
AIX용 Informix C-ISAM을 기본 설치 디렉토리인 /usr에 설치할 때 발생하는 오류입니다.

스크립트상 오류인지 /usr 디렉토리에 라이브러리를 설치하지 못하도록 한 것인지는 정확히 모르겠습니다만 

다른 디렉토리로는 잘 설치됩니다.

현재까지 확인한 결과로는 7.26.FC2, 7.26.FC3 버전에서 문제가 있었습니다.

./installisam (설치 스크립트 실행)


You may specify a target location for these files other than "/usr"

at this time if you so desire.  Do you wish to change the target

location for the directories?

Enter Y to change target directory or RETURN to continue.

(여기서 Y 옵션을 선택하면 디렉토리를 지정하여 설치할 수 있습니다. 엔터를 입력하면 /usr에 설치합니다.)

The default target directory of /usr will be used.

Moving Binaries to /usr/bin

./installisam[190]: test: 0403-004 Specify a parameter with this command.

./installisam[194]: test: 0403-004 Specify a parameter with this command.


Usage: mkdir [-p] [-m mode] Directory ...

Usage: chmod [-R] [-f] [-h] {u|g|o|a ...} {+|-|=} {r|w|x|X|s|t ...} File ...

        chmod [-R] [-f] [-h] OctalNumber File ...

        Changes the permission codes for files or directories.

Moving Libraries to

Usage: mv [-I] [-i | -f] [-E{force|ignore|warn}] [--] src target

   or: mv [-I] [-i | -f] [-E{force|ignore|warn}] [--] src1 ... srcN directory

chmod: *lib*isam*.*: A file or directory in the path name does not exist.

chmod: llib-lisam: A file or directory in the path name does not exist.

chmod: *libifisam*.s*: A file or directory in the path name does not exist.

ar: 0707-100 /*lib*isam*.a does not exist.

ranlib: 0654-601 Execution of ar failed

Usage: ranlib [-t] [-X {32|64|32_64}] [--] file ...

ar: 0707-100 /libisamnls.a does not exist.

ranlib: 0654-601 Execution of ar failed

Usage: ranlib [-t] [-X {32|64|32_64}] [--] file ...

Moving Headers to /usr/include

Moving Localization files to /usr/gls

C-ISAM Installation Complete.

설치하는 과정에서 라이브러리(lib) 파일은 복사가 되지 않습니다.

installisam 스크립트를 살펴보면 라이브러리 경로가 지정되어 있지 않습니다.

BIN='bcheck dblog glfiles'


LIB='*lib*isam*.* llib-lisam'



INCL='isam.h decimal.h'




기본적으로 Informix C-ISAM을 설치하면 다음 네 개의 디렉토리에 파일이 설치가 됩니다.





설치시 지정한 디렉토리가 만약에 /home/informix/cisam 이라고 한다면 각각 다음 위치에 설치 될 것입니다.





해결책 ① 설치 스크립트인 installisam을 다음과 같이 수정하는 방법이 있습니다.

LIBDIR='' → LIBDIR='/usr/lib'

해결책 ② 설치 수행 중에 설치 디렉토리를 /usr로 지정하는 방법이 있습니다.

You may specify a target location for these files other than "/usr"

at this time if you so desire.  Do you wish to change the target

location for the directories?

Enter Y to change target directory or RETURN to continue.

Y (디렉토리를 변경하려면 Y를 입력합니다.)

Enter new target directory.

/usr (설치할 디렉토리 위치 /usr을 지정합니다.)

You have selected /usr as the new target directory.

If this is correct enter Y.

Y (최종 확인합니다.)

Moving Binaries to /usr/bin

Moving Libraries to /usr/lib

Moving Headers to /usr/include

Moving Localization files to /usr/gls

C-ISAM Installation Complete.

③ 라이브러리 파일을 직접 복사합니다.

압축을 해제하면 다음 파일이 있습니다. 직접 /usr/lib 디렉토리에 복사,이동해도 됩니다.







내용을 가져가실때는 출처를 명시해주시기 바랍니다.



