

From time to time, if an Informix Server crashes, the instance may be left in a state where the Server cannot start, and information about the recovery failure is needed. How can the dba collect information when the database has a failure and cannot recover?


1.Stop any Informix process that are still running. 
2. Load the environment with the parameter: export STOP_RECOVERY=1 (using an appropriate shell command). 
3. Attempt recovery, by starting the oninit process.

  • The online log will show a message, similar to the following:
      11:26:34 oninit hung at STOPPING_POINT 1, pid=19548
4. While the engine remains in this state, proceed with information collection, such as:
    onstat output, shared memory dump, OS commands etc.
5. After the output is collected, shutdown the engine, using 'onclean -ky', and remove the STOP_RECOVERY environment variable.



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