

I found some indexes marked invalid after rollforward, or a HADR standby database become switched to primary.
Why the indexes are marked as invalid, and how I can recover the invalid indexes.


Db2 does not write index build or rebuild log records by default, rather Db2 marks the index as invalid so that recovery task can trigger to rebuild the index.


"Index rebuilding" means index creation, index reorg, classic table reorg, and rebuilding index in this article.
Indexes can be marked as invalid when:
  • Index rebuilding is not logged ( LOGINDEXBUILD=NO), then index rebuilding replayed.
  • Index rebuilding is logged ( LOGINDEXBUILD=YES), then index rebuilding replayed but INDEXREC is set as ACCESS_NO_REDO or RESTART_NO_REDO.
  • Failed offline reorg, or such failed offline reorg is replayed.
  • db2dart runs with /MI option.

Indexes can be rebuilt when:
  • There are one or more indexes marked invalid when a database restarts. i,e. Run RESTART DB with INDEXREC=RESTART
  • Someone access an index marked as invalid.
  • Run classic REORG TABLE command
  • Run CREATE INDEX statement
  • Run LOAD command, and it uses REBUILD option as INDEXING MODE
  • Run IMPORT or LOAD command with REPLACE option
  • Run TRAUNCATE TABLE statement

We can list all the indexes marked as invalid by the following query:
db2 "select tabschema, tabname, indname, datapartitionid, index_partitioning from table(sysproc.admin_get_index_info('','','')) as t where index_requires_rebuild='Y'"

We can recover the indexes marked as invalid by ether of the following ways.
a) Run RESTART DATABASE command (in case db cfg INDEXREC is set as RESTART)
The restart database command rebuild all the indexes set as INDEX_REQUIRES_REBUILD=Y
db2 restart database <database_name>
b) Run reorg indexes
db2 reorg indexes all on table <table_name> allow no access

You can set LOGINDEXBUILD as YES to prevent indexes to be marked as invalid.
So, this setting is highly recommended in HADR databases.
db2 connect to <database_name>
db2 update db cfg using LOGINDEXBUILD YES




[Db2] The causes to mark index invalid, and how to recover the indexes.

[Db2] The causes to mark index invalid, and how to recover the indexes.





I want to prevent SQL0964C  "The transaction log for the database is full" error.
How can I monitor applications that remain uncommitted for a long time or consume huge amount of transaction log space?



The combination of MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK and MON_GET_CONNECTION table functions can be used to achieve such purpose.

  1. Create a file (mon_transactions.sql) containing following SQL:
    table(mon_get_connection(cast(null as bigint), -1)) as con,
    table(mon_get_unit_of_work(null, -1)) as uow
    con.application_handle = uow.application_handle and
    uow.uow_log_space_used != 0
    ORDER BY uow.uow_start_time ;
  2. Connect to the database that you want to monitor using user ID that has DBADM authority.
    db2 connect to [database]
  3. Execute the monitoring SQL created in Step 1. 
    db2 -tvf mon_transactions.sql

[example output]

------------------ ------------------------------ ---------------- ----------  -------------------------- ------------------
             20136 db2bp                 10648  2018-12-25-              15593
             20201 *LOCAL.db2inst1.181214145300   db2bp                  8948  2018-12-25-              15436
2 record(s) selected.



The application with a very old UOW_START_TIME could cause SQL0964C error. If the UOW_LOG_SPACE_USED keeps increasing for a particular application, that application may also cause a log full situation.

Additional tips

"mon_req_metrics" database configuration parameter needs to be set as BASE (default) or EXTENDED in order to collect the metrics using the monitoring SQL. You can confirm the current value of database configuration parameters with the following command.

db2 get db cfg for [database]




안녕하세요. 회사 업무로 원격지에 있는 DB서버의 SEQUENCE값을 가져오는 방법에 대해 조사해보았습니다.

직접 쿼리로 수행하는 것보다는 VIEW를 사용하는 방법을 먼저 시도해보았는데요.

아래와 같이 8319 오류가 발생했습니다.


View에서 직접 Sequence를 참조할 때 발생하는 오류

8319 오류메시지를 finderr 명령으로 살펴보면 VIEW 정의에서는 CURRVAL 또는 NEXTVAL 키워드를 사용할 수 없다고 나와있습니다.


Db2와 Oracle에서도 동일한 제약사항이 있었습니다. 어쨌든 이런 현상을 우회하기 위해 사용자 정의 함수를 생성하고 해당 함수를 호출하는 VIEW를 생성해보았습니다. VIEW가 잘 생성되고 조회도 아래와 같이 잘 수행되었습니다.