KAIO is not enabled when chunks are created on raw devices. OS and related environment are no problems.


ls -l shows that the chunks are in the raw devices which are created as block devices by mistake.

ls -l
brw-rw---- 1 root system 22, 1 Aug 4 2012 rootchk
brw-rw---- 1 root system 22, 1 Aug 4 2012 llogchk
brw-rw---- 1 root system 22, 1 Aug 4 2012 plogchk
brw-rw---- 1 root system 22, 1 Aug 4 2012 datachk

The raw devices should be character devices.
crw-rw---- 1 root system 22, 1 Aug 4 2012 rootchk
crw-rw---- 1 root system 22, 1 Aug 4 2012 llogchk
crw-rw---- 1 root system 22, 1 Aug 4 2012 plogchk
crw-rw---- 1 root system 22, 1 Aug 4 2012 datachk

Resolving the problem

Change the devices to character devices with relative OS commands and restart Informix Server. Then KAIO will be enabled correctly.



DB2에는 복구 히스토리 파일(db2rhist.asc)이 있는데 주로 테이블스페이스 생성, 삭제, 로그 아카이빙 등과 같은 유틸리티성 작업이 기록된다. 이 파일이 일정 크기 이상으로 커지면 Commit이 완료되는데 오래 걸리는 현상이 발생한다. 

아래 포스트를 보면 DPF환경에서 히스토리 파일이 약 240MB인 경우에 트랜잭션 행(hang)현상이 발생했다고 한다.

The history file in DB2 is a critical file that is usually overlooked.

Earlier this week I work with a customer that had been experiencing hangs on certain partitions (Yes this is DPF) daily since upgrading to a later fixpack, and intermittently on the earlier fixpack.

We found that DB2 was stuck in uninteruptable kernel code. As this was Linux, the usual tools to get a kernel trace were not available. Looking at the db2support provided by the customer, I saw that the db2rhist.asc (aka history file) was > 240MB.

The customer was advised to prune the history file, so that it only contained 1o days of history. This resulted in the db2rhist.asc only being 8 MB (which is still reasonable big). Since the pruning of the history file no further hangs have been experienced to date.

There are numerous cases where a large history file causes a slow down and even hang like symptoms. In a majority of cases where there is high load activity the history file can grow quickly and there are DB2 internal options so that Loads are not logged in the history file - see DB2 support for details.

It is good practice to keep the history file as small as possible.

좀 심한 경우에는 600MB까지 늘어난 경우도 있다.

Dear all,
I wrote some weeks ago about a problem with all the committing transactions blocked for many seconds in a Commit Active state. Well, finally I solved it and I just would like to share this information.

 As I suspected there was a lock. I suspected log writing due to thecommit active state and I was right. Using truss on the db2loggw process I found that when the db2 was blocked it was waiting on a Unix semaphore. I didn't find a way to find on AIX a command that gives you the pid of the semaphore locking process (you have the last operation process pid, that was the db2loggw itself). This semaphore lock appear just after a statx on
the db2rhist.asc file, so I tried to understand what was happening with that file.

Oh well, the file was pretty big: 600MB. I suspected the db2logmgr and infact it was accessing the file during the lock. once again, truss helped me. It was reading/seeking into the file... when it finished it did a semop on the same semaphore (an unlock obviously) and the db2loggw started to write again and everything was unblocked and working correctly.

I removed the db2rhist.asc and the db2rhist.bak and reduced the REC_HIS_RETENTN variable to 7 days (we keep backup for less than a week) while the default is 366...

Anyway I have some questions for any DB2 folk around here. First of all anything happened just when there was an asnapply or asncap committing transaction on the database (the replication processes). Second is that I do not understand while the db2logmgr must read so many data from the db2rhist.asc: is it responsible of the history rotation process or whatever?

Thanks a lot to everybody and bye.

Matteo Gelosa
I.NET S.p.A.

