

IBM® Informix® Dynamic Server™ (IDS): After setting up a HDR pair environment, there is sometimes confusion on how to add logical logs. 
This document provides you with a correct procedure on how to accomplish this task.

Resolving the problem


This guide outlines the supported method of adding logical logs in a HDR pair in the IDS environment, where a new log is initially added to the primary and then replicated to the secondary server.


  1. This step adds log(s) in a HDR pair environment. Use onparams" command to add the desired number of logs on the primary server, for example: 

    $ onparams -a -d logspace 

  2. The onparams operation is automatically replicated on the secondary database server. 

  3. The action of adding logs can be confirmed by checking the online.log messages and a logical log listing (by means of onstat -l" ). 
    The command onstat -l" will display the newly added log(s) with the flag 'A'. 
    The logs are immediately available for use. 

  4. A level-0 archive of the rootdbs and the dbspace containing the newly added log(s) is recommended.




How to manually change the type of the data replication server in a High-Availability Data Replication (HDR) pair; from Primary to Secondary and vice versa.

Resolving the problem


You can change the data replication server type of an IBM® Informix® Dynamic Server (IDS) instance in an HDR pair from Primary to Secondary and Secondary to Primary. 


The steps below will only work when data replication has been started with DRAUTO set to 0 (manual), which is the default, in the $ONCONFIG file.

You will need to open two session windows, the first session to connect to the Primary server, and the second session to connect to the Secondary server. After you log in as user informix, set up your environment to administer the database server, you must also check to ensure the Primary server and Secondary server are up and operational.


The following steps will show you how to manually change the current Primary server to a new Secondary server, and the current Secondary to a new Primary.

Check server status and message log after each command to ensure the server is in the correct state before the next step. Failing to do so can result in data replication pair out of synchronization and shall require re-establishing the pair from archive.

On the current Primary server

1. Run this command to check the database server status:

onstat -

The output must contain this:

-- on-Line (Prim) -- Up

Note: If it does not show the above then you must correct it before proceeding to the next steps.

2. Shut down the current Primary server, run the following command:

onmode -ky

    On the current Secondary server

    1. Run this command to change the DR current type Secondary to DR new type Standard:
      onmode -d standard
    Check the message log for these messages:
      DR: new type = standard
      On-Line Mode
    2. Run this command to change DR type from Standard to Primary:
      onmode -d primary <secondary dbserver name>*

         *<secondary dbserver name> is the former primary database server name.

    Check the message log for messages similar to these:
      DR: new type = primary, secondary server name = <secondary dbserver name>
      DR: Trying to connect to secondary server = <secondary dbserver name>
      DR: Cannot connect to secondary server
      DR: Turned off on primary server

    Run this command to check the database server status:
      onstat -

    The output should contain this:
       -- on-Line (Prim) -- Up

    Your former Secondary is now Primary and online.

    3. Shut down the new Primary server, run the following command:

    onmode -ky

    On the former Primary server (now Off-Line)

    1. Run this command to start up the former Primary server in physical recovery mode:
      oninit -PHY

    Check the message log for these messages:
      Recovery Mode

    The server status should contain:
      -- Fast Recovery -- Up

    2. You can now change the DR type to Secondary, execute the following command:
      onmode -d secondary <primary dbserver name>*

        *<primary dbserver name>is the former Secondary database server name.
    The command above may take a few minutes to complete. You will see messages in the message log like these:
      DR: new type = secondary, primary server name = <primary dbserver name>
      DR: Trying to connect to primary server = <primary dbserver name>
      DR: Cannot connect to primary server
      DR: Turned off on secondary server

    On the new Primary server

    1. Run this command to start up the new Primary server:


    The message log will show something like:
      On-Line Mode
      DR: Sending log <log number> (current), size <value> pages, <value> percent used
      DR: Sending Logical Logs Completed
      DR: Primary server operational
      Run this command to check the database server status:

      onstat -

      The output should contain this:

       -- on-Line (Prim) -- Up

        The new Primary and new Secondary server are online and synchronized. They are ready to accept transactions for processing.

