation Server to lose the connection to a data source. In this case, there will be an earlier error entry in db2diag.log or an earlier error message resulting from an SQL statement that tried to access the data source. A common error message in this case is SQL30081N (SQLCODE -30081).

(2) You have the data source server status health indicator or the nickname status health indicator turned on and Federation Server cannot access the data source. You can determine whether the data source status health indicator or the nickname status health indicator is on by issuing the following commands from the DB2 command line processor (CLP):

GET ALERT CFG FOR DATABASES USING db.fed_servers_op_status;
GET ALERT CFG FOR DATABASES USING db.fed_nicknames_op_status;

(3) Federation Server Version 9.5 or later: You have database configuration parameterauto_runstats turned on for nicknames and Federation Server cannot access the data source, or there is no user mapping from the instance owner to the data source. You can determine whether auto_runstats is on by issuing the following command from the DB2 command line processor and looking at the setting of auto_runstats:

GET DB CFG FOR dbname;

By default, the database configuration parameter auto_runstats is on for nicknames unless there is an auto_runstats maintenance policy that excludes nicknames (for example, specifies TYPE<>'N').

Diagnosing the problem

See the list of causes shown above.

Resolving the problem

This message can usually be ignored. 

If the cause is an earlier error that caused Federation Server to lose the connection to a data source (cause 1 listed above), then resolve the problem that caused Federation Server to lose the connection.

If the cause is a data source server status health indicator or a nickname status health indicator (cause 2 listed above), then resolve the problem that prevents Federation Server from accessing the data source, or turn off the health indicators. To turn off the health indicators, issue the following commands from the DB2 command line processor:


Federation Server Version 9.5 or later: If the cause is auto_runstats being on (cause 3 listed above), then do one of the following, listed in order of preference:

    UPDATE DB CFG FOR dbname USING auto_runstats OFF;

    Note that this turns off auto_runstats for all tables and nicknames, including local tables. DB2 will no longer maintain table or nickname statistics automatically, which can result in performance degradation.







1. 파티션된 테이블에 대해 DETACH를 수행하면 테이블이 분리된 형태로 보인다.

2. 파티션된 테이블에 파티션되지 않은(Global) 인덱스가 포함되어 있는 경우, 비동기 인덱스 정리 프로세스가 백그라운드로 실행된다.

프로세스는 LIST APPLICATIONS에서 확인할 수 있다.

참조) http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/db2luw/v9/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.ibm.db2.udb.admin.doc%2Fdoc%2Fc0021597.htm

In most cases, one cleaner is started for each non-partitioned index associated with the partitioned table. An internal task distribution daemon is responsible for distributing the AIC tasks to the appropriate database partitions and assigning database agents.

Both the distribution daemon and cleaner agents are internal, system applications. They appear in the LIST APPLICATION output with the application name db2taskd and db2aic, respectively. To prevent accidental disruption, system applications cannot be forced. The distribution daemon remains online as long as the database is active. The cleaners remain activate until the cleaning is complete. If the database deactivates while cleaning is in progress, AIC resumes when the database reactivates.

3. 비동기 인덱스 정리작업에 대한 모니터링은 LIST UTILITIES (SHOW DETAIL)로 확인할 수 있다.


$ db2 list utilities show detail
ID                               = 2
Type                             = ASYNCHRONOUS INDEX CLEANUP
Database Name                    = WSDB
Partition Number                 = 0
Description                      = Table: USER1.SALES, Index: USER1.I2
Start Time                       = 12/15/2005 11:15:01.967939
State                            = Executing
Invocation Type                  = Automatic
   Priority                      = 50
Progress Monitoring:
      Total Work                 = 5 pages
      Completed Work             = 0 pages
      Start Time                 = 12/15/2005 11:15:01.979033
ID                               = 1
Type                             = ASYNCHRONOUS INDEX CLEANUP
Database Name                    = WSDB
Partition Number                 = 0
Description                      = Table: USER1.SALES, Index: USER1.I1
Start Time                       = 12/15/2005 11:15:01.978554
State                            = Executing
Invocation Type                  = Automatic
   Priority                      = 50
Progress Monitoring:
      Total Work                 = 5 pages
      Completed Work             = 0 pages
      Start Time                 = 12/15/2005 11:15:01.980524


1. DB2 Server 설치

시작하기 전에

DB2 데이터베이스 제품 및 기능 또는 DB2 정보 센터를 설치하려면 다음 조건을 충족해야 합니다.

