
Restriction: ON-Bar does not use the TAPEDEV, TAPEBLK, TAPESIZE, LTAPEBLK, and LTAPESIZE configuration parameters.

ON-Bar on IBM® Informix® uses the following configuration parameters:
Configuration parameterPurpose
ALARMPROGRAM parameterSpecifies a script that handles alarms For ON-Bar, set this script to log_full.sh to automatically back up log files when they become full.
ALRM_ALL_EVENTS parameterCauses ALARMPROGRAM to execute every time an alarm event is invoked.
BACKUP_FILTER parameterSpecifies the location and name of an external filter program used in data transformation.
BAR_ACT_LOG parameterSpecifies the location and name for the ON-Bar activity log file.
BAR_BSALIB_PATH parameterSpecifies the full path and name of the XBSA shared library provided by the storage manager to communicate between ON-Bar and the storage manager.
BAR_DEBUG parameterSpecifies the level of debugging information to display in the ON-Bar activity log file.

You can dynamically update the value of BAR_DEBUG in the onconfig file during a session.

BAR_DEBUG_LOG parameterSpecifies the location and name of the ON-Bar debug log
BAR_IXBAR_PATH parameterSpecifies the location where the ON-Bar ixbar boot file is created. You can change the file name and path
BAR_HISTORY parameterSpecifies whether the sysutils database maintains the backup history
BAR_MAX_BACKUP parameterSpecifies the maximum number of processes per onbar command
BAR_NB_XPORT_COUNT parameterSpecifies the number of shared-memory data buffers for each onbar_d worker or child process
BAR_PERFORMANCE parameterSpecifies whether timestamps and transfer rates of storage-manager operations are recorded in the activity log.
BAR_PROGRESS_FREQ parameterSpecifies in minutes how frequently the backup or restore progress messages display in the activity log
BAR_RETRY parameterSpecifies how many times ON-Bar retries a backup, logical-log backup, or restore operation if the first attempt fails
BAR_XFER_BUF_SIZE parameterSpecifies the size in pages of the buffers that the database server uses to exchange data with each onbar_d worker or child process
ISM_DATA_POOL parameterSpecifies the volume pool that you use for backing up storage spaces (ISM)
ISM_LOG_POOL parameterSpecifies the volume pool that you use for backing up logical logs (ISM)
LTAPEDEV parameterFor ontape, specifies the tape device where logical logs are backed up

For ON-Bar, specifies whether to back up logs.

If this configuration parameter is set to /dev/null on UNIX or NUL on Windows, the backup utility is not able to back up the logical logs.

RESTARTABLE_RESTORE parameterTurns restartable restore on or off
RESTORE_FILTER parameterSpecifies the location and name of an external filter program that restores transformed data to its original state


'Informix > informix reference' 카테고리의 다른 글

IDS Interoperability with Other Products  (0) 2011.11.03
Setting up HDR with ontape  (0) 2011.10.26
Uninstalling ISM  (0) 2011.10.24
Setting Up ISM on UNIX  (0) 2011.10.24
Determine the server-processing locale  (0) 2011.10.18

You must not install ISM on a computer in which a NetWorker server or a NetWorker client is already installed. If you attempt such an installation, it fails with the following message: The ISM setup script detected that another storage manager is installed in /nsr, which conflicts with ISM. If you want to setup ISM, you need to de-install the other storage manager and then run $INFORMIXDIR/bin/ism_startup -init.

For ISM to be installed on a computer that has a NetWorker server or client on it, the NetWorker server or client has to be completely uninstalled first.