        Steps in summary:

        Instance A (currently Primary)Instance B (currently Secondary)
        1. onmode -ky(server should be up)
        2. onmode -d standard
        3. onmode -d primary <pri_server_name>
        4. onmode -ky
        5. oninit -PHY
        6. onmode -d secondary <sec_server_name>
        (now a Secondary server)
        7. oninit (now a Primary server)




        Since many of the newer Dynamic Server versions are only available in 64 bit, if the desired client side CSDK is 32 bit, it might not have a corresponding DBaccess client side product.


        For a while, DBaccess was provided only on the server side, since it is designed as an interactive interface with Informix Dynamic Server. Beginning with CSDK 3.70.xC3, DBaccess became available on the client side. The DBaccess for client-side platforms is available only at the same bit level as the Server side product. For example, when the available Informix Dynamic Server version is 64 bit only, there is no equivalent 32 bit DBaccess client-side product in the CSDK product.

        There is no CSDK with DBaccess on the following platforms:

        32 bit AIX
        32 bit Solaris
        32 bit Solaris (Intel)
        32 bit HP-UX (Itanium)
        32 bit HP-UX (RISC)
        32 bit Linux z-Series
        32 bit MAC




        The SQL UNLOAD TO statement places a reference to the Smart Large Object (BLOB or CLOB) into the UNLOAD TO file and the BLOB or CLOB data into a separate Smart Large Object file. What is the format of the reference in the UNLOAD TO/LOAD FROM file and the format of the name assigned to the BLOB or CLOB file?


        The Smart Large Object file has a name in one of these formats:

          For a BLOB value: blob#####.###
          For a CLOB value: clob#####.###

          예) 파일내용. 오프셋은 16진수로 표현한다

            The digits of the unique hexadecimal smart-large-object identifier. Automatically assigned to the file when it is created.

        In an UNLOAD TO/LOAD FROM file, a BLOB or CLOB column value appears as follows:


            The starting offset (bytes, in hexadecimal) of the smart large object value within the blob/clob file.
            The length (bytes, in hexadecimal) of the BLOB or CLOB value.
            The full pathname to the location where the blob/clob file is stored. If a full path is not specified the current directory will be used.

          Note: No blank spaces can appear between these values. 




        How do you estimate ontape storage space requirements in IBM Informix Servers?


        The onconfig parameters TAPESIZE and LTAPESIZE are used in connection with TAPEDEV and LTAPEDEV to determine the size for each tape or file to be used for an ontape backup. At times, the backup size requirement may exceed the size configured for an ontape backup. This is usually not a problem if you are standing by, ready to handle the situation. If you want the backup to fit into a single tape or file, you have to make sure your size estimate is reasonable.


        The size needed for an Informix Server Backup using ontape is based on several internal factors. The most important considerations are: 

        Estimates should be made on the basis of what the largest backup size could be. Then, we can expect it will always be smaller than the maximum estimate.

        To determine backup size requirements, generate an 'onstat -d' listing, and examine the chunk column references for "Size" and "Free". Work with one group of page size at a time to determine a value (K):

        1. Review the dbspaces with similar page size (2k, 4k, 8k, etc). Each collection of dbspaces with the same page size is a group (group-P). Add all the totals for (group-P) 'Size' and place it in 'N'.
        2. Add all the totals for (group-P) 'Free' and place it in 'F'.
        3. Subtract F from N (N-F).
        4. Multiply M times the page size (for group-P) to get the number of page units (K ) needed for storage:
        5. Repeat steps 1-4 for other page sizes, and add all of the K values. The final result provides a maximum size estimate for the next backup

        내용은 DBSpace 사용량 계산입니다. 최소한 이 사이즈보다는 작다는 것을 참고하시면 되겠네요.