  • 루트 사용자 권한이 있어야 합니다.
  • 설치하려는 특정 DB2 데이터베이스 제품의 설치 문서를 참조해야 합니다. 예를 들어, DB2 Enterprise Server Edition을 설치하려면, DB2 Server용 빠른 시작 문서를 참조하여 설치 요구사항 및 기타 중요한 설치 정보를 검토하십시오.

db2_install 명령을 사용하여 DB2 데이터베이스 제품 또는 기능을 설치하거나, doce_install 명령을 사용하여 DB2 정보 센터를 설치하려면 다음을 수행하십시오.

  1. 루트 사용자 권한이 있는 사용자로 로그인합니다.
  2. 해당 CD를 넣고 마운트하거나 설치 이미지가 저장된 파일 시스템에 액세스합니다.
  3. DB2 데이터베이스 제품 이미지를 다운로드한 경우, 제품 파일의 압축을 풀고 tar 압축을 풀어야 합니다.
  4. ./db2_install 또는 ./doce_install 명령을 입력합니다.

db2_install -b DB2DIR -p productShortName -c CDLocation... -L language... -n 
  • DB2DIR은 DB2 데이터베이스 제품을 설치할 경로를 지정합니다. 경로 길이는 128자로 제한되며 전체 경로 이름이어야 합니다. 경로를 지정하지 않으면, 디폴트 경로를 선택하거나 경로를 제공하라는 메시지가 프롬프트됩니다. 디폴트 설치 경로는 다음과 같습니다.
    • /opt/IBM/db2/V9.1(AIX®, HP-UX 또는 Solaris)
    • /opt/ibm/db2/V9.1(Linux)
    주: DB2 데이터베이스 제품 및 구성요소를 함께 사용하려면 하나의 경로에 설치해야 합니다. 여러 경로에 DB2 데이터베이스 제품을 설치하기 위한 기능과는 다릅니다. 제품 및 구성요소를 함께 사용하려면 동일한 경로에 설치해야 하며 동일한 릴리스 레벨이어야 합니다.
  • productShortName은 설치할 DB2 데이터베이스 제품을 지정합니다. 이 매개변수는 대소문자를 구분하며 -n 매개변수가 지정된 경우 필수적으로 사용해야 합니다. 제품의 단축 이름(productShortName)은 미디어의 db2/plat서브디렉토리에 있는 ComponentList.htm 파일(제품 전체 이름 아래)에 있습니다. 이때 plat은 설치하는 플랫폼의 이름입니다. 한 번에 제품 하나만 설치할 수 있습니다.
  • CDLocation은 제품 이미지 위치를 지정합니다. 이미지 위치를 여러 개 표시하려면 -c CD1 -c CD2 매개변수를 여러 번 지정하십시오. 이 매개변수는 -n 매개변수가 지정되고, 설치에 두 개 이상의 CD가 필요하며 이미지가 자동 발견용으로 설정되지 않은 경우에만 필수입니다. 그렇지 않은 경우, 필요 시 다음 CD 위치를 입력하라는 프롬프트가 표시됩니다. 다중 설치 이미지와 관련된 자동 발견에 대한 자세한 정보를 보려면 다중 CD 설치(Linux 및 UNIX)를 참조하십시오.
  • language는 자국어 지원(NLS)을 지정합니다. 영어가 아닌 버전의 DB2 데이터베이스 제품을 설치할 수 있습니다. 그러나 자국어 팩 CD가 아니라 제품 CD에서 이 명령을 실행해야 합니다.

    디폴트로 영어가 설치되므로 영어는 지정할 필요가 없습니다. 둘 이상의 언어가 필요한 경우 이 매개변수는 필수입니다. 여러 언어를 표시하려면, 이 매개변수를 여러 번 지정하십시오. 예를 들어, 프랑스어와 독일어를 모두 설치하려면 -L FR -L DE를 지정하십시오.

  • -n 매개변수는 비대화형 설치 모드를 나타냅니다. 이 매개변수를 지정할 때 -b와 -p를 모두 지정해야 합니다. 가능한 경우 -c와 -L만 지정하면 됩니다.

2. 사용자 및 그룹 생성

그룹 작성

mkgroup id=999 db2iadm1

mkgroup id=998 db2fadm1

mkgroup id=997 dasadm1

각 그룹에 대한 사용자 작성

mkuser id=1004 pgrp=db2iadm1 groups=db2iadm1 home=/home/db2inst1 db2inst1 

mkuser id=1003 pgrp=db2fadm1 groups=db2fadm1 home=/home/db2fenc1 db2fenc1 

mkuser id=1002 pgrp=dasadm1 groups=dasadm1 home=/home/dasusr1 dasusr1

3. DB2 Admin Server 작성

DB2DIR/instance/dascrt -u DASuser

  • DB2DIR은 DB2 데이터베이스 제품이 설치된 경로를 지정합니다. 디폴트 설치 디렉토리는 다음과 같습니다.
    • /opt/IBM/db2/V9.1(AIX®, HP-UX 또는 Solaris)
    • /opt/ibm/db2/V9.1(Linux®)
  • -u는 사용자 또는 그룹을 작성할 때 작성된 DAS 사용자를 지정합니다.

