

Running any RTSERVER command for the Optim Unix server does not return a prompt.


The command prompt hangs with the RTSERVER command.


Environment setup issue with Optim on Unix

Resolving the problem

To set the environment and start the server for the RTSERVER hang issue, here are the recommended steps:

  1. Go to the {OptimInstallPath}/rt/bin directory.
  2. Run '. ./rtsetenv'
  3. Type 'echo $PSTHOME' to confirm {OptimInstallPath}/rt/bin directory gets returned.
  4. Within the same console command prompt window, type 'mwcleanup -s'.
  5. Type 'mwcleanup -s' (This needs to be ran twice as step 4).
  6. Type 'mwadm stop'
  7. Stop the RTSERVER by typing: rtserver stop
  8. Go to the directory of the user starting up the Optim, and look for a hidden folder called '.mw' (dot mw). Erase the folder as the Mainwin will create a new one.
  9. Attempt to start the Optim server by executing: rtserver start




For IBM® Tivoli Storage Manager and DB2® to install and perform properly on HP-UX, Solaris, and Linux systems, you must update the kernel configuration parameters. If you do not update these parameters, the installation of DB2 and Tivoli Storage Manager might fail. If these values are not set and the installation is successful, operational issues might still be encountered when using the server.


Using the db2osconf utility on HP-UX and Solaris systems

For HP-UX and Solaris systems, you can run the db2osconf utility to get recommended changes based on the size of your system. The db2osconf utility checks the current kernel configuration parameter settings, and suggests any updates that should be made. The db2osconf utility does not change the kernel parameters, but only suggests updates to help improve performance. 

The suggested updates provided by the db2osconf utility are the minimum settings required to run DB2 on your system. To run both Tivoli Storage Manager and DB2, additional changes are required in addition to the suggestions made by the db2osconf utility. 

db2osconf 유틸리티는 DB2가 실행하기 위한 설정해야할 커널 파라미터의 최소 설정값을 제안해준다. 커널 파라미터 값을 변경하지는 않는다. HP-UX나 Solaris에서는 커널 파라미터를 수정할 때 참조한다.

The recommended values are for one Tivoli Storage Manager instance-one server for DB2 Version 9.7, Fix Pack 2 (or later). 

Even though it is possible to recommend kernel parameters based on a particular DB2 database workload, this level of accuracy is not beneficial. If the kernel parameter values are too close to what are actually needed and the workload changes in the future, the DB2 database manager might encounter a problem due to a lack of interprocess communication (IPC) resources. A lack of IPC resources can lead to an unplanned outage for the DB2 database manager and a reboot would be necessary in order to increase kernel parameters. By setting the kernel parameters reasonably high, it should reduce or eliminate the need to change them in the future. The amount of memory consumed by the kernel parameter recommendations is almost trivial compared to the size of the system.

Additional details about the db2osconf utility are available at:
IBM DB2 Database for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Information Center

For Solaris 10 systems, you should use PROJMOD commands to update the kernel parameters. For Solaris 9 systems, you should edit the /etc/system file to update kernel parameters.

The DBMEMPERCENT server option

For best results, deploy one instance - one Tivoli Storage Manager server on one workstation and use the default setting for DBMEMPERCENT (AUTO). With this configuration, the DBMEMPERCENT should not need to be adjusted. 
For more details about using DBMEMPERCENT with Tivoli Storage Manager V6, see

Modifying kernel parameters on Linux systems

To update the kernel parameters on Red Hat® and SUSE Linux®, you can run the ipcs -lcommand to list the parameter values and then analyze the output to determine whether any changes are required for your system.

Additional details are available at: IBM DB2 Database for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Information Center

Modifying kernel parameters on HP-UX systems
You must have root authority to modify kernel parameters.

To modify kernel parameters:
1. Enter the sam command to start the System Administration Manager (SAM) program.
2. Double-click the Kernel Configuration icon.
3. Double-click the Configurable Parameters icon.
4. Double-click the parameter that you want to change and type the new value in the Formula/Value field.
5. Click OK.
6. Repeat these steps for all of the kernel configuration parameters that you want to change.
7. When you are finished setting all of the kernel configuration parameters, select Action --> Process New Kernel from the action menu bar.

Important: The HP-UX operating system automatically restarts after you change the values for the kernel configuration parameters. 

As of November 30, 2011, use the information in the following links to determine the minimum values that you should set to run Tivoli Storage Manager and DB2 together:

HP-UX recommended parameter values

Oracle Solaris recommended parameter values

Linux recommended parameter values




How can I avoid my users connecting to my databases, when I am running db2dart on an offline databases?


Several options are available to stop users from connecting to the database when you run db2dart:

Only one of these options should be used. 

  1. The most common simple way is doing a port change. 

  2. Revoke connect privilege either for the group/user's is another option. 

    For Example :  


    Review the related URL below for examples on how to REVOKE database authorities. 

