


Informix creates temporary files for BLOB and CLOB data types. When accessing these temporary files, Informix may fail with an SQLException caused by Java™ 2 Security or unexpected changes to the directory structure containing these files.


Informix may create temporary files in the profiles directory of the Application Server environment having format IfxTmpFile_xxxx or Ifxb_xxxx, where xxxx is a numerical value. In the event Informix cannot find or open these temporary files, the following exception will appear in the WebSphere Application Server logs:

java.sql.SQLException: Blob not found
at com.informix.util.IfxErrMsg.getSQLException(IfxErrMsg.java:373)
at com.informix.jdbc.IfxResultSet.blobCheck(IfxResultSet.java:1713)
at com.informix.jdbc.IfxResultSet.a(IfxResultSet.java:686)
at com.informix.jdbc.IfxResultSet.b(IfxResultSet.java:626)
at com.informix.jdbc.IfxResultSet.getBlob(IfxResultSet.java:3301)
Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: System or internal error
java.security.PrivilegedActionException: java.io.IOException: Permission denied
at com.informix.util.IfxErrMsg.getSQLException(IfxErrMsg.java:492)
at com.informix.jdbc.IfxTmpFile.<init>(IfxTmpFile.java:96)
at com.informix.jdbc.IfxSqli.executeFetchBlob(IfxSqli.java:4894)
at com.informix.jdbc.IfxResultSet.blobCheck(IfxResultSet.java:1706)
... 4 more
Caused by: java.security.PrivilegedActionException: java.io.IOException:
Permission denied
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at com.informix.jdbc.IfxTmpFile.<init>(IfxTmpFile.java:80)
... 6 more
Caused by: java.io.IOException: Permission denied
at java.io.UnixFileSystem.createFileExclusively(Native Method)
at java.io.File.checkAndCreate(File.java:1314)
at java.io.File.createTempFile(File.java:1402)

The nested exception (For example; the exception indicated after "Caused by:") can vary based on JDK version, whether the directory containing the temporary files exists, or whether Java 2 Security is enabled, for example:

Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: System or internal error java.lang.SecurityException: Unable to create temporary file

Caused by: java.security.PrivilegedActionException: java.io.IOException: No such file or directory

Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: System or internal error java.security.PrivilegedActionException: java.io.IOException: Permission denied


Informix creates IfxTmpFile_xxxxx and Ifxb_xxxx files as temporary storage for CLOB and BLOB data types. These files, by default, are placed in the <InstallRoot>/profiles directory by Informix. Informix may fail with the exceptions above when accessing these temporary files in the default directory due to restrictive Java 2 Security file access permission or changes to either the Informix temporary files or the <InstallRoot>/profiles directory (where <InstallRoot> is the directory where you installed WebSphere Application Server).

Resolving The Problem

Specify a specific directory for Informix's temporary files by opening the data source on the WebSphere Administrative Console; then open the link for the data source custom properties; create a new custom property called ifxJDBCTEMP for your Informix data source. The value for the ifxJDBCTEMP property must be set to an absolute path name (For example; c:\temp or \opt\temp).

For more information on how to configure or change a data source, see the WebSphere Information Center section, WebSphere Application Server data source properties.

For more information on custom properties, see the WebSphere Information Center section Custom property collection




안녕하세요. 인포믹스 12.10.FC12, 12.10.FC12W1, 14.10.FC1 버전에서 발생하는 문제를 소개드립니다.

문제가 발생한 이후부터는 인포믹스 프로세스가 시작되지 않으므로 매우 치명적인 결함입니다.

문제가 발생할 수 있는 조건은 아래와 같습니다.

1. 해당 테이블에 VARCHAR 컬럼을 추가한다.

2. 추가한 VARCHAR 컬럼의 사이즈를 축소한다.

위와 같은 상황에서 UPDATE 문장을 실행하면 오류가 발생하면서 인포믹스 프로세스가 다운됩니다.

그러나 항상 다운되는 것은 아니고 대상 테이블에 저장된 데이터 길이에 따라 다운될 수도, 다운되지 않을 수도 있습니다.

