

How to get the version of Informix JDBC driver without writing any code

Resolving the problem


Most customers using Informix products are used to having an option which gives them the version of the product being used. This is usually done at the command line using the "-V" option or using a special utility.

For example: esql -V would give the version of esql or the utility ifx_getversion can be used to display the version of the ClientSDK.

It is also possible to obtain the version of the JDBC driver contained in the ifxjdbc.jar file from the command line.


Make sure you have set the CLASSPATH variable correctly to include the location of ifxjdbc.jar ( or ifxjdbc-g.jar ) and that your PATH has the JDK in it.


Execute the following

    java com.informix.jdbc.Version

The following examples shows sample output. 
    % java com.informix.jdbc.Version 
    IBM Informix JDBC Driver Version 2.21.JC5


Symptom : 
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/informix/jdbc/Version 

Make sure that ifxjdbc.jar is in your CLASSPATH. If you see ifxjdbc.jar in the CLASSPATH, make sure that ifxjdbc.jar exists in the location specified.

e. set CLASSPATH=c:\informix\ifxjdbc.jar




SQL to find list of the tables in a particular chunk


To obtain a list of the tables in a particular chunk, below sql can be used:
select dbinfo( "DBSPACE" , pe_partnum ) dbspace,




pe_offset start,

pe_size size

from sysptnext, outer systabnames

where pe_partnum = partnum

and pe_chunk = <chunk number>

order by start, dbsname, tabname;

Replace chunk number with the number of the chunk for which you want to list the table names.




Prior to Informix Cluster environments, locks were ignored on an HDR secondary. With updateable secondary servers in 11.50.xC8 and above, the lock request is sent to the Primary. This document will help you identify and track these locks from a primary server back to the secondary server it came from.


Lock requests showing up on a primary server that do not map to sessions on the primary.

Resolving the problem

To associate an open transaction on the primary with a session on the SDS node, we first start with 'onstat -k' from the primary, we see some locks that are causing problems:

address    wtlist  owner      lklist    type     tblsnum  rowid    key#/bsiz
443139e8   0       4b7d0bf0   0         HDR+S    100002   205         0    
44313b68   0       4b7d99c8   4451cae8  HDR+X    1001c8   100         0
4444c168   0       4b7d24f8   0             S    100002   204         0     
4444c7e8   0       4b7d99c8   4451c868  HDR+S    100002   206         0     
444b43e8   0       4b7d2d50   0         HDR+S    100002   204         0     
4451c668   0       4b7d35a8   0             S    100002   204         0     
4451c868   0       4b7d99c8   0         HDR+X    649      3           0     
4451cae8   0       4b7d99c8   4444c7e8  HDR+IX   1001c8   0           0    
 8 active, 20000 total, 16384 hash buckets, 0 lock table overflows

The owner '4b7d99c8' has been identified as a lock on a table we need access to, or maybe while running an onstat –x, you see a open transaction that looks older than it should:

$ onstat –x
address  flags userthread locks begin_logpos   current logpos  isol  rb_time
4b811af0 A-B-- 4b7d99c8   4     2500:0x1014018 2578:0x1014080 

To find the session, on the primary, use the owner from ‘onstat -k’ and run:

$ onstat -g ath|grep 4b7d99c8
 tid     tcb      rstcb    prty status                vp-class       name
 1770    4d0e9568 4b7d99c8 1    sleeping secs: 1       5cpu         proxyTh

...make note of the 'tid' value, then run:

$ onstat -g proxy all
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.50.F       -- on-Line
Secondary  Proxy      Reference Transaction  Hot Row   
Node       ID         Count     Count        Total     
sds2       1609       0         1            0         

TID      Flags      Proxy  Source   Proxy    Current  sqlerrno iserrno 
                    ID     SessID   TxnID    Seq                       
1770     0x00008224 1609   22       3        2        0        0       

...here we see the Proxy ID of 1609, and the Source SessID of 3, and the ProxyTxnID of 2.

On the SDS node, using the ‘Source SessId’ from the ‘onstat –g proxy all’ output, run the following:

$ onstat -g sql 22
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.50.F       -- Updatable (SDS) -- Up 06:08:18 – 443096 Kbytes

Sess       SQL          Current     Iso Lock       SQL  ISAM F.E.
Id         Stmt type    Database    Lvl Mode       ERR  ERR  Vers Explain
22         -            pwhite      DR  Not Wait   0    0    9.24  Off

Last parsed SQL statement :
  insert into tab1 values(0,"Howdy") { commit work; }

You can also find similar information using the ‘ProxyID’ and the ‘ProxyTxnID’ from the ‘onstat –g proxy all’ output from the primary:

$ onstat -g proxy 1609 3

IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.50.F       -- Updatable (SDS) -- Up 06:07:33 -- 443096 Kbytes
Sequence Operation rowid    Table                          sqlerrno
Number   Type               Name                                   
1        *Insert   0        pwhite:informix.tab1           0  

Using this method, you can track down user 'pwhite' and find out why he is still causing Informix problems?