    Note : Revoking the CONNECT authority from a user does not affect any privileges that were granted to that user on objects in the database. If the user is subsequently granted the CONNECT authority again, all previously held privileges are still valid, assuming they were not explicitly revoked.

    The CONNECT authority cannot be revoked from an authorization-name holding DBADM authority without also revoking the DBADM authority (SQLSTATE 42504).

  3. Unset DB2COMM registry variable (which is set to TCPIP), by using the command:  

        db2 set DB2COMM=

    Review the related URL below for examples on how to set the DB2COMM variable.

    Note: This option blocks users from connecting to the instance's databases remotely. You must also ensure that there are no other local connections. This will make all databases on the instance to become inaccessible. 

  4. Quiesce the database. A user with SYSADM authority must connect to the database and issue the following commands:
        CONNECT TO database-alias




What do these messages from the db2fmp process mean?


This technote provides some FAQs regarding messages in the db2diag.log in regards to db2fmp processes used to run non-SQL routines such as Java and C.

Scenario #1: Threads in db2fmp process, SQL1042

When the DB2 registry variable DB2_MAX_THREADS_PER_FMP is set you may see the messages below which can be safely ignored. This registry variable was introduced as an enhancement to DB2 via IZ08425. 

In some cases the SQL1042 is a legitimate error so its important to note that in this scenario "Max number of thread in fmp reached; no thread created" is the cause of the SQL1042. The SQL1042 can be safely ignored.

Please note that the SQL1042 is transparent to the application, so no errors will be returned to the application. DB2 automatically starts a new db2fmp process to service the existing or subsequent requests.

2011-01-10- I34781A381 LEVEL: Warning 
PID : 1200 TID : 1 PROC : db2fmp (Java) 0
INSTANCE: db2inst1 NODE : 000 
EDUID : 1 EDUNAME: db2fmp (Java) 0 
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, routine_infrastructure, sqlerMasterThreadListener, 
MESSAGE : Max number of thread in fmp reached; no thread created

2011-01-10- I74680A573 LEVEL: Warning 
PID : 1234 TID : 100 PROC : db2sysc 
INSTANCE: db2inst1 NODE : 000 DB : SAMPLE 
APPHDL : 0-33648 APPID:
EDUID : 608 EDUNAME: db2agent (SAMPLE) 0 
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, routine_infrastructure, sqlerMasterThreadReq, 
MESSAGE : FMP reported it could not create a new thread 
DATA #1 : Hexdump, 4 bytes 
0x000000020210F180 : 0000 0C05 ....

2011-01-10- I2221A448          LEVEL: Severe
PID     : 1234                 TID  : 100         PROC : db2sysc 0
INSTANCE: db2inst1             NODE : 000         DB   : SAMPLE
APPHDL  : 0-51434              APPID:
EDUID   : 260                  EDUNAME: db2agent (SAMPLE) 0
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, routine_infrastructure, sqlerGetFmpThread, probe:20

Scenario #2: Operating system resource issue, SQL1042

The messages are very similar to Scenario #1 so how do we determine if the SQL1042 is legitimate? Work backwards and look for preceding messages originating from the same PID and TID. 

In the case below we see the source of the error is originating from the operating system (OSERR) and the operating system API which returned the error (pthread_create). pthread_create() is an AIX API indicating that the operating system was unable to create a new thread in the db2fmp process. The root cause is likely an operating system limitation or resource issue when trying to create an additional thread due to the EAGAIN return code.

2011-01-01- E287334A401 LEVEL: Severe (OS) 
PID : 2609242 TID : 1 PROC : db2fmp (Java) 0
INSTANCE: db2inst1 NODE : 000 
EDUID : 1 EDUNAME: db2fmp (Java) 0 
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, oper system services, sqloCreateAppThread, probe:100 
CALLED : OS, -, pthread_create 
OSERR : EAGAIN (11) "Resource temporarily unavailable" 

2011-01-01- I287736A455 LEVEL: Severe 
PID : 2609242 TID : 1 PROC : db2fmp (Java) 0
INSTANCE: db2inst1 NODE : 000 
EDUID : 1 EDUNAME: db2fmp (Java) 0 
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, trace services, sqlt_logerr_data (secondary logging 
func, probe:0 
MESSAGE : Failed to create app thread: 
DATA #1 : Hexdump, 4 bytes 
0x0FFFFFFFFFFFEF60 : 0000 000B ... 