아래는 인포믹스 12.10.FC12와 14.10.FC1 버전의 환경에서 다운되는 현상을 재현했을 때의 로그 메시지입니다.

## 12.10.FC12W1

11:20:01  Assert Failed: Buffer modified in inconsistent chunk.

11:20:01  IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC12W1WE

11:20:01   Who: Session(87, informix@pilma01, 39452766, 700000020593858)

                Thread(222, sqlexec, 700000020553068, 10)

                File: rsdebug.c Line: 1047

11:20:01   Results: Chunk 13 is being taken OFFLINE.

11:20:01   Action: Restore space containing this chunk from the archive.

11:20:01  stack trace for pid 36175890 written to /work2/ifx1210fc12w1we/tmp/af.4c6a350

11:20:02   See Also: /work2/ifx1210fc12w1we/tmp/af.4c6a350, shmem.4c6a350.0

11:20:10  Buffer modified in inconsistent chunk.

11:20:11  Assert Failed: INFORMIX-OnLine Must ABORT

        Critical media failure.

11:20:11  IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC12W1WE

11:20:11   Who: Session(87, informix@pilma01, 39452766, 700000020593858)

                Thread(222, sqlexec, 700000020553068, 10)

                File: rsmirror.c Line: 2080

11:20:11  stack trace for pid 36175890 written to /work2/ifx1210fc12w1we/tmp/af.4c6a350

11:20:12   See Also: /work2/ifx1210fc12w1we/tmp/af.4c6a350

11:20:19  Thread ID 222 will NOT be suspended because

          it is in a critical section.

11:20:19   See Also: /work2/ifx1210fc12w1we/tmp/af.4c6a350

11:20:19  rsmirror.c, line 2080, thread 222, proc id 36175890, INFORMIX-OnLine Must ABORT

        Critical media failure..

11:20:19  Fatal error in ADM VP at mt_fn.c:14593

11:20:19  Unexpected virtual processor termination: pid = 36175890, exit status = 0x1.

11:20:19  PANIC: Attempting to bring system down

## 14.10.FC1DE

12:46:54  Assert Failed: Buffer modified in inconsistent chunk.

12:46:54  IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 14.10.FC1DE

12:46:54   Who: Session(46, informix@ifxdb1, 62804, 0x4526fbc8)

                Thread(55, sqlexec, 4522d8c8, 1)

                File: rsdebug.c Line: 908

12:46:54   Results: Chunk 1 is being taken OFFLINE.

12:46:54   Action: Restore space containing this chunk from the archive.

12:46:54  stack trace for pid 62571 written to /opt/IBM/Informix_Software_Bundle/tmp/af.41fb7ad

12:46:54   See Also: /opt/IBM/Informix_Software_Bundle/tmp/af.41fb7ad, shmem.41fb7ad.0

12:46:57  Buffer modified in inconsistent chunk.

12:46:58  Assert Failed: INFORMIX-OnLine Must ABORT

        Critical media failure.

12:46:58  IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 14.10.FC1DE

12:46:58   Who: Session(46, informix@ifxdb1, 62804, 0x4526fbc8)

                Thread(55, sqlexec, 4522d8c8, 1)

                File: rsmirror.c Line: 2062

12:46:58  stack trace for pid 62571 written to /opt/IBM/Informix_Software_Bundle/tmp/af.41fb7ad

12:46:58   See Also: /opt/IBM/Informix_Software_Bundle/tmp/af.41fb7ad

12:47:02  Thread ID 55 will NOT be suspended because

          it is in a critical section.

12:47:02   See Also: /opt/IBM/Informix_Software_Bundle/tmp/af.41fb7ad

12:47:02  Starting crash time check of:

12:47:02  1. memory block headers

12:47:02  2. stacks

12:47:02  Crash time checking found no problems

12:47:02  rsmirror.c, line 2062, thread 55, proc id 62571, INFORMIX-OnLine Must ABORT

        Critical media failure..

12:47:02  The Master Daemon Died

12:47:02  PANIC: Attempting to bring system down

관련 내용으로 IBM에 기술지원을 요청했었습니다.