        과거 사용했던 인포믹스 제품 중 onLine과 SE(Standard Engine)이 있다.


        Database servers
        ❑ IBM Informix onLine Version 5.x
        ❑ IBM Informix SE Version 5.x


        Additional products
        ❑ IBM Informix NET Version 5.x
        ❑ IBM Informix STAR Version 5.x


        Online은 현재 Informix 최신 버전인 11.70과 유사한 RDBMS다.

        트랜잭션을 지원하고 물리 로깅, 논리 로깅, 체크포인트등 기본적인 아키텍쳐도 거의 같다.


        다른점이라면 Informix STAR를 설치했을 때 Client/Server 구성이 가능하다.

        STAR의 데몬 프로세스(sqlexecd)을 구동해야 클라이언트의 요청을 받을 수 있다.

        Informix NET은 클라이언트에서 online 또는 SE를 연결하기 위한 모듈이다.




        IBM Informix NET and IBM Informix STAR - Installation and Configuration Guide
        IBM Informix onLine Database Server - Administrator’s Guide
        UNIX Products - Installation Guide




        With IBM® Informix® Server™ how can I confirm my updated NETTYPE settings have been taken into effect?


        This can be established with onstat -g ntu or onstat -g ntt output, by reviewing the q-limitsvalue which is displayed in the header section of the results. This value represents the size of a pre-allocated array used to store information about client connections.

        The value is calculated as 100 + (poll_threads * 0.7 * num_connections).

        Example 1

        $ onstat -c | grep ^NETTYPE
        NETTYPE soctcp,1,233,NET

        Using the formula above: 100 + (1 * 0.7 * 233) = 263

        $ onstat -g ntt | head -6

        IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.70.FC4 -- on-Line -- 

          global network information:

          #netscb connects  read  write q-free  q-limits  q-exceed alloc/max

           9/  10 3         25    25    1/ 1     263/ 10  0/ 0     1/ 1

        Example 2

        $ onstat -c | grep ^NETTYPE
        NETTYPE tlitcp,2,500,NET

        Using the formula above: 100 + (2 * 0.7 * 500) = 800

        $ onstat -g ntt | head -6

        IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.70.FC4 -- on-Line -- 

          global network information:

          #netscb connects  read  write q-free  q-limits  q-exceed alloc/max

           9/   9   0         0     0     0/ 0    800/ 10   0/ 0     0/ -1

        As an alternative to using onstat, you can query sysmaster:sysnetglobal and review the value for column ng_free_thres.




        How do I set up the High-Performance Loader (HPL) Informix utility?


        Informix DBAs and System Administrators usually find HPL a little bit tricky, due to its own shared memory management engine and specific command line instructions to handle the load and unload jobs control.

        This document gathers a compilation of useful links and ease-of-use instructions to quickly set HPL ready to run.


        Eventually, some may find the GUI option the best path, but this document intends to prepare the reader to set HPL in just a few steps, thru the command line interface.

        1. First of all, you should choose a table to create the HPL job (and the onpload database):

          $ onpladm create job j_items -d "items.unl" -D stores -t items 

           Successfully created Job j_items

          As soon as the first job is created, the onpload database is created too, if is doens't exist already.
          If it does exist, you should rename it so it won't cause any trouble.

        2. To execute the j_items job as an unload job, just issue the command below, using the -fu flag:

           $ onpload -j j_items -fu -l items.log -i 100000 -R $PWD/a

        3. To use the same job as a load job, just issue the command below, changing the -fu flag by the -fl flag: 

           $ onpload -j j_items -fl -l items.log -i 100000 -R $PWD/a 
        4. Obviously, no one would use HPL facility to unload/load a single table. The sections bellow show some SQL queries to generate the onpload commands for each table. You can use the DBAccess utility to execute these commands.