어쩄든 History FIle 에 액세스하는 동안 Commit이 느려진다는 점은 IBM문서에서 나와있으나, 어느정도 크기 이상이 되었을 때 성능에 문제가 있다던지 하는 기준은 없다. 가능하면 작게 유지하는 것이 좋다는 게 공식적인 입장이다.

다만 최근에 출시된 10.1 버전 Fixpack 2 부터는 History FIle이 커져도 성능에 영향을 주지 않도록 변경된 것으로 보인다.









A very large db2rhist.asc file can cause performance degradation to DML that modifies tables.


Poor performance during inserts, updates and deletes. The application snapshots will show applications in COMMIT-ACTIVE longer than it should


During a log archive, DB2 writes to the db2rhist.asc file. As the file gets larger, the writes takes longer than usual. During this time any inserts, updates and deletes attempting to COMMIT during a log switch have to wait for the db2rhist.asc update to complete. This can momentarily 'freeze' the system for a few seconds.

This problem usually affects customers who use flash copy to backup the database. As DB2 backup is not invoked directly, the db2rhist.asc does not get pruned despite the RETENTION setting.

Diagnosing the problem

Disable HADR for isolation, as it may cause COMMIT-ACTIVE as well


Resolving the problem

Reduce the size of the db2rhist.asc via the prune force command periodically





The following query is to identify the 10 slowest SQL queries from syssqltrace. 

Note : SQLTRACE in $ONCONFIG need to be enabled in order to trace the SQL Queries.

Resolving the problem

To find the SQL Queries:

SELECT FIRST 10 * FROM sysmaster:syssqltrace  WHERE sql_runtime > 0  ORDER BY sql_runtime DESC; 

Then you can use the sql_id to query the sqltrace_iter tables to get the SQL statement iterators info. 

select * from sysmaster:syssqltrace_iter where sql_id = <sid> 

> select * from syssqltrace_iter where sql_id = 4; 

sql_id             4 
sql_address        504403159339495528 
sql_itr_address    504403159339512048 
sql_itr_id         1 
sql_itr_left       0 
sql_itr_right      0 
sql_itr_cost       9 
sql_itr_estrows    100 
sql_itr_numrows    1 
sql_itr_type       1 
sql_itr_misc       65672 
sql_itr_info       Seq Scan 
sql_itr_time       4.16157768e-05 
sql_itr_partnum    38 
sql_itr_sender     0 
sql_itr_nxtsender  0


* SP_AUTOEXPAND 가 0일때 (onstat -d에서 DBSPACE 다섯번쨰 플래그 없음)

1. chunk extendable (onstat -d에서 청크 다섯번째 플래그 'E') 상태이더라도 자동으로 청크가 확장되지 않음

2. 수동으로 chunk extend 명령을 수행할 수 있음

e.g. execute function task("modify chunk extend",4,"10000");

* SP_AUTOEXPAND 가 1일때,(onstat -d에서 DBSPACE 다섯번쨰 플래그 'A') 

1. chunk extendable (onstat -d에서 청크 다섯번째 플래그 'E') 상태일 때 자동으로 청크가 확장됨

2. 기본적으로 sysmater:sysdbstab의 extend_size 값에 따라 증가하는 것으로 보임 (기본값 create_size 10, extend_size 10000)

3. 대체로 기본값인 10MB 씩 증가하지만 꼭 10MB씩 일정하게 증가하는 것은 아님,

extend_size를 10000으로 설정하고 100MB 데이터를 지속적으로 로드했을 때, 

10,000KB - 16,384KB - 32,768KB - 65,536KB 순으로 증가하는 크기가 늘어남

(다른 사이트의 예나 인포센터를 참조했을 때 create_size, extend_size는 최소 증가 사이즈.

더 크게 증가하는 경우는 내부적으로나 매뉴얼에 명시된 계산식이 있는 듯함)





You are using an IBM Informix Server. You want to determine the edition of product that you have installed.


Your INFORMIXDIR will have a subdirectory with the name "license" or "ids_license." Find the file in the license subdirectory that is appropriate for the language you use. Open the file and search for the program edition statement. For example, in the English language file, a search on "Edition" yields a line like the following:

Program Name: IBM Informix Ultimate Edition V11.70

In this case you have a fixpak of IBM Informix Server 11.70 installed and it is Ultimate Edition.