RDBMS의 ANSI 표준인지 명확히 어떤 이유로 직접 VIEW 정의에서 사용할 수 없는지는 모르겠습니다.

이유를 알게 되면 업데이트하겠습니다.


참조 : https://www.jamescoyle.net/how-to/2872-oracle-ora-02287-sequence-number-not-allowed-here


Oracle ORA-02287: sequence number not allowed here | JamesCoyle.net Limited

I've recently hit an issue when trying to include a sequence.nextval in an Oracle database view. the database throws the following error: ORA-02287: sequence number not allowed here I can see why



DB2 LUW 11버전이 출시되고, 업데이트가 이뤄지면서 이전과는 버전을 표기하는 방식이 바뀌었습니다.

아래 표와 링크에서 버전에서 나타내는 각 요소별 의미를 확인해보시기 바랍니다.


Element Example  Description
V - Version Number11.1.2.3
  • Indicates a separate IBM licensed program that usually has significant new code or capability
  • Contains major feature changes
  • Starts a new 5 year maintenance clock
  • Downloads found on Passport Advantage
R - Release Number11.1.2.3
  • Minor but significant feature change release
  • Starts a new 5 year maintenance clock
  • Downloads found on Passport Advantage
M - Modification Number11.1.2.3
  • Product refresh also referred to as a Mod Pack
  • Can include new functionality
  • Does not start a new maintenance clock
  • Downloads found on Fix Central
F - Fix Number11.1.2.3
  • Cumulative update of all available fixes and APARs
  • Does not start a new maintenance clock
  • Downloads found on Fix Central
iFix - Interim Fix11.1.2.3 iFix001
  • Tested and verified set of small number of key fixes and APARs, available to all
  • Subsequent iFixes are cumulative
  • Downloads found on Fix Central
  • Supported for the maintenance life of the Version.Release


출처 : https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/community/blogs/IMSupport/entry/All_about_ifixes_interim_fixes?lang=en


오라클 호환모드가 설정되어 있는 데이터베이스에서 트리거 생성시 오류가 발생하는 케이스에 대해 소개합니다.

DB2 인스턴스 계정에서 db2set 명령으로 오라클 호환모드 설정내역을 확인합니다.

$ db2set -all






[i] DB2DBDFT=hansdb



$ db2 "create table test (aa int, id char(20))"
DB20000I  The SQL command completed successfully.
$ db2 "create table test_his (aa int, id char(20))"
DB20000I  The SQL command completed successfully.

아래는 트리거 내용입니다.

$ cat create_trigger.sql
             INSERT INTO TEST_HIS (aa,id) VALUES (N.aa, N.id);

트리거를 생성하려고 하면 아래와 같이 SQL0206N 오류가 발생합니다.

$ db2 -td! -f create_trigger.sql
DB21034E  The command was processed as an SQL statement because it was not a
valid Command Line Processor command.  During SQL processing it returned:
SQL0206N  "N.AA" is not valid in the context where it is used.  LINE NUMBER=5.

오류 원인은 오라클 호환모드로 인한 것으로, 오라클 호환모드에서 위와 같이 TRIGGER 생성 구문을 사용하면 우선적으로 오라클 스타일로 해석되는 것 같습니다.
따라서 DB2 스타일로 인식되도록 FOR EACH ROW를 FOR EACH ROW MODE DB2SQL 로 바꿔줍니다.

             INSERT INTO TEST_HIS VALUES (N.aa, N.id);--



DB2에는 복구 히스토리 파일(db2rhist.asc)이 있는데 주로 테이블스페이스 생성, 삭제, 로그 아카이빙 등과 같은 유틸리티성 작업이 기록된다. 이 파일이 일정 크기 이상으로 커지면 Commit이 완료되는데 오래 걸리는 현상이 발생한다. 

아래 포스트를 보면 DPF환경에서 히스토리 파일이 약 240MB인 경우에 트랜잭션 행(hang)현상이 발생했다고 한다.

The history file in DB2 is a critical file that is usually overlooked.

Earlier this week I work with a customer that had been experiencing hangs on certain partitions (Yes this is DPF) daily since upgrading to a later fixpack, and intermittently on the earlier fixpack.

We found that DB2 was stuck in uninteruptable kernel code. As this was Linux, the usual tools to get a kernel trace were not available. Looking at the db2support provided by the customer, I saw that the db2rhist.asc (aka history file) was > 240MB.