해당 문제는 해외에서 발생한 사례가 이미 있었다고 하고 재현 시나리오도 구체적이진 않지만 존재했습니다.

관련 문제를 서술한 문서의 링크는 아래입니다.


장애 재현시의 메시지 로그에서 보이는 assert failure file 내용을 살펴보니 해당 사용자 스레드의 stack trace를 확인할 수 있었습니다.

0x00000001000af9cc (oninit)afstack

0x00000001000aeb5c (oninit)afhandler

0x00000001000af038 (oninit)affail_interface

0x00000001001b8844 (oninit)buffcheck

0x00000001002371a0 (oninit)buffput

0x0000000100b88640 (oninit)ckpgversion

0x0000000100b87af4 (oninit)rewrecord

0x0000000100b870ec (oninit)rsrewrec

0x000000010071ab00 (oninit)fmrewrec

0x00000001008382a0 (oninit)aud_sqisrewrec

0x0000000100d40a90 (oninit)doupdate

0x0000000100d3ff2c (oninit)chkrowcons

0x000000010114ea04 (oninit)dodmlrow

0x0000000101150eac (oninit)dodelupd

0x000000010083ee30 (oninit)aud_dodelupd

0x0000000100d1ec24 (oninit)excommand

0x00000001008c8590 (oninit)sq_execute

0x00000001008103ac (oninit)sqmain

0x00000001014d6898 (oninit)listen_verify

0x00000001014d530c (oninit)spawn_thread

0x0000000101482ae0 (oninit)th_init_initgls

0x00000001018f86e0 (oninit)startup

defect IT27997에 대해 서술한 내용과 상당히 유사한 stack trace 임을 알 수 있었습니다.

stack trace 중에서 ckpgversion function 부분이 문제인 듯 합니다.

그리고 12.10.FC12 버전부터 In-place alter 기능이 개선되었다고 알려져있는데, 이 개선으로 인해 defect가 발생한 것이 아닌가 생각도 듭니다. 물론 제 추측이기 때문에 정확한 원인으로 보기는 어렵습니다.

IIUG2018의 발표자료중 Jeff McMahon and Nick Geib가 발표한 What’s New in Informix 장표를 살표보면 VARCHAR 에서 VARCHAR 간 (smaller or larger) 사이즈를 변경하는 유형도 In-place alter 방식으로 이루어진다고 나와 있습니다.

아래는 위의 IT27997의 내용을 토대로 작성한 장애재현 스크립트 내용입니다.

테스트용 데이터는 60자 고정길이 필드 한개로 만드시면 재현이 쉽습니다.

drop table test;

create table test (a varchar(60));

load from test.unl insert into test;

alter table test add b int;

alter table test add c varchar(5);

alter table test add d varchar(5);

alter table test add e varchar(5);

alter table test modify c varchar(1);

alter table test modify d varchar(1);

alter table test modify e varchar(1);

update test set a=' qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.Lorem ip';

해당 문제는 12.10.FC12 및 12.10.FC12W1 에서 발생하는 문제이므로 해당버전을 사용중이라면 IBM에 패치버전을 요청하시거나 12.10.FC11 이하 버전으로 다운그레이드하면 문제가 발생하지 않습니다.

참고가 되시길 바랍니다.


안녕하세요. 2019년 2월 8일자 IBM 알림 메일 내용 중 My notifications의 인포믹스 결함 내용을 소개드립니다.


CURRENT 세션에 대한 정보가 가끔씩 표시되지 않는 결함에 대한 내용입니다.

보통 내용이 상세하게 설명되지 않은 경우가 많은데, 결함 내용을 재현하기 위한 프로그램 코드도 공개되어 있네요.

코드는 인포믹스를 사용하는 고객에게서 제공되었다고 하네요.

우선 에러에 대한 설명입니다.

Error description

Customers are facing again the problem of missing sessions in
sysmaster:syssessions (as reported in defect idsdb00096417) in
IDS 12.10.FC12W1.
The defect idsdb00096417 should be fixed in IDS 12.10.FC11.
However I am able to reproduce the issue in 12.10.FC10,
12.10.FC11, 12.10.FC12 and 12.10.FC12W1 using the following
reproducing scenario (provided by the customer).