Reducing Paging Space %Used

This document provides some ways to reduce the '%Used' paging space. This information applies to AIX Version 5L.

This example starts with a single paging space of 45% used.

#lsps -a
Page Space  PV     VG      Size   %Used  Active  Auto  Type
hd6         hdisk0 rootvg  128MB   45    yes     yes   lv
  1. Create a second paging space of the same size by entering:
     #mkps -s 32 -n vg00 hdisk1

  2. Now, you should have two paging spaces similar to the following:
     #lsps -a
     Page Space  PV     VG      Size   %Used  Active  Auto  Type
     paging00    hdisk1 vg00    128MB   1     yes     no    lv
     hd6         hdisk0 rootvg  128MB   45    yes     yes   lv

  3. Turn off the original paging space.
    #swapoff /dev/hd6

  4. Now, it is 0% used and Active=no.
    #lsps -a
    Page Space  PV     VG     Size   %Used  Active  Auto  Type
    paging00    hdisk1 vg00   128MB   2     yes     no     lv
    hd6         hdisk0 rootvg 128MB   0     no      yes    lv

  5. Turn the original paging space back on by entering:
    #swapon /dev/hd6

  6. The second paging space can be turned off and removed by entering:
    #swapoff /dev/paging00
    #rmps paging00

  7. You should now be back to your original paging space, but only 2% used.
    #lsps -a
    Page Space  PV     VG     Size   %Used  Active  Auto  Type
    hd6         hdisk0 rootvg 128MB   2     yes     yes    lv

Why did this work?

When the /etc/swapoff command ran, it moves pages from the hd6paging space to the paging00 paging space. However, if a page on the hd6paging device was active in physical memory (it has been paged in), the command will not move that page to paging00.h



Technote (FAQ)


Are there recommended AIX® Virtual Memory Manager settings for DB2® database product?


While it is difficult to prescribe a standard recommendation for all virtual memory manager tunables on AIX systems running the DB2 product, there are some important specific settings where this is possible. This document focuses primarily on parameters which have non-default settings and are considered "Best Practice". These settings apply to all versions of DB2 product running on AIX 5.3, 6.1, and 7.1, and also apply to systems using both cached and non-cached (Direct I/O) file system I/O.


The "Best Practice" recommendation for DB2 product running on AIX systems is :


You can implement these settings with the following command, which is dynamic and takes effect immediately: 

vmo -p -o maxperm%=90 -o maxclient%=90 -o minperm%=3 -o lru_file_repage=0


Note that maxperm%, maxclient%, lru_file_repage, and page_steal_method are restricted tunables on AIX 6.1 and 7.1, and you should not tune these restricted tunables without first consulting AIX support.

You can view the current settings by executing the command "vmo -a". on AIX 6.1 and 7.1, you can view the current settings for restricted tunables by executing the command "vmo -a -F". You can view a subset of settings such as minperm%, maxperm%, and maxclient%, by executing the command"vmstat -v" and you do not require root authority to issue this command.


Computational memory - Application memory (such as DB2), kernel memory

Permanent memory - File cache, such as JFS, JFS2, NFS, and GPFS.

Client memory - JFS2, NFS, and GPFS, which means all permanent memory except JFS.

maxperm% - the threshold above which permanent memory pages will be evicted in favor of computational memory pages. The default value of this setting for AIX 5L is 80%, and for AIX 6.1 and 7.1 is 90% but it is now a restricted setting for AIX 6.1 and 7.1.

maxclient% - the threshold above which client memory pages will be evicted in favor of computational memory pages. The default value of this setting for AIX 5L is 80% and for AIX 6.1 and 7.1 is 90% but it is now a restricted setting for AIX 6.1 and 7.1.

minperm% - the threshold below which computational memory pages will be evicted in favor of permanent memory pages. The default value of this setting for AIX 5L is 20% and for AIX 6.1 and 7.1 is 3%.