        Don't forget to change the <dbname> variable for your database name, i.e.: stores_demo.
          select tabname from systables where tabid > 99 and tabtype = "T" into temp a;
          output to hpl_create_job.sh without headings
          select onpladm create job job_"||trim(tabname)||" -d '/tmp/"||trim(tabname)||".unl' -D <dbname> -t "||trim(tabname) from a    
          select tabname from systables where tabid > 99 and tabtype = "T" into temp a;
          output to hpl_create_job_delux.sh without headings
          select onpladm create job job_"||trim(tabname)||" -d '/tmp/"||trim(tabname)||".unl' -D <dbname> -t "||trim(tabname)||" -fc" from a    

        For all the tables that has BLOB columns only Deluxe Mode can be used.

        5. When all the shell scripts are done, you can clean them up, avoiding line feeds and weird characters which may cause a failure at execution time.

        Follows attached, two scripts that might be used as cleaning tools:
          a. Use this tool to remove line feeds, name it join.sh:
            s/\\\n/ / 
            b join 

          b. Use this tool to remove blank lines, name it del_blank.sh:
            sed '/^$/d' $1
            Here's an example on its use:

            cat hpl_load_job.sh | sed -f join.sh > zz 
            sh del_blank.sh zz > zzz 
            mv zzz hpl_create_job.sh

        And the final hpl_create_job.sh script is clean.

        4. one important notice that should be taken care of is the following HPL environment variables:




        Explanation of Withdrawal announcement and FAQ


        The withdrawal announcement is difficult to understand. What is actually happening?

        We are actually doing a variety of things to help consolidate or eliminate lightly or unused products. The following types of withdrawals are part of this announcement.
        What is the impact to 11.50 Editions?

        This withdrawal does not impact on-going support for 11.50. IBM will continue to support this version. With regard to 11.50, the withdrawal simply removes four 11.50 media packs from PPA.

        I see many primary programs listed. Are these products being withdrawn entirely?

        No. Actually, many of the affected parts are media parts. There are some license and support & subscription parts, as well. There are three primary part types affected:
        1. Parts starting with the letter “B” are media parts.
        2. Parts starting with the letter “D” are license and reinstatement parts.
        3. Parts starting with the letter “E” are Support & Subscription parts.

        I see several DataBlades listed? Is Informix eliminating DataBlades altogether?

        No. Some of the DataBlades are not as popular as others and several are now included in the database server by default. For instance, the Web, Spatial, and TimeSeries DataBlades are included by default. Both the Spatial and TimeSeries blades are auto-registered and ready to use out of the box. The Web Datablade is included in the manufacturing bundle and available for setup. For those customers that are actively using the Spatial and Web DataBlades, we will continue to offer support if you need it.

        The Geodetic DataBlade looks like it is withdrawn altogether. Is this true?

        No. We are withdrawing the Geodetic DataBlade from marketing, but we will continue to support customers that are actively using it. The Geodetic Datablade is a 3rd party DataBlade that is no longer available for purchase. We are currently working toward future possibilities for 3-D or Earth coordinates.

        What products will be withdrawn from marketing and support?

        Image Foundation
        Withdrawing the Image Foundation DataBlade from marketing and announcing End of Support for 2H 2013. There is no replacement for this DataBlade.

        Real Time Loader
        Withdrawing the Informix Real Time Loader from marketing and announcing End of Support for 2H 2013. Current Informix Editions have an updated replacement to assist in the loading of TimeSeries data.

        Informix Server Administrator
        The Informix Server Administrator will be withdrawn from marketing and announcing End of Support in 2H 2013. Informix offers the Open Admin Tool for database monitoring. This tool is bundled with the Informix Editions and available for download.

        Workgroup DataBlade Bundle
        The Workgroup DataBlade Bundle will be withdrawn from marketing and announcing End of Support for 2H 2013. This product bundle will be reviewed and active DataBlades will be published to the DeveloperWorks web site.

        What products will be withdrawn from marketing and have automatic migrations to replacement products?