고객사에서 사용중인 인포믹스 버전은 12.10이고 Fix level 까지는 정확히 알 수가 없네요.

다만 내용에서 유추하건데 12.10.FC10 버전에서 위의 현상이 최초로 발견된 것으로 보이고,

12.10.FC12W1 버전에서도 동일하게 재현된다고 하니 2019년 2월 11일 현재까지는 결함이 수정된 버전은 없는 상태입니다.

아래는 재현 시나리오에서 사용한 ESQL/C 코드와 쉘스크립트 내용입니다.

============== test_ec.ec ==============

#include <stdio.h>

$int c, sid;



$database stores_demo;

$select DBINFO('sessionid') INTO :sid FROM sysmaster:sysdual;

$select COUNT(*) INTO :c FROM sysmaster:syssessions s WHERE

s.sid = :sid;

if ( c == 0 )

printf("SID: %d Count: %d\n",sid,c);




============== test_ec_connections.sh ======



while true



while [ $LOOP -le $LOOP_MAX ]


./test_ec.exe &

LOOP=`expr $LOOP + 1`


sleep 2




$ esql -o test_ec.exe test_ec.ec

먼저 test_ec.ec 코드 내용을 살펴보겠습니다.

1. 인포믹스의 stores_demo에 접속

2. 접속한 현재 자신의 세션번호 확인

3. sysmaster:syssessions 테이블에서 자신의 세션번호 갯수 확인

>> 자신의 세션번호 갯수가 0개이면 메시지 출력

너무나 당연하게도 3번에서는 접속이 유지된 상태에서 자신의 세션번호 개수를 확인하는 것이니 1개입니다.

그런데 0개가 나오는 경우가 있다는 건데요.

여기서 이어지는 쉘 스크립트에서는 컴파일된 test_ec 프로그램을 동시에 여러개 실행하는 모양새가 됩니다.

우선은 아래 환경에서 위와 동일한 프로그램으로 테스트를 해봤습니다.

시스템 환경은 아래와 같습니다.

O/S : AIX 6.1

DBMS : Informix 11.50.FC9W3 / 11.70.FC9 / 12.10.FC6WE / 12.10.FC8WE / 12.10.FC12W1WE

문제가 보고된 12.10.FC12 버전에서 실행한 결과입니다.

$ onstat -

IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC12W1WE -- on-Line -- Up 00:26:56 -- 234320 Kbytes

$ ./test_ec_connetions.sh 10

Mon Feb 11 23:24:22 KORST 2019


Mon Feb 11 23:24:47 KORST 2019

Mon Feb 11 23:24:50 KORST 2019

SID: 6081 Count: 0

Mon Feb 11 23:24:52 KORST 2019

SID: 6091 Count: 0

Mon Feb 11 23:24:54 KORST 2019

SID: 6100 Count: 0

Mon Feb 11 23:24:56 KORST 2019

SID: 6111 Count: 0

Mon Feb 11 23:24:58 KORST 2019

SID: 6120 Count: 0

Mon Feb 11 23:25:00 KORST 2019

SID: 6131 Count: 0

Mon Feb 11 23:25:02 KORST 2019

SID: 6140 Count: 0

Mon Feb 11 23:25:04 KORST 2019

SID: 6151 Count: 0

Mon Feb 11 23:25:06 KORST 2019

SID: 6160 Count: 0

Mon Feb 11 23:25:09 KORST 2019

SID: 6171 Count: 0

Mon Feb 11 23:25:11 KORST 2019

Mon Feb 11 23:25:13 KORST 2019

Mon Feb 11 23:25:15 KORST 2019

Mon Feb 11 23:25:17 KORST 2019

Mon Feb 11 23:25:19 KORST 2019

Mon Feb 11 23:25:21 KORST 2019

지속적으로 발생하지 않고 간혹 발생하는데요. 특정 세션 번호만 누락되는 것인지 해서 

아래 조건 절을 생략하고 확인해 봤습니다.