To uninstall your currently running ISM on UNIX:

1. Log in as user informix.

2. Change to the ISM binaries directory: 


3. Become user root.

4. Shut down the ISM daemons: 

./ism_shutdown -q

5. Verify that the daemons are shut down: 

ps -ef | grep nsr

6. Move the ISM executables to a temporary directory: 

mkdir ./ism.tmp 

mv ism* ism.tmp 

mv nsr* ism.tmp 

mv mm* ism.tmp 

mv save* ism.tmp 

mv scanner ism.tmp 

mv usam ism.tmp 

mv recover ism.tmp 

7. Move the ISM catalogs to a temporary directory:


mv ism ism.bak 

8. Remove the symbolic link to the ISM catalogs: 

rm /nsr 

9. Remove the call to ism_catalog from the $INFORMIXDIR/onbar script.

Now you are ready to install your new storage manager on UNIX. 

Tip: The ism_shutdown command shuts down the ISM daemons nsrd, nsrexecd, nsrmmdbd, and nsrindexd. It does not uninstall ISM, that is, it does not remove the ISM executables in $INFORMIXDIR/bin, the symbolic link /nsr, or the various ISM files in $INFORMIXDIR/ism.


To start ISM on UNIX for the first time, issue the ism_startup -init command. The following shell script is an example of a simple setup for making on–Bar storage-space and logical-log backups to disk files:


# setup for ISM storage manager



echo "ISM setup begins"

# the user must edit these two lines to select

# appropriate disk locations for storage manager use.



export SM_DISKDEV1

export SM_DISKDEV2

# start ISM server

echo "initalize ISM server, must be done as root"

$INFORMIXDIR/bin/ism_startup -init

$INFORMIXDIR/bin/ism_add -admin informix@server (server=hostname)

Important: To make informix the ISM user and thereby ensure informix has access to conduct ISM operations during daily routines, you must run the following command after any ism_startup -init or ISM installation:

# create some devices and media

# the ISM user, defined in ism_add -admin, can do these tasks

echo "create and mount ISM devices and pools"

ism_add -device $SM_DISKDEV1 -type file

ism_add -device $SM_DISKDEV2 -type file

ism_op -label $SM_DISKDEV1 -pool ISMDiskData -volume ISMData

ism_op -label $SM_DISKDEV2 -pool ISMDiskLogs -volume ISMLogs

ism_op -mount $SM_DISKDEV1

ism_op -mount $SM_DISKDEV2

echo "end of ISM setup"

Set ISM environment variables and onCONFIG parameters

If you use ISM, you can specify the volume pool names for storage spaces and logical logs in the ISM_DATA_POOL and ISM_LOG_POOL parameters in the onconfig file. The ISM_DATA_POOL configuration parameter specifies the volumepool that you use for backing up storage spaces. The ISM_LOG_POOL configuration parameter specifies the volume pool that you use for backing up
logical logs.


If you do not set these configuration parameters, they default to the volume pool names ISMData and then ISMLogs.

LTAPEDEV parameter
If you specify a tape device in the LTAPEDEV configuration parameter, ON-Bar ignores the value. on-Bar also ignores the value of the LTAPEBLK, LTAPESIZE, TAPEDEV, TAPEBLK, and TAPESIZE parameters. Consider leaving these parameter values blank when you use on-Bar because the storage manager sets these values.

Important: Set LTAPEDEV to /dev/null or leave it blank on UNIX or NUL on Windows only if you do not want to back up the logical logs. The on-Bar activity log shows a warning and return code 152. Because the database server marks the logical logs as backed up when they are no longer current, on-Bar cannot find logical logs to back up. All transactions in those logs are lost, and you are not able to restore them.


One of the things I miss when on a windows machine is the command line utilities provided on a Unix machine. one of the most missed utilities is grep. As it turns out, Windows has an adequate built-in equivalent, namely findstr. In fact, Windows has several built-in command-line utilities that provide most, if not all, of the functionality of our trusty Unix tools. This article shall serve as the first of many that will describe Windows equivalents to Unix command-line tools.

Source File

For all examples, we shall use the Windows findstr help file listed below.

C:\Documents and Settings\michael>findstr /?
Searches for strings in files.

FINDSTR [/B] [/E] [/L] [/R] [/S] [/I] [/X] [/V] [/N] [/M] [/O] [/P] [/F:file]
        [/C:string] [/G:file] [/D:dir list] [/A:color attributes] [/OFF[LINE]]
        strings [[drive:][path]filename[ ...]]