        Standard Engine (SE), SE Personal
        We are NOT withdrawing Standard Engine, but rather consolidating several SE editions that were marketed in the past for specific end users. We are withdrawing some outdated media part numbers and SE Personal Edition from marketing and providing an automatic migration to Standard Engine Runtime. 

        Online Extended Edition for Linux, online Personal Edition, online
        We are NOT withdrawing Informix online, but rather consolidating several online editions that were marketed in the past for specific end users. 
        Users who currently have online Extended Edition for Linux will automatically migrate to online Extended Edition. online Personal Edition users will automatically migrate to online Extended Edition.
        We are announcing End of Support for Informix online on the Informix PLC web site for version 5.11. Version 5.20 is currently available.

        What products will be withdrawn from marketing, but still supported?

        Geodetic Datablade
        Withdrawing the Geodetic blade from marketing. We will continue to provide support for end users that are actively using this data blade.

        Web Datablade
        Withdrawing the Web Datablade from marketing. This functionality is currently available in the latest Informix Editions. We will continue to provide support for this product for end users that are actively using this data blade.

        Spatial Datablade
        Withdrawing the Spatial Datablade from marketing. This functionality is currently available in the latest Informix Editions. We will continue to provide support for this product for end users that are actively using this data blade.

        11.50 Informix Editions (Enterprise, Workgroup, Express, Choice, Growth, Ultimate, Warehouse)
        We are withdrawing the 11.50 Informix Editions from marketing. Existing users will be able to continue renewing support and migrate to 11.70 Informix Editions.

        What older versions of an active product will be withdrawn from marketing?

        Connect, Connect Runtime
        Withdrawing version 3.0 and 3.5 media parts. Latest versions of 3.70 are available for Connect and Connect Runtime.

        Client SDK
        Withdrawing version 3.0 and 3.5 media parts. Latest versions of 3.70 are available for Client SDK.

        Withdrawing version 3.0 and 3.5 media parts. Latest versions of 3.70 are available for JDBC.

        Withdrawing version 8.50. Version 8.51 is the latest available release. Our Informix PLC web site will be updated accordingly.

        Excalibur Text Datablade
        Withdrawing version 1.30. Version 1.31 is the latest available release. Our Informix PLC web site will be updated accordingly.

        What products will announce EOS that have already been withdrawn from marketing?

        Informix online
        Informix online 5.11 has previously been removed from marketing. We are flagging EOS for Informix online 5.11 on our product life cycle web page.
        Informix online 5.20 is currently available.

        I-Star has previously been removed from marketing. We are flagging EOS for I-Star 5.11 on our product life cycle web page.
        The I-Star capabilities are incorporated into Informix Editions.

        Version 7.26 is the most current available release. We are flagging version 7.25 for EOS on our product life cycle web page.



        MATCHES and LIKE in SQL conditions

        Informix supports MATCHES and LIKE in SQL statements, while ORACLE supports the LIKE statement only.


        MATCHES allows you to use brackets to specify a set of matching characters at a given position:

        ( col MATCHES '[Pp]aris' ).
        ( col MATCHES '[0-9][a-z]*' ).


        In this case, the LIKE statement has no equivalent feature.


        The following substitutions must be done to convert a MATCHES condition to a LIKE condition:

        • MATCHES keyword must be replaced by LIKE.
        • All '*' characters must be replaced by '%'.
        • All '?' characters must be replaced by '_'.
        • Remove all brackets expressions.


        SQL statements using MATCHES expressions must be reviewed in order to use LIKE expressions.

        ORACLE provides the TRANSLATE function which can be used to replace MATCHES in specific cases. The TRANSLATE function replaces all occurrences of characters listed in a 'from' set, with the corresponding character defined in a 'to' set.

        Informix: WHERE col MATCHES'[0-9][0-9][0-9]'
        ORACLE: WHERE TRANSLATE(col,'0123456789','9999999999')='999'


        출처 : IBM Informix Genero Business Development Language User Guide, v2.41 (SC27-3852-01)


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