A java program getting "OutOfMemory" when handling blobs. Informix JDBC Driver uses the java File.deleteOnExit when handling blobs which causes the OutOfMemory problem in the JVM heap.

Resolving the problem


A java application that uses Informix JDBC Driver to deal with BLOBs runs out of memory. Informix JDBC Driver uses the java File.deleteOnExit which causes the OutOfMemory problem in the JVM heap.

Example of error java.lang.OutOfMemoryError

The heap will have a lot of blocks that contain file names that have names like ifxb_123456 or ifxb_123456890. The shorter file names in JDBC drivers upwards from 2.21.JC6 and 3.00.JC1 and the longer filenames in earlier versions. 


Reason for this is a known bug regarding File.deleteOnExit() calls:



To workaround this set the environment variable LOBCACHE to -1.


To read more about the environment variable LOBCACHE see the manual "IBM Informix JDBC Driver Programmer’s Guide".




서버: Oracle SPARC T5-2

CPU: 2장 (각 16 코어, 128 가상프로세서, 총 32코어, 256 가상프로세서) 

OS: Oracle Solaris 10 Update 9

RAM: 256GB

DBMS: IBM Informix 12.10.FC2 Workgroup Edition

작년에 Fernando Nunes씨가 포스팅한 글에서의 환경은 HP-UX Itanium이긴 하였으나 결과적으로 원인은 같은 것으로 보인다.

# ./ids_install

Preparing to install...

Extracting the JRE from the installer archive...

Unpacking the JRE...

Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive...

Configuring the installer for this system's environment...

Launching installer...

./ids_install: /tmp/install.dir.13028/Solaris/resource/jre/jre/bin/java: 실행할수 없음

GNU tar를 쓰면 해결된다는 글이 다수 있어 시도해보았다.

솔라리스에 다행히 gtar가 설치되어 있었다.

# mv /usr/sbin/tar /usr/sbin/tar_old

# mv /usr/sfw/bin/gtar /usr/sfw/bin/tar

GNU tar를 사용해서 해결은 되었으나 결국에는 제품 설치 패키지내의 파일이름이 길거나 공백이 있지 않나 싶다. 

설치하면서 인스턴스를 생성하는 옵션을 지정할 때에는 다른 오류가 있었다.


Server Instance Creation


Create a server instance?

  ->1- Yes - create an instance

    2- No - do not create an instance


인스턴스를 생성하도록 선택한 다음 진행하면 아래와 같이 설치 중 오류가 발생한다.







# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:


#  SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0xffffffff7e94ddfc, pid=13656, tid=2


# JRE version: 6.0_17-b04

# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (14.3-b01 mixed mode solaris-sparc )

# Problematic frame:

# C  [libc.so.1+0x4ddfc]


# An error report file with more information is saved as:

# /tmp/install.dir.13656/hs_err_pid13656.log


# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:

#   http://java.sun.com/webapps/bugreport/crash.jsp

# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.

# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.


인스턴스 생성하는 옵션에서 No를 선택하면 오류없이 설치된다.

에러 로그 파일을 열어보면 자바 스택이 보이는데 자바 버전, 서버 환경 등의 원인등으로 추측할 수 밖에.






What are the chunk limitations in Informix Dynamic Server (IDS) and Extended Parallel Server (XPS)?


The IBM Informix® database servers have different limitations on the number of chunks and the maximum chunk size.

The following table shows the maximum number of chunks and the maximum chunk size that the IBM Informix onLine (OnLine), IBM Informix Dynamic Server (IDS), and IBM Informix Extended Parallel Server (XPS) database servers can create.

Number of chunks
Maximum Chunk Size
OnLine 5.x 
with 2KB pages
Varies from 12 
to about 50 
(see below)
OnLine 5.x 
with 4KB pages
Varies from 26 
to about 100 
(see below)
XPS 8.1x and 8.2x
XPS 8.3, 8.4, and 8.5x
1 TB
IDS 7.x
IDS 9.1, 9.2, and 9.3
IDS 9.4/IDS 10.0
2 Billion Pages

Number of chunks in onLine 5.x 

In onLine 5.x a data page is used to store information about the chunks. 28 bytes of the page are used for various structures. Out of the memory left, each chunk uses up 28 bytes plus one byte for every character in the complete path name of the chunk. So the shorter the full path names of your chunks are the more chunks you can have. 