lru_file_repage - when the number of permanent memory pages (numperm) falls between minperm and maxperm, or the number of client memory pages falls between minperm and maxclient, this setting indicates whether repaging rates are considered when deciding to evict permanent memory pages or computational memory pages. Setting this to 0 tells AIX to ignore repaging rates and favor evicting permament memory pages, and thus keeping more computational memory in RAM. The default value for AIX 5L is 1 or true, which means by default it considers the repaging rate. The default value for AIX 6.1 and 7.1 default is 0 or false but it is now a restricted setting.

page_steal_method - selects the AIX LRU scanning method. "0" is the default value for AIX 5.3 and tells AIX to use the legacy page frame table method. "1" is the default value for AIX 6.1 and 7.1 and tells AIX to use a list-based scanning method. This is a restricted tunable on AIX 6.1 and 7.1.


Since the lru_file_repage tunable and related AIX behavior changes were introduced, the recommended settings of key virtual memory manager parameters have changed. The older strategy for DB2 product running on AIX systems was to reduce file cache usage with a combination of moderately low maxperm or maxclient settings, such as 15-30%, and a much lower minperm setting, such as 5-10%. This strategy was required to prevent the paging out of computational memory on systems with a very active file cache.

The new tuning strategy takes advantage of lru_file_repage, and it includes settings which apply to all DB2 products running on AIX systems. These settings allow for a large filesystem cache where desirable, but not at the expense of paging out computational memory. Following these guidelines allows DB2 to take maximum advantage of available system memory without risking the effects of unnecessary paging due to file cache activity. It should be noted that the"lru_file_repage=0" setting is especially important for the optimal performance of DB2's Self-Tuning Memory Manager (STMM). STMM assumes that file pages above minperm can be used for other purposes, such as bufferpools, without paging out computational memory.

The new virtual memory manager settings are a general AIX recommendation and are not restricted to only systems running DB2 product. These settings are also the default settings on AIX 6.1 and 7.1. They have been adopted by the IBM Smart Analytics System and InfoSphere Balanced Warehouse and are now the recommended best practice for all DB2 products running on AIX systems.

An optional setting, "page_steal_method=1", has been included as an acceptable setting for DB2 product running on AIX systems. It can improve AIX performance by switching to list-based LRU scanning, and this is also the default on AIX 6.1 and 7.1. However, the benefits for DB2 product running on AIX systems are not as widespread as the other tunables, and it is not strictly a "Best Practice".

Other Resources:

For details on the AIX concepts discussed in this technote, please see the following links :



데이터 정합성이 맞지않거나 통계정보 부정확등의 이유에 인해 dbexport로 추출된 데이터 건수가 실제 내려받은 데이터 건수와 다른 경우에 발생하는 오류 케이스입니다.

It might happen that the number of rows in the unload file does not match the number of rows in the

comment. In such cases the dbimport will fail.

dbimport often runs several hours and it is painful when it aborts after hours leaving a corrupted database.

Customers rely that a successful dbexport is usable for dbimport. Example: mstab00100.unl contains 5 rows instead of 3

(여기 예제에서는 실제로 데이터는 5건을 내려받았으나 메타정보로는 3건으로 표시하고 있습니다.)
{ TABLE "informix".mstab row size = 14 number of columns = 2
index size = 0 }
{ unload file name = mstab00100.unl number of rows = 3 }
create table "informix".mstab
    id serial not null ,
    c1 char(10)
revoke all on "informix".mstab from "public" as "informix";
Import data is corrupted! 
이 메시지는 실제로 데이터가 로케일이 다르거나 깨진 데이터로 인해 발생할 수도 있습니다.
또한 PK(Primary Key)에 의한 데이터 중복이 원인일 수 있습니다.
위의 결과는 데이터에 문제가 없더라도 데이터 건수 차이로 인한 오류메시지가 발생한 예 입니다.
Do you want to abort?y
This import is now invalid.
Calling dbimport with -c or continue although the number of rows is wrong is not an option
because the imported data might not be consistent.



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