  /B         Matches pattern if at the beginning of a line.
  /E         Matches pattern if at the end of a line.
  /L         Uses search strings literally.
  /R         Uses search strings as regular expressions.
  /S         Searches for matching files in the current directory and all
  /I         Specifies that the search is not to be case-sensitive.
  /X         Prints lines that match exactly.
  /V         Prints only lines that do not contain a match.
  /N         Prints the line number before each line that matches.
  /M         Prints only the filename if a file contains a match.
  /O         Prints character offset before each matching line.
  /P         Skip files with non-printable characters.
  /OFF[LINE] Do not skip files with offline attribute set.
  /A:attr    Specifies color attribute with two hex digits. See "color /?"
  /F:file    Reads file list from the specified file(/ stands for console).
  /C:string  Uses specified string as a literal search string.
  /G:file    Gets search strings from the specified file(/ stands for console).
  /D:dir     Search a semicolon delimited list of directories
  strings    Text to be searched for.
             Specifies a file or files to search.

Use spaces to separate multiple search strings unless the argument is prefixed
with /C.  For example, 'FINDSTR "hello there" x.y' searches for "hello" or
"there" in file x.y.  'FINDSTR /C:"hello there" x.y' searches for
"hello there" in file x.y.

Regular expression quick reference:
  .        Wildcard: any character
  *        Repeat: zero or more occurances of previous character or class
  ^        Line position: beginning of line
  $        Line position: end of line
  [class]  Character class: any one character in set
  [^class] Inverse class: any one character not in set
  [x-y]    Range: any characters within the specified range
  \x       Escape: literal use of metacharacter x
  \    Word position: end of word

For full information on FINDSTR regular expressions refer to the online Command

Basic Tasks

Find lines with the word "any" in them

Unix grep:

grep any findstr_help.txt


.        Wildcard: any character
[class]  Character class: any one character in set
[^class] Inverse class: any one character not in set
[x-y]    Range: any characters within the specified range

Windows findstr:

findstr any findstr_help.txt


.        Wildcard: any character
[class]  Character class: any one character in set
[^class] Inverse class: any one character not in set
[x-y]    Range: any characters within the specified range

Recursively search a file directory for the word "any" in the files

Unix grep:

grep -R any .

Output is omitted due to size.

Windows findstr:

dir /B /S . | findstr /f:/ any

Output is ommitted due to size.



Korn shell

The Korn shell is a command interpreter that allows an end user to type in commands to communicate to the AIX system. By default, when a user logins, a shell process is started The default AIX shell is /usr/bin/ksh.

A '-' is prefixed to the name of the ksh program to indicate that this shell initially read the contents of the files/etc/environment/etc/profile, and $HOME/.profile.

  • /etc/environment specifies the basic environment for all processes
  • /etc/profile specifies variables to be added to the environment by the shell
  • $HOME/.profile specifies variables specific to user to be added to the environment by the shell

Other available shells are...

  • /bin/bsh the Bourne shell
  • /bin/csh the C-shell
  • /bin/sh the Standard shell


If the ./hushlogin file exists, it will suppress the displaying of the /etc/motd file (message of the day file) and the message for unsuccessful login attempts for that user account.


The .profile file is used to personalize a user's account and/or sets the environment the user will operate under. The following table represents some examples of settings that can be set in the .profile file.

VariablesWhat it does
PRINTER=mylaserControls default printer. When you use the lp command with no additional flags to specify which queue to print to, by default it will go to the printer queue named after the equal sign.
TMOUT=3600Will cause an automatic log off after 60 minutes (3600 seconds) if no keyboard activity encountered or no output is generated to the display after the timeout period has expired. There is a 60 second pause before the ksh is exited.
ESCDELAY=1000Controls the amount of time permitted between the ESCape character and any other components of an ESCape sequence. The AIX Extended Curses library has a built-in timeout which sets the maximum amount of time permissible between the receipt of the ESC character and the second character of the escape sequence.
set -o noclobberWon't allow you to overwrite a file with the redirection symbol (eg.,cat junk > goodstuff).