The customer was advised to prune the history file, so that it only contained 1o days of history. This resulted in the db2rhist.asc only being 8 MB (which is still reasonable big). Since the pruning of the history file no further hangs have been experienced to date.

There are numerous cases where a large history file causes a slow down and even hang like symptoms. In a majority of cases where there is high load activity the history file can grow quickly and there are DB2 internal options so that Loads are not logged in the history file - see DB2 support for details.

It is good practice to keep the history file as small as possible.

좀 심한 경우에는 600MB까지 늘어난 경우도 있다.

Dear all,
I wrote some weeks ago about a problem with all the committing transactions blocked for many seconds in a Commit Active state. Well, finally I solved it and I just would like to share this information.

 As I suspected there was a lock. I suspected log writing due to thecommit active state and I was right. Using truss on the db2loggw process I found that when the db2 was blocked it was waiting on a Unix semaphore. I didn't find a way to find on AIX a command that gives you the pid of the semaphore locking process (you have the last operation process pid, that was the db2loggw itself). This semaphore lock appear just after a statx on
the db2rhist.asc file, so I tried to understand what was happening with that file.

Oh well, the file was pretty big: 600MB. I suspected the db2logmgr and infact it was accessing the file during the lock. once again, truss helped me. It was reading/seeking into the file... when it finished it did a semop on the same semaphore (an unlock obviously) and the db2loggw started to write again and everything was unblocked and working correctly.

I removed the db2rhist.asc and the db2rhist.bak and reduced the REC_HIS_RETENTN variable to 7 days (we keep backup for less than a week) while the default is 366...

Anyway I have some questions for any DB2 folk around here. First of all anything happened just when there was an asnapply or asncap committing transaction on the database (the replication processes). Second is that I do not understand while the db2logmgr must read so many data from the db2rhist.asc: is it responsible of the history rotation process or whatever?

Thanks a lot to everybody and bye.

Matteo Gelosa
I.NET S.p.A.

어쩄든 History FIle 에 액세스하는 동안 Commit이 느려진다는 점은 IBM문서에서 나와있으나, 어느정도 크기 이상이 되었을 때 성능에 문제가 있다던지 하는 기준은 없다. 가능하면 작게 유지하는 것이 좋다는 게 공식적인 입장이다.

다만 최근에 출시된 10.1 버전 Fixpack 2 부터는 History FIle이 커져도 성능에 영향을 주지 않도록 변경된 것으로 보인다.









A very large db2rhist.asc file can cause performance degradation to DML that modifies tables.


Poor performance during inserts, updates and deletes. The application snapshots will show applications in COMMIT-ACTIVE longer than it should


During a log archive, DB2 writes to the db2rhist.asc file. As the file gets larger, the writes takes longer than usual. During this time any inserts, updates and deletes attempting to COMMIT during a log switch have to wait for the db2rhist.asc update to complete. This can momentarily 'freeze' the system for a few seconds.

This problem usually affects customers who use flash copy to backup the database. As DB2 backup is not invoked directly, the db2rhist.asc does not get pruned despite the RETENTION setting.

Diagnosing the problem

Disable HADR for isolation, as it may cause COMMIT-ACTIVE as well


Resolving the problem

Reduce the size of the db2rhist.asc via the prune force command periodically



Test scenario:
CREATE TABLE aaa.test( x integer not null, y integer not null, z integer not null )
DB20000I  The SQL command completed successfully.

alter table aaa.test pctfree 10 (테이블은 alter 작업필요)
DB20000I  The SQL command completed successfully.
create index aaa.ind on aaa.test(x,z) pctfree 40 (인덱스는 생성시 지정가능함)
DB20000I  The SQL command completed successfully.
select pctfree from syscat.indexes where indschema='AAA' and indname='IND'
-------                      <<<<<<<<<<
  1 record(s) selected.
insert into aaa.test with tmp(x,y,z) as ( values (1,1,1) union all select x+1, y+1, z+1 from tmp where x < 100 ) select * from tmp
DB20000I  The SQL command completed successfully.
runstats on table aaa.test with distribution and detailed indexes all
DB20000I  The RUNSTATS command completed successfully.
select pctfree from syscat.tables where tabschema='aaa' and tabname='TEST'
     10                      <<<<<<<<<<<<<
  1 record(s) selected.



By specifying the CURSOR file type when using the LOAD command, you can load the results of an SQL query directly into a target table without creating an intermediate exported file.