2011-01-01- I288192A343 LEVEL: Severe 
PID : 2609242 TID : 1 PROC : db2fmp (Java) 0
INSTANCE: db2inst1 NODE : 000 
EDUID : 1 EDUNAME: db2fmp (Java) 0 
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, routine_infrastructure, sqlerCreateWorkerThread, 

Scenario #3: SQL1042N returned on AIX platforms using Power7 processors

There is an incompatibility between the IBM JDK bundled with DB2 v9.7 and Power7. For details refer to the link db2setup or db2fmp (Java) abnormally terminated on Power7

Scenario #4: SQL1042N returned due to permission issue 

Ensure the DB2 instance home directory has the permission below, otherwise the db2fmp may not be able to access files located in ~/sqllib/function

/home $ ls -la 
drwxr-xr-x 14 db2inst1 db2admg 4096 Aug 04 10:51 db2inst1/

Check the stored procedure binaries in ~/sqllib/function to ensure they are world readable because the fenced userid is usually not the instance owner.

-rw-r--r-- 1 db2fenc fencgrp 875 Jul 29 14:24 DUMMY_JAVASP.class 

Check the permission of ~/sqllib/adm/db2fmp and ~/sqllib/adm/db2fmp32 to ensure the "other" group has privileges to execute these two files.

chmod o+r db2fmp
chmod o+r db2fmp32

After the change you should see:

-r-xr-xr-x 1 db2inst1 db2admg 59384 Jan 1 17:09 db2fmp
-r-xr-xr-x 1 db2inst1 db2admg 74743 Jan 1 17:09 db2fmp32

Scenario #5: Executing long running query 

A remote DB2 client has abnormally terminated when executing a long running query which includes a call to a routine. These messages are informational in nature and can be ignored. However the application should contain some exception handling logic to handle any abnormal terminations. Under the covers DB2 will clean up any non-SQL routines being executed on behalf of the connection. one of the side effects is that the db2diag.log may contain a 0xFFFFFB38 ( SQL1224) 

In the example below the message originating from the db2fmp process about "The database manager is not able to accept new requests..." is misleading. The message is originating from the JDBC (db2jcc.jar) used internally by the DB2 server to execute a Java routine and can be ignored. There is nothing wrong with the DB2 database server.

2011-01-12- I6813000A541       LEVEL: Error
PID     : 9644                 TID  : 172         PROC : db2sysc 0
INSTANCE: db2inst1             NODE : 000         DB   : SAMPLE
APPHDL  : 0-20965              APPID:
EDUID   : 172                  EDUNAME: db2agent (SAMPLE) 0
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, common communication, sqlcctcptest, probe:11
MESSAGE : Detected client termination
DATA #1 : Hexdump, 2 bytes
0xFFFFFFFF4B7F3376 : 0036                                       .6 

2011-01-12- I6813542A523       LEVEL: Error
PID     : 9644                 TID  : 172         PROC : db2sysc 0
INSTANCE: db2inst1             NODE : 000         DB   : SAMPLE
APPHDL  : 0-20965              APPID:
EDUID   : 172                  EDUNAME: db2agent (SAMPLE) 0
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, common communication, sqlcctest, probe:50
MESSAGE : sqlcctest RC
DATA #1 : Hexdump, 2 bytes
0xFFFFFFFF4B7F346E : 0036  

2011-01-01- I6814066A503       LEVEL: Error
PID     : 9644                 TID  : 172         PROC : db2sysc 0
INSTANCE: db2inst11             NODE : 000         DB   : SAMPLE
APPHDL  : 0-20965              APPID:
EDUID   : 172                  EDUNAME: db2agent (SAMPLE) 0
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, base sys utilities, sqeAgent::AgentBreathingPoint, probe:10
CALLED  : DB2 UDB, common communication, sqlcctest
RETCODE : ZRC=0x00000036=54 

2011-01-01- I6814570A507       LEVEL: Error
PID     : 9644                 TID  : 172         PROC : db2sysc 0
INSTANCE: db2inst11             NODE : 000         DB   : SAMPLE
APPHDL  : 0-20965              APPID:
EDUID   : 172                  EDUNAME: db2agent (SAMPLE) 0
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, routine_infrastructure, sqlerInvokeFencedRoutine, probe:40
DATA #1 : Hex integer, 4 bytes
DATA #2 : Hex integer, 4 bytes
0xFFFFFB38  /* SQL1224 */

2011-01-01- E6815078A3474      LEVEL: Severe
PID     : 9644                 TID  : 172         PROC : db2sysc 0
INSTANCE: db2inst1             NODE : 000         DB   : SAMPLE
APPHDL  : 0-20965              APPID:
EDUID   : 172                  EDUNAME: db2agent (SAMPLE) 0
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, routine_infrastructure, sqlerReturnFmpToPool, probe:900
DATA #1 : String, 50 bytes
Marking fmp as unstable, fmp is forced or aborted:

DATA #2 : Boolean, 1 bytes
DATA #3 : String, 20 bytes
Fmp entry use count:
DATA #4 : unsigned integer, 4 bytes
DATA #5 : String, 8 bytes
Fmp TID:

DATA #6 : Hexdump, 4 bytes
0x000000020079F650 : 0000 0037  /* 0x37 = 55 */
DATA #7 : String, 8 bytes
Fmp row:
DATA #8 : sqlerFmpRow, PD_SQLER_TYPE_FMP_ROW, 496 bytes
 fmpPid: 15781 

When executing Java routines one additional side effect is that the message below will appear in the db2diag.log. This message is misleading because there is nothing wrong with the database manager on the DB2 server. The message originates from the JDBC driver which is local to the DB2 server used to execute Java routines. This message can be safely ignored.