4. 인스턴스 작성

DB2DIR/instance/db2icrt -a AuthType -u FencedID InstName

DB2 설치 디렉토리입니다.
  • AIX®, HP-UX 또는 Solaris 운영 환경에서 디폴트 DB2 설치 디렉토리는 /opt/IBM/db2/V9.1입니다.
  • Linux에서 디폴트 설치 디렉토리는 /opt/ibm/db2/V9.1입니다.
-a AuthType
인스턴스의 인증 유형을 나타냅니다. 이 매개변수는 선택적입니다.
-u FencedID
분리(fenced) 사용자 정의 함수(UDF)와 분리 저장 프로시저가 실행되는 사용자의 이름입니다. DB2 Client에서 인스턴스를 작성하는 경우 이 플래그는 필요하지 않습니다. 작성한 분리 사용자의 이름을 지정하십시오.
인스턴스의 이름을 나타냅니다. 인스턴스의 이름은 인스턴스 소유 사용자의 이름과 동일해야 합니다. 작성한 인스턴스 소유 사용자의 이름을 지정하십시오. 인스턴스는 인스턴스 소유 사용자의 홈 디렉토리에 작성됩니다.

5. 라이센스 적용

INSTHOME/sqllib/adm/db2licm -a filename

INSTHOME은 인스턴스 소유자의 홈 디렉토리를 나타내며, filename은 구매한 제품 또는 기능에 해당하는 라이센스 파일의 전체 경로 이름 및 파일 이름입니다. DB2 데이터베이스 제품이 설치된 경로에서 db2licm 명령도 찾을 수 있습니다. 예를 들어, 디폴트 설치 경로를 사용하는 경우, AIX®, HP-UX 또는 Solaris 운영 체제에서는 /opt/IBM/db2/V9.1/adm/db2licm이고 Linux 운영 체제에서는 /opt/ibm/db2/V9.1/adm/db2licm입니다.

6. Fix Pack 설치

Fix Pack을 설치하려면 다음을 수행하십시오.
  1. root로 로그온하십시오.
  2. Fix Pack 이미지가 있는 디렉토리로 이동하십시오.
  3. installFixPack 명령을 발행하여 설치를 실행하십시오. 예를 들어, 다음과 같습니다.

./installFixPack -b DB2DIR

DB2DIR은 갱신하려는 DB2 제품이 있는 위치입니다.

7. 인스턴스 갱신

새 DB2 레벨을 사용하도록 인스턴스를 갱신하십시오.

수정팩이 설치된 후 DB2 사본의 모든 기존 인스턴스를 갱신해야 합니다. 디폴트로, installFixPack명령이 자동으로 DB2 인스턴스를 갱신합니다. 하지만, 오류가 발생하면 인스턴스를 수동으로 갱신할 수 있습니다.

다음 단계를 수행하십시오.

  1. 루트로 로그온하십시오.
  2. 다음 명령을 발행하여 DB2 사본과 연관된 인스턴스를 판별하십시오.
    여기서, DB2DIR은 DB2 사본이 설치된 위치를 나타냅니다.
  3. db2profile 또는 db2cshrc 스크립트를 변경한 경우, 스크립트를 백업하거나 변경을 각각userprofile 및 usercshrc 스크립트로 복사하십시오.

    db2iupdt 명령이 db2profile 및 db2cshrc 스크립트를 겹쳐쓰기 때문에 이 조치는 필수입니다. userprofile 및 usercshrc 스크립트를 겹쳐쓰지는 않습니다.

  4. 각 인스턴스에 대해 다음 명령을 발행하십시오.
    DB2DIR/instance/db2iupdt iname
    여기서, iname은 인스턴스 이름이고, DB2DIR은 DB2 사본이 설치된 위치를 나타냅니다.
  5. DB2 Administration Server(DAS)가 수정팩을 설치한 DB2 사본에 속하는 경우, 다음 명령을 발행하십시오.
    여기서, DB2DIR은 DB2 사본이 설치된 위치입니다. 이제, 이 DB2 사본이 다른 모든 DB2 사본보다 더 최신 수정팩 레벨에서 실행되는 경우, DAS를 갱신하여 이 DB2 사본에 포함되도록 하십시오.




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