The ranges in the table above are based on the maximum allowed path name of 128 characters and a realistic minimum path name length of 12 characters. 

Units used in this document 

This document uses the base-two definitions for memory units as follows: 

    KB = kilobyte = 1024 bytes = 2 10  bytes 
    MB = megabyte = 1024 KB = 2 20  bytes 
    GB = gigabyte = 1024 MB = 2 30  bytes 
    TB = terabyte = 1024 GB = 2 40  bytes




When migrating from an older server that supports only the ISO-8859-1 locale to a newer server that uses UTF-8 locale to configure a database, the new database might not accept all characters without first using a conversion process.


When attempting to load data from a database created with ISO-8859-1 locale into a database using UTF-8 locale, reject files are created for rows containing unrecognizable characters even though CLIENT_LOCALE, DB_LOCALE and SERVER_LOCALE have all been set accordingly.


It is possible that setting CLIENT_LOCALE, DB_LOCALE and SERVER_LOCALE will still leave some characters unrecognizable to a database created with the UTF-8 locale.

Resolving the problem

Most of the time 8859-1 will load into a UTF-8 database without error, however if you have already attempted to load the data and failed, complete the following steps:

First, set the environment variables CLIENT_LOCALE, DB_LOCALE and SERVER_LOCALE so they have the appropriate settings. After migrating the old data onto the UTF-8 server, use a conversion process such as the iconv API to ensure all data will be accepted into the new database.

For example, once you have migrated the data file, you could run the command:

iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 {filename} > {pipe, file}

Once the file has been converted, you can direct it to a new file or a pipe before loading it into the destination table.




To turn on or off the SQL Explain in the IDS engine while SQL is running, use the onmode -Y command.

The syntax:

onmode -Y <session id> 2
onmode -Y <session id> 1
onmode -Y <session id> 0

The option with 2 turns SET EXPLAIN on for sessionid and displays the query plan only
The option with 1 turns SET EXPLAIN on for sessionid
The option with 0 turns SET EXPLAIN off for sessionid




In some onstat/oncheck outputs and systables table there is information about the 'partnum'. What is the 'partnum' and what does it means?


The partition number (partnum) contains information about a table.

It is 4-byte hexadecimal value (0x12345678) that is composite of two values, the most significant 3 digits indicates which dbspace contains the table (tblspace) and the least 5 significant digits indicates the logical page number that contains information about the table.

It means that 0x123 indicates which dbspace contains the table and 0x45678 indicates a logical page number that keeps information about the table.

For example, if the partnum of table customer is 0x0050015f, it means that dbspace 5 (0x005) contains the table and the logical page 0x0015f keeps information about the customer table.

Note 1: The 'tblsnum' in 'onstat -k' and 'tblnum' in 'onstat -t/-T' corresponds to the part number (partnum) of the table.

Note 2: The value of partnum stored in systables and reported in oncheck -pt is a decimal value, you need to convert it to hexadecimal in order to get the information of which dbspace contains the table and the logical page that keeps information of the table.



This article describes a method of finding the number of free pages within a table while avoiding locking issues.


You may run into locking issues when running oncheck -pT tablename on a high use table. You can run a query using the sysmaster database instead to avoid encountering locking issues.
The following select statement from the sysmaster database will provide free page information similar information to oncheck -pt:

select count(pb_bitmap), pb_bitmap
  from sysptnbit p,systabnames t
 where t.tabname = "tablename"
   and t.dbsname = "databasename"
   and p.pb_partnum = t.partnum
 group by pb_bitmap;

This select will not place any locks on the base table tablename . The query produces output similar to:

         (count)   pb_bitmap

            2841          12
             196           0
              26           4
               1           8

4 row(s) retrieved.

The pb_bitmap column is the decimal value of the bitmap for each page in the table. The values mean the following:

pb_bitmap Description
========= =========
  0       Unused
  4       Data Page with room for another row
  8       Index Page
 12       Full Data Page

Note: You could use the query to help estimate the number of pages still available within the table. You should estimate on being able to use only 30% of the pages with the value of '4', meaning 'a data page with room for another row'.

Using the example data: The engine would need another extent after using the remaining space in the partially used pages:
(26 * 30%) = 7.8 pages



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