Additionally, you can load data from another database by referencing a nickname within the SQL query, by using the DATABASE option within the DECLARE CURSOR statement, or by using the sqlu_remotefetch_entry media entry when using the API interface.

There are three approaches for moving data using the CURSOR file type. The first approach uses the Command Line Processor (CLP), the second the API, and the third uses the ADMIN_CMD procedure. The key differences between the CLP and the ADMIN_CMD procedure are outlined in the following table.

Table 1. Differences between the CLP and ADMIN_CMD procedure.
SyntaxThe query statement as well as the source database used by the cursor are defined outside of the LOAD command using a DECLARE CURSOR statement.The query statement as well as the source database used by the cursor is defined within the LOAD command using the LOAD from (DATABASE database-alias query-statement)
User authorization for accessing a different databaseIf the data is in a different database than the one you currently connect to, the DATABASE keyword must be used in the DECLARE CURSOR statement. You can specify the user id and password in the same statement as well. If the user id and password are not specified in the DECLARE CURSOR statement, the user id and password explicitly specified for the source database connection are used to access the target database.If the data is in a different database than the one you are currently connected to, the DATABASE keyword must be used in the LOAD command before the query statement. The user id and password explicitly specified for the source database connection are required to access the target database. You cannot specify a userid or password for the source database. Therefore, if no userid and password were specified when the connection to the target database was made, or the userid and password specified cannot be used to authenticate against the source database, the ADMIN_CMD procedure cannot be used to perform the load.

To execute a LOAD FROM CURSOR operation from the CLP, a cursor must first be declared against an SQL query. once this is declared, you can issue the LOAD command using the declared cursor's name as the cursorname and CURSOR as the file type.

For example:

  1. Suppose a source and target table both reside in the same database with the following definitions:
    Table ABC.TABLE1 has 3 columns:
    • ONE INT
    • TWO CHAR(10)
    Table ABC.TABLE2 has 3 columns:
    • TWO INT
    Executing the following CLP commands will load all the data from ABC.TABLE1 into ABC.TABLE2:
       LOAD FROM mycurs OF cursor INSERT INTO abc.table2
    Note: The above example shows how to load from an SQL query through the CLP. However, loading from an SQL query can also be accomplished through the db2Load API. Define the piSourceList of the sqlu_media_list structure to use the sqlu_statement_entry structure and SQLU_SQL_STMT media type and define the piFileType value as SQL_CURSOR.
  2. Suppose the source and target tables reside in different databases with the following definitions:
Table ABC.TABLE1 in database 'dbsource' has 3 columns:
  • TWO CHAR(10)
Table ABC.TABLE2 in database 'dbtarget' has 3 columns:
Provided that you have enabled federation and cataloged the data source ('dsdbsource'), you can declare a nickname against the source database, then declare a cursor against this nickname, and invoke the LOAD command with the FROM CURSOR option, as demonstrated in the following example:
CREATE NICKNAME myschema1.table1 FOR dsdbsource.abc.table1 
LOAD FROM mycurs OF cursor INSERT INTO abc.table2 
Or, you can use the DATABASE option of the DECLARE CURSOR statement, as demonstrated in the following example:
DECLARE mycurs CURSOR DATABASE dbsource USER dsciaraf USING mypasswd 
LOAD FROM mycurs OF cursor INSERT INTO abc.table2

Using the DATABASE option of the DECLARE CURSOR statement (also known as the remotefetch media type when using the Load API) has some benefits over the nickname approach:


Fetching of data using the remotefetch media type is tightly integrated within a load operation. There are fewer layers of transition to fetch a record compared to the nickname approach. Additionally, when source and target tables are distributed identically in a multi-partition database, the load utility can parallelize the fetching of data, which can further improve performance.

Ease of use

There is no need to enable federation, define a remote datasource, or declare a nickname. Specifying the DATABASE option (and the USER andUSING options if necessary) is all that is required.

While this method can be used with cataloged databases, the use of nicknames provides a robust facility for fetching from various data sources which cannot simply be cataloged.

To support this remotefetch functionality, the load utility makes use of infrastructure which supports the SOURCEUSEREXIT facility. The load utility spawns a process which executes as an application to manage the connection to the source database and perform the fetch. This application is associated with its own transaction and is not associated with the transaction under which the load utility is running.