To overwrite the noclobber option when noclobber is enabled, type'>|' when redirecting output (eg., cat smit.log >| smit.bck).

set -o ignoreeofDisables ^D to logout; you must type exit to exit the shell
set -o viEnable command line editing/playback using vi commands
stty -olcuc -iuclc -xcase-olcuc maps lower case to upper case on output.
-iuclc=maps upper case to lower case on input.
won't allow you to login unless in lower case.

alias, unalias

Assign a name or an abbreviated name that makes sense or is shorter for a command.

ExamplesWhat it does
aliasLists the aliases that are currently defined.
alias "dir=ls"Creates an alias. dir will output the same contents as the lscommand.
unalias nameRemoves an alias. unalias dir


Executes the command line directly without creating a new process (PID) (current shell is overlaid with command specified on the command line). When the command has finished or is terminated, control is returned to the init process, thereby logging off the user. Typically you will see this command used as the last entry in the $HOME/.profile.

ExamplesWhat it does
exec /usr/bin/smitWill execute the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) program - overlaying the current shell program
Changing standard input (stdin)
exec <FileNameForInputReassigns standard input from the keyboard to a file
exec </dev/ttyReassigns standard input back to the keyboard
exec <&-Closes standard input
exec </dev/nullAssociate standard input to null device
Changing standard output (stdout)
exec >WriteToFileNameReassigns standard output from your terminal display to a file
exec >/dev/ttyReassigns stardard output back to your terminal
exec >&-Closes standard output
exec >/dev/nullAssociate standard output to null device


Contains the history of user commands executed on the command line for each login session.


List the last 16 commands executed from the command line. (Uses .sh_history)

ExamplesWhat it does
history ! 310
Re-executes the item labled 310 in the .sh_history file
-25List the last 25 commands executed from the command line. Default number of commands listed is 16.
r viRe-executes the latest 'vi' session stored in the .sh_history file


Sends a signal to a running process to inform it to do something. Typically you use the signal KILL to terminate or suspend a process.

ExamplesWhat it does
kill -9 5344Will terminate the process with a process id (PID) of 5344. A signal value of -9 means that the signal can't be caught by the application but is intercepted by AIX to terminate the process in question.
kill -lLists valid signals to use with the kill command.
kill -Easy way to terminate all processes running in the system EXCEPT your current shell and the /etc/init process.
kill -STOP 3901Suspends the PID 3901. Execute the ps -elf|grep 3901 command and the status field (marked 'S') will have a 'T', meaning the process is suspended..
kill -CONT 3901Resumes the suspended process whose PID is 3901

process control

Pressing ^Z will suspend a process. To unsuspend a process, use the fg command to bring that process to the foreground again or to leave the process running in the background.

ExamplesWhat it does
^ZWill suspend the current PID. Example output: [1] + 8193 Stopped
jobs -lList all current jobs suspended
fg 3934Will bring suspended job PID 3934 to the foreground. If only one command is listed when jobs -l is executed, you only need to type fgto bring the only suspended process back to the foreground.
bg 4011Will run the suspended job with a PID of 4011 in the background now

set, unset

Set positional parameters for the current shell.

ExamplesWhat it does
set `date`; echo $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6Thu Nov 14 20:12:47 CST 2002
echo $6Displays the year - 2002
set -oDisplays current settings for the set command.
set -o noclobber 
set +o noclobber
Won't allow a user to overwrite a file with the same file name. Use -oto turn on or +o to turn off
set -o vi
set +o vi
Enable users to use 'vi' commands to manipulate command line entry. Use -o to turn on or +o to turn off
set o xtrace
set +o xtrace
Displays commands and their arguments as they are executed.Normally, you would place the 'set -x' command at the beginning of a script file.
unset ENVUsed to undefine a system variable. Removes the system variable ENV from your user environment



