DB2 LUW 11버전이 출시되고, 업데이트가 이뤄지면서 이전과는 버전을 표기하는 방식이 바뀌었습니다.
아래 표와 링크에서 버전에서 나타내는 각 요소별 의미를 확인해보시기 바랍니다.
Element | Example | Description |
V - Version Number | | - Indicates a separate IBM licensed program that usually has significant new code or capability
- Contains major feature changes
- Starts a new 5 year maintenance clock
- Downloads found on Passport Advantage
R - Release Number | | - Minor but significant feature change release
- Starts a new 5 year maintenance clock
- Downloads found on Passport Advantage
M - Modification Number | | - Product refresh also referred to as a Mod Pack
- Can include new functionality
- Does not start a new maintenance clock
- Downloads found on Fix Central
F - Fix Number | | - Cumulative update of all available fixes and APARs
- Does not start a new maintenance clock
- Downloads found on Fix Central
iFix - Interim Fix | iFix001 | - Tested and verified set of small number of key fixes and APARs, available to all
- Subsequent iFixes are cumulative
- Downloads found on Fix Central
- Supported for the maintenance life of the Version.Release
출처 : https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/community/blogs/IMSupport/entry/All_about_ifixes_interim_fixes?lang=en