______________________________________________________________________________ _______ DART _______ D a t a b a s e A n a l y s i s a n d R e p o r t i n g T o o l IBM DB2 6000 ______________________________________________________________________________ DART (V9.1) Report: 2013-05-29- Database Name: BID Report name: BID.RPT Old report back-up: BID.BAK Database Subdirectory: /db2/BID/db2bid/NODE0000/SQL00001 Operational Mode: Database Inspection only (INSPECT) ______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Action option: LHWM Tablespace-ID: 32; Desired Highwater Mark (Number-pages): 0 Connecting to Buffer Pool Services... Highwater mark processing - phase start. NOTES: All highwater mark values and/or object sizes listed below are given in extents and not pages (unless explicitly stated). The object ID and object type are shown for each extent listed. Extents marked with an asterisk (*) hold the first page of an object and these extents can only be moved by dropping and recreating that object. Extents marked as belonging to objects with ID equal to 65534 or 65535 are SMP extents or object table extents and they are not movable. After following a step and before continuing on to the next one, disconnect and reconnect to the database. Highwater Mark: 6843804 pages, 3421902 extents (extents #0 - 3421901) Lower highwater mark processing - phase start. Current highwater mark: 3421901 Desired highwater mark: 0 Number of used extents in tablespace: 1434060 Number of free extents below original HWM: 1987842 Number of free extents below desired HWM: 0 Number of free extents below current HWM: 1987842 Final highwater mark: Extent #3389568 (3389569 extents, 6779138 pages). ** This cannot be lowered further as it holds an SMP extent which is not movable. Lower highwater mark processing - phase end. Highwater mark processing - phase end. ______________________________________ The requested DB2DART processing has completed successfully! All operation completed without error; no problems were detected in the database. ______________________________________ Complete DB2DART report found in: /db2/BID/db2dump/DART0000/BID.RPT _______ D A R T P R O C E S S I N G C O M P L E T E _______ |