$select DBINFO('sessionid') INTO :sid FROM sysmaster:sysdual;

$select COUNT(*) INTO :c FROM sysmaster:syssessions s WHERE

s.sid = :sid;

if ( c == 0 )     <<  제거한 내용

printf("SID: %d Count: %d\n",sid,c);

$ ./test_ec_connetions.sh 10

SID: 6278 Count: 1

SID: 6279 Count: 1

SID: 6280 Count: 1

SID: 6281 Count: 1

SID: 6282 Count: 1

SID: 6283 Count: 1

SID: 6285 Count: 1

SID: 6284 Count: 1

SID: 6286 Count: 1

SID: 6287 Count: 1

Mon Feb 11 23:32:34 KORST 2019

SID: 6288 Count: 1

SID: 6289 Count: 1

SID: 6291 Count: 0     << 간혹 개수가 확인되지 않는 세션이 존재합니다.

SID: 6290 Count: 1

SID: 6292 Count: 1

SID: 6293 Count: 1

SID: 6294 Count: 1

SID: 6295 Count: 1

SID: 6296 Count: 1

SID: 6297 Count: 1

Mon Feb 11 23:32:36 KORST 2019

SID: 6298 Count: 1

SID: 6299 Count: 1

SID: 6300 Count: 0

SID: 6301 Count: 1

SID: 6302 Count: 1

SID: 6303 Count: 1

SID: 6304 Count: 1

SID: 6305 Count: 1

SID: 6306 Count: 1

SID: 6307 Count: 1

Mon Feb 11 23:32:38 KORST 2019

SID: 6308 Count: 1

SID: 6310 Count: 1

SID: 6309 Count: 1

SID: 6311 Count: 1

SID: 6312 Count: 1

SID: 6313 Count: 1

SID: 6314 Count: 1

SID: 6315 Count: 1

SID: 6316 Count: 1

다른 버전인 11.50과 11.70에서는 재현이 되지 않았습니다.

아직 해당 APAR인 IT27956이 OPEN 상태이므로 곧 해결된 버전이 나오지 않을까 기대해봅니다.



Technote (troubleshooting)


You are trying to drop or disable a trigger but such operation fails with following errors:

242: Could not open database table <table_name>

106: ISAM error: non-exclusive access


You have trapped error -106 using 'onmode -I 106' but in the gathered output of 'onstat -k' you do not see any locks on the table for which the error was returned.


Certain DDL operations require exclusive lock placed on a table. The corresponding session also checks if the table's partition is not used by any other sessions in DIRTY READ mode.

Resolving the problem

There are two possible workarounds for this problem:

1) Use LOCK MODE WAIT for the session which runs the DDL statement.

2) Use undocumented $ONCONFIG parameter & environment variable NONEXCLTRIG.

You can set NONEXCLTRIG to the following values in $ONCONFIG file (engine restart is required so change could take effect):

    NONEXCLTRIG values can be:

    0 - Normal behaviour (exclusive lock is required)
    1 - the trigger DDL can be done without exclusive access to table, only if NONEXCLTRIG environment variable is defined in the session environment.
    2 - the trigger DDL can be done without exclusive access to table.



Technote (FAQ)


A checkpoint is taking too long. A checkpoint is stalled. Checkpoint performance is down.
How do you setup or enable checkpoint tracing?


1. Set the environment variable TRACECKPT to 1.

    export TRACECKPT=1; 
    setenv TRACECKPT 1;

2. Restart the database server. 

3. Look for checkpoint tracing information in the message log ( online.log ). Here are several examples of what you could see in the message log: 
    First example: 
      15:58:58  2040 buffers dirty 
      15:58:58  oldest lsn loguniq 1, logpos 0xf8 
      15:58:58  Reallocated 1500 dskptrs. 
      15:58:58  Reallocated 2000 dskptrs. 
      15:58:58  Reallocated 2500 dskptrs. 
      15:58:58  2040 dirty pages are to be flushed 

      15:59:02  dskflush() took 4 seconds 
      15:59:02  wait4critex() took 0 seconds 
      15:59:02  N = 2500, Avg = 1260, D_avg = 5040, Dirty = 2040 
      15:59:02  Reallocated 2000 dskptrs. 
      15:59:02  0 buffers dirty 
      15:59:02  oldest lsn loguniq 1, logpos 0xf8 
      15:59:02  safe_dskflush() took 0 seconds 
      15:59:02  Checkpoint Completed:  duration was 4 seconds.