'*nix' 카테고리의 다른 글

Determining how many CPUs you have on HP-UX  (0) 2011.11.20
cpio: 0511-903 Out of phase!  (0) 2011.11.01
dummy file 생성방법  (0) 2011.03.11
디스크 사용량 확인  (0) 2011.03.11
[linux] 메모리 상태 체크 (free)  (0) 2011.03.11

형식 설명 : A(1)  B(2~3)  C(2)

  • A
    • G - Group
    • P - Interactive Job
      • PXX01 - Master
      • PXX11 - Transaction
    • R - Batch
    • F - File
    • V - View
    • T - Process Opion(P/O)
  • B(2~3)
    • 01 - 주소록
    • 03B - 채권
    • 04 - 채무
    • 09 - G/A
    • 12 - 고정자산
    • 16 - 설비
    • 30 ~ 40 - 생산
    • 41 - 재고
    • 42 - 영업
    • 43 - 구매
    • 56 ~ 59 - User 용도(개발부분, 향후 JDE 가 업그레이드가 되더라도 그 영향을 미치지 않음)
  • C(2)
    • 10 - 일일처리
    • 20 - 정기처리
    • 30 - 고급설정
    • 40 - 시스템설정

      [출처] 메뉴 ID|작성자 75_

참조: http://blog.naver.com/75_/120050255177


'optim' 카테고리의 다른 글

Protect your sensitive data using InfoSphere Optim Designer  (0) 2011.11.13
InfoSphere Optim and the complete business object  (0) 2011.11.13
JDE 주요테이블  (0) 2011.10.22
Optim 7.3.1 TDM Troubleshooting  (0) 2011.09.01
optim link  (0) 2011.04.06

  1. 00
    1. F0002     : Next Number - Automatic   
    2.   F0030     : Bank Transit Master / Bank Account Information
    3.   F0041Z1   : Transaction Control File (store-and-forward only)
    4.   F0005     : UDC(User Defined Codes)   
    5. F0006     : BU(Business Unit Master)
    6.   F0006S    : Date Effective Business Unit Master
    7.   F0008     : Date Fiscal Patterns  
    8. F0009     : General Constants  
    9.   F00091    : Supplemental Database Date Types  
    10.   F00092    : Supplemental Date  
    11. F0010     : Company Constants  
    12. F0011     : Batch Control Records  
    13. F0012     : AAI(Automatic Accounting Instructions Master)  
    14.   F0018     : Taxes
    15.   F0018R    : Tax Reconciliation Repository
    16.   F0025     : Ledger Type Master File  
    17.   F0050A    : Structure Define File  
  2. 01 - Address Book
    1. F0101     : A/B(Address Book) Master   
    2.   F0111     : A/B - Who's Who
    3.   F0115     : A/B - Contact Phone Numbers
    4.   F0116     : A/B - Address By Date
    5.   F0150     : Address Organization Structure Master
  3. 03B - A/R 
    1. * F03012(?) : Customer Master by Line Of Business
    2.   F03012A   : Customer Date Effective Category Codes
    3. * F03B012(?): Customer Master by LOB(Line Of Business)
    4. F03B11    : Customer Ledger
    5.   F03B11Z1  : Batch Invoices
    6. F03B112   : Invoice Revisions
    7. F03B13    : Receipts Header  
    8.   F03B13Z1  : Electronic Receipts Input
    9. F03B14    : Receipts Detail
    10.   F03B571   : Auto Debit Batch Control
    11.   F03B575   : Auto Debit Invoice Select And Build
  4. 04 - A/P
    1. F0401     : Supplier Master  
    2. F0411     : A/P Ledger  
    3.   F0411A    : As Of A/P Ledger
    4.   F0411Z1   : Voucher Transactions - Batch Upload
    5. F0413     : A/P Matching Document  
    6.   F0413A    : As Of A/P Payment Register  
    7. F0414     : A/P Matching Document Detail  
    8.   F0414A    : As Of A/P Detail  
    9.   F0450     : Payee Control  
    10.   F04571    : A/P Payment Processing - Header
    11.   F04572    : A/P Payment Processing - Summary
    12.   F04572OW  : A/P Payment Tape
    13.   F04573    : A/P Payment Processing - Detail
  5. 09 - G/A
    1. F0901     : Account Master
    2. F0902     : Account Balances
    3. F0911     : Account Ledger
    4.   F0911Z1   : Journal Entry Transactions - Batch File
    5.   F0911R    : WF - Account Ledger Reconciliation  
    6.   F0912     : Cost Allocations/Flex Budgeting  
    7.   F0912A    : Index Computation Entry File  
    8.   F0912B    : Variable Allocation File  
    9.   F0916     : Bank Statement Header  
    10.   F0917     : Bank Statement Detail  
  6. 12 - F/A(Fixed Assets)
    1. F1201     : Asset Master
    2. F1202     : Asset Account Balances
    3.   F1204     : Location Tracking
    4. F1211     : 
  7. 13 - Equipment
  8. 40 -
    1.   F4016     : Print Messages
    2.   F4016     : Distribution/Manufacturing Constants
    3.   F4015     : Order Template
    4.   F40203    : Order Activity Rules
    5.   F4090     : AAI Record Type
    6.   F4095     : AAI Values
  9. 41 - Inventory
    1. * F4101     : Item Master
    2.   F4105     : Item Cost
    3.   F41061    : Supplier Price/Catalog File
  10. 42 - Sales
    1. * F4201     : Sales Order Header
    2.   F42019    : Purges Order to History
    3.   F4209     : Held Orders
    4. * F4211     : Sales Order Detail
    5.   F42119    : Purges Order to History - Detail
  11. 43 - Procurement
    1. F4301     : Purchase Order Header
    2. F4311     : Purchase Order Detail 
    3.   F43121    : Purchase Order Receiver
    4.   F43199    : PO Detail Ledger
    5.   F4322     : Puchasing Tolerance Rules
    6.   F43090    : Supplier/Item Relationships
    7.   F43092    : Purchase Order Receipt Routing
  12. 51 - Job Cost