  1. The previous example shows how to load from an SQL query against a cataloged database through the CLP using the DATABASE option of the DECLARE CURSOR statement. However, loading from an SQL query against a cataloged database can also be done through the db2LoadAPI, by defining the piSourceList and piFileTypevalues of the db2LoadStruct structure to use the sqlu_remotefetch_entry media entry and SQLU_REMOTEFETCH media type respectively.
  2. As demonstrated in the previous example, the source column types of the SQL query do not need to be identical to their target column types, although they do have to be compatible.


When loading from a cursor defined using the DATABASE option (or equivalently when using the sqlu_remotefetch_entry media entry with thedb2Load API), the following restrictions apply:
  1. The SOURCEUSEREXIT option cannot be specified concurrently.
  2. The METHOD N option is not supported.
  3. The usedefaults file type modifier is not supported.




Changing hostname of the DB2 server. What updates in DB2 need to be made?


Changing the DB2 server's hostname.


Perform the following on the DB2 server:

1) Login as the dasadm user on UNIX/Linux or Local Administrator on Windows. Stop the DB2 Administration Server (DAS):

    db2admin stop

2) Login as the instance owner on UNIX/Linux or Local Administrator on Windows. Stop the DB2 instance:

3) Change the server's hostname. on a Windows system, a reboot is required before this change will take effect. Do not reboot the Windows Server at this time - you must make the DB2 Configuration changes first. 

4) Login as user ROOT if DB2 is on UNIX/Linux and Local Administrator on Windows. Update the DB2SYSTEM registry variable while in the instance home directory:
    • UNIX/Linux
      db2iset -g DB2SYSTEM=<new hostname> 
    • Windows 
      db2set -g DB2SYSTEM=<new hostname>

5) Locate db2nodes.cfg in one of the following directories:
  • UNIX/Linux:
    <db2 instance home directory>/sqllib/db2nodes.cfg

  • All Windows flavors running DB2 v8 and v9.1: 
    Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB\DB2\db2nodes.cfg 

  • Windows XP and 2003 running DB2 v9.5: 
    Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\IBM\DB2\<DB2COPY>\DB2\db2nodes.cfg

    NOTE: Application Data is a hidden folder

  • Windows Vista and later operating systems: ProgramData\IBM\DB2\<DB2COPY>\DB2\db2nodes.cfg
Note that only DB2 ESE has a db2nodes.cfg. If you are running other editions (WorkGroup Server, or Personal Edition) then you can skip this step and the next.

6) In the db2nodes.cfg file change <current hostname> to <new hostname>. 

7) Run the following command to list the current hostname/system name that is cataloged:
    db2 list admin node directory show detail 

    If there are no Admin Node Directory entries then you can skip the next 2 steps. It simply means that you haven't started the Control Center. The Admin Node Directory will get updated the next time the Control Center is started, based upon the current hostname. 
8) Uncatalog the current hostname using this command:
    db2 uncatalog node <nodename> 

9) Catalog the admin node with the new hostname using this command:
    db2 catalog admin tcpip node <nodename> remote <new hostname> system <new hostname> 

    <nodename> can be anything you want it to be (8 characters or less). It does not relate directly to the hostname itself.
    10) Update the admin configuration file using these commands:
      db2 update admin cfg using DB2SYSTEM <new hostname> 
      db2 update admin cfg using SMTP_SERVER <new hostname>

    11) At this time, you should restart your server if running Windows. Note that if your instances are set to auto-start, you may get error messages. These will occur if you have DB2_EXTSECURITY enabled. To correct this, you will need to update the DB2_ADMINGROUP and DB2_USERSGROUP registry entries using the db2extsec command. See the 'note' at the end of this technote for more details. 

    12) Login as the dasadm user on UNIX/Linux or Local Administrator on Windows. Start the DB2 Administration Server (DAS):
      db2admin start

    13) Login as the instance owner on UNIX/Linux or Local Administrator on Windows. Start the DB2 instance:

    14) In Control Center find the old hostname under the "All Systems" folder and right click, choose Remove. 

    15) In Control Center add the new hostname. Right click on the "All Systems" folder and choose "Add". Click on "Discover" to locate the new hostname. 

    Starting in v9.1 FP2, DB2 supports the use of domain groups for extended security. Therefore, when you change the computer name and the computer groups DB2ADMNS and DB2USERS are local computer groups, you must update the DB2_ADMINGROUP and DB2_USERSGROUP global registries. Please see the Related URL for instructions on how to do this. 

    If Windows Extended Security has been enabled then you will need to tell DB2 to lookup the WIndows local groups DB2ADMNS and DB2USERS via the new hostname. For example if the hostname is changed to QASERVER then execute: 




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