    Second example: 
      15:59:56  1 buffers dirty 
      15:59:56  oldest lsn loguniq 4, logpos 0x187018 
      15:59:56  1 dirty pages are to be flushed 

      15:59:56  dskflush() took 0 seconds 
      15:59:56  wait4critex() took 0 seconds 
      15:59:56  N = 2000, Avg = 945, D_avg = 3781, Dirty = 1 
      15:59:56  Reallocated 1500 dskptrs. 
      15:59:56  0 buffers dirty 
      15:59:56  oldest lsn loguniq 4, logpos 0x187018 
      15:59:56  safe_dskflush() took 0 seconds 
      15:59:56  Checkpoint Completed:  duration was 0 seconds.



인포믹스에 깨진 (일반적으로는 코드셋이 맞지 않은 경우) 문자열이 입력된 경우가 드물게 있습니다. 

10버전 이하에서는 코드셋 확인이 느슨했기 때문에 코드셋이 맞지 않아도 데이터가 입력되는 경우가 있었던 것 같습니다.

또한 TEXT/CLOB 같은 문자열을 저장하기 위한 타입은 데이터베이스 코드셋에 없는 문자열 입력이 가능하므로 이러한 상황이 발생할 여지가 있습니다.

어쨌든 결론적으로 IFX_UNLOAD_EILSEQ_MODE 라는 환경변수를 설정함으로써 코드셋이 맞지 않은 데이터를 UNLOAD할 수 있습니다.

아래 IBM 문서 내용을 참고해주세요.

Use the IFX_UNLOAD_EILSEQ_MODE environment variable to help migrate databases from Informix® Version 10 to Version 11.50 or 11.70, where character data might be encoded with a codeset that is different than the codeset used to create the Version 10 database.

In earlier versions of Informix, it was possible to load character data into a database that did not match the locale and codeset of the database. For example you could load Chinese data into a database created with the DB_LOCALE=en_US.8859-1 codeset. In newer versions of Informix, to insert Chinese data you would need a database created with the Chinese (DB_LOCALE=zh_tw.big5 locale and codeset.

ImportantFor databases created with Version 10 and Client SDK 2.4, when you attempt to unload the invalid character data an error occurs unless you have set this environment variable. The IFX_UNLOAD_EILSEQ_MODE environment variable enables DB-Access, dbexport, and High Performance Loader (HPL) to unload character and bypass the GLS validation that normally occurs when you unload data by using the Version 11.50 and 11.70 tools.
To use this environment variable, set it to any non-empty string.
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Any alpha or numeric value. For example: yes, true, or 1.
This environment variable takes effect when character data is being fetched or retrieved from the database.
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This environment variable is similar to setting the EILSEQ_COMPAT_MODE configuration parameter in the onCONFIG file. The configuration parameter affects character data that is inserted into the database, whereas the IFX_UNLOAD_EILSEQ_MODE environment variable affects character data that is unloaded from the database.





You are trying to run an ALTER TABLE command on a table but you see these errors:

-242 SQL error: Could not open database table
-106 ISAM error: non-exclusive access 

There are no locks on the table. This is happening although you possibly have one or both of these set:



You do not have exclusive access to the table. This means there is a lock on the table or there is a select running on the table. An ALTER TABLE operation has a condition that only the session running the ALTER TABLE is accessing the table or it will fail immediately. Having LOCK MODE set to WAIT or having an exclusive lock on the table will not change the behavior.

Diagnosing the problem

1. Determine the partnum or tblsnum of the table you are trying to alter. Run this select in the database where your table resides:

select hex(partnum) from systables where tabname = "your_table_name"

For this example the value returned is 0x00100045

2. Look for a lock on the table. You will search for table's partnum in the onstat -k output. The onstat -k output does not display the 0x or leading 0. This means 0x00100045 in the onstat -k output would look like 100045 Run this command:

onstat -k | grep 100045

If nothing is returned, then there are no locks on the table.