    [출처] 주요테이블|작성자 75_

참조: http://blog.naver.com/75_/120050256507


'optim' 카테고리의 다른 글

InfoSphere Optim and the complete business object  (0) 2011.11.13
JDE 메뉴 ID  (0) 2011.10.22
Optim 7.3.1 TDM Troubleshooting  (0) 2011.09.01
optim link  (0) 2011.04.06
OptimEBS 6.1 Application Setup 이슈 (P2P)  (0) 2011.03.02





DB2START can fail, reporting SQL1390C, for various reasons.


The db2start command will fail with the following error message:

SQL10007N Message "-1390" could not be retrieved.  Reason code: "3"


The problem can be due to several reasons. The common culprits are:

  1. Incorrect DB2INSTANCE environment variable setting.
  2. The db2profile has not be sourced properly.
  3. IZ36615
  4. Inconsistencies in /etc/group or /etc/passwd

Resolving the problem

First, it is a good idea to run db2iupdt as the root user if you're receiving this error message. Ifdb2start continues to fail you should check the following:

  1. The "DB2INSTANCE" environment variable should be set to the instance name of the instance you wish to start. You can check this value by running "env".
  2. On UNIX and Linux the db2profile should be sourced properly (db2cshrc for C shell). This may mean the user's profile contains a command similar to:

    . sqllib/db2profile
  3. If you're on AIX and receiving this message you should check the password algorithm being used for the user. The sha256 algorithm, for example, is not supported in DB2 V9.1 (at V9.5 Fix Pack 4 it is). You can check the password rules for each DB2 version in the respective Information Center.
  4. Check the "id" output of the user running db2start. Then, check to make the user and user's group exist in the /etc/passwd and /etc/group files respectively. Make sure permissions correctly set (at least 644).



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