3. Check to see if the table is open ( most likely has one or more selects running on it ). Run this command:

onstat -g opn | grep 0x00100045

If nothing is returned, then the table is not being accessed and you can run your ALTER TABLE command. If you do find that the table is open, then proceed to Resolving the problem.

Resolving the problem

  • If you are running ALTER FRAGMENT on TABLE then starting in v11.50 and above you can set FORCE_DDL_EXEC to on in your environment then rerun the ALTER FRAGMENT. Here are a couple links that provide detailed description of FORCE_DDL_EXEC:

    FORCE_DDL_EXEC Environment Option 
    Forcing out transactions when altering table fragments 

  • Wait for users to leave the table then rerun your ALTER TABLE. You can run LOCK TABLE tab1 IN EXCLUSIVE MODE so new users cannot lock the table. Users can access the exclusively locked table if their isolation level is set to dirty read. A dirty read select counts as a user accessing the table and will cause the ALTER TABLE to fail.
  • Run onstat -g sql 0. This will give you a list of all the sql running on the database server. You can find all sqls running on the table. The output will also give you the session id. You can then run onmode -z session_id on each session accessing the table. onmode -z will destroy an active session so use it with caution. Run the ALTER TABLE.
  • Run this select statement in sysmaster database to get a list of all sessions with an sql referencing your table:

    select scs_sessionid from syssqlcurses where scs_sqlstatement like "%your_table%"

    The first row returned is the session id for the session running this select. You can then run onmode -z on the sessions accessing the table. onmode -z will destroy an active session so use it with caution.
  • Set IFX_DIRTY_WAIT. For details click this link:
  • Restart the database server and run the ALTER TABLE immediately.




From time to time, if an Informix Server crashes, the instance may be left in a state where the Server cannot start, and information about the recovery failure is needed. How can the dba collect information when the database has a failure and cannot recover?


1.Stop any Informix process that are still running. 
2. Load the environment with the parameter: export STOP_RECOVERY=1 (using an appropriate shell command). 
3. Attempt recovery, by starting the oninit process.

  • The online log will show a message, similar to the following:
      11:26:34 oninit hung at STOPPING_POINT 1, pid=19548
4. While the engine remains in this state, proceed with information collection, such as:
    onstat output, shared memory dump, OS commands etc.
5. After the output is collected, shutdown the engine, using 'onclean -ky', and remove the STOP_RECOVERY environment variable.



Informix Version : Informix 12.10.FC5W1

OS : Windows 2012 R2


윈도우 2012에 인포믹스 설치 중 아래와 같은 오류가 발생했습니다. 찾아보니 설치프로그램의 호환성 이슈인 것 같습니다. 설치프로그램의 호환 모드를 Windows 7으로 했을 때 잘 설치되었습니다.


The Application has Unexpectedly Quit

Invocation of this Java Application has caused an

Invocation TargetException. This application will not exit (LAX)

ZeroGu6: Windows DLL failed to load
    at ZeroGa4.b(DashoA10*..)
    at ZeroGa4.b(DashoA10*..)
    at com.zerog.ia.installer.LifeCycleManager.b(DashoA10*..)
    at com.zerog.ia.installer.LifeCycleManager.a(DashoA10*..)
    at com.zerog.ia.installer.Main.main(DashoA10*..)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:60)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:37)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:611)
    at com.zerog.lax.LAX.launch(DashoA10*..)
    at com.zerog.lax.LAX.main(DashoA10*..)





-244 Could not do a physical-order read to fetch next row.
-197 ISAM error: Partition recently appended to; can't open for
write or logging.


-244 Could not do a physical-order read to fetch next row.
-197 ISAM error: Partition recently appended to; can't open for
write or logging.


A High Performance Loader express mode load was run on this table.

Resolving the problem

You must perform a level-0 backup before you can write to the target database. See the Related Information section below for more information regarding express mode load.



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