2011-01-01- I6840110A1387      LEVEL: Warning
PID     : 15781
                TID  : 55          PROC : db2fmp (Java) 0
INSTANCE: db2inst1             NODE : 000
EDUID   : 55                   EDUNAME: db2fmp (Java) 0
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, BSU Java support, sqlejLogException, probe:10
DATA #1 : String, 962 bytes
com.ibm.db2.jcc.am.DisconnectNonTransientException: [jcc][2055][11259][3.61.86] The database manager is not able to accept new requests, has terminated all requests in progress, 
or has terminated this particular request due to unexpected error conditions detected at the target system. 
    at com.ibm.db2.jcc.am.ed.a(ed.java:321)
    at com.ibm.db2.jcc.t4.ab.T(ab.java:1264) 

Scenario #6: SQL1131 or SQL4302

This indicates the non-SQL routine was abnormally terminated. This is usually not a serious error as long as the application is coded to handle these exceptions and the messages do not appear frequently e.g. once a month.

2011-02-02- I299008A471 LEVEL: Warning 
PID : 8245982 TID : 1280 PROC : db2fmp (Java) 0
INSTANCE: db2inst1 NODE : 000 
EDUID : 12080 EDUNAME: db2fmp (Java) 0 
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, trace services, sqlt_logerr_data (secondary logging 
func, probe:0 
MESSAGE : Thread of db2fmp terminated with nonzero rc 
DATA #1 : Hexdump, 4 bytes 
0x000000011E7685EC : FFFF FB95 /* SQL1131 */ ...

2011-02-02- I299480A453 LEVEL: Severe 
PID : 8245982 TID : 1280 PROC : db2sysc 0 
INSTANCE: db2inst1 NODE : 000 DB : SAMPLE 
APPHDL : 0-40776 APPID: 
EDUID : 17812 EDUNAME: db2agent (CLNPIS) 0 
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, routine_infrastructure, sqlerDisassociateWithFmp, 

Scenario #7: Marking fmp as unstable

This message is returned when DB2 decides to shut down a db2fmp process and can be part of normal DB2 operations. DB2 automatically picks a new db2fmp or creates a new db2fmp process to execute any subsequent calls to stored procedures or UDFS.

To determine whether this message is more than informational please check for additional db2diag.log entries around the same timestamp which return a ZRC return code, 0xFFFFxxxx return code or an error from the operating system (OSERR). Please use the db2diag tool to decode these return codes. 

This message may also be returned when:

2011-01-10- E288536A3366 LEVEL: Severe 
PID : 582 TID : 9823 PROC : db2sysc 0 
INSTANCE: db2inst1 NODE : 000 DB : SAMPLE 
APPHDL : 0-40834 APPID: 
EDUID : 18069 EDUNAME: db2agent (SAMPLE) 0 
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, routine_infrastructure, sqlerMasterThreadReq, 
DATA #1 : String, 50 bytes 
marking fmp as unstable: 
DATA #2 : String, 8 bytes 
Fmp TID: 
DATA #3 : Hexdump, 4 bytes 
0x078000000113B770 : 0000 0000 .... 
DATA #4 : String, 8 bytes 
Fmp Row: 
DATA #5 : sqlerFmpRow, PD_SQLER_TYPE_FMP_ROW, 504 bytes 
fmpPid: 2609242 
fmpPoolList Ptr: 0x0000000000000000 fmpForcedList Ptr: 
nextFmpCB Ptr: 0x0780000000ed6980 prevFmpCB Ptr: 0x078000000100ea20 
fmpIPCList Ptr: 0x0780000001138960 
stateFlags: 0x00000013 numFmp32Attaches: 0 
numActiveThreads: 41 numPoolThreads: 0 
fmpCodePage: 1252 fmpRowUseCount: 42 

2011-01-10- I2049780A492 LEVEL: Warning 
PID : 7131362 TID : 1 PROC : db2agent (SAMPLE) 0 
INSTANCE: db2inst1 NODE : 000 DB : SAMPLE 
APPHDL : 0-1333 APPID: 
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, trace services, sqlt_logerr_data, probe:0 
MESSAGE : Removing FMP from pool 
DATA #1 : Hexdump, 16 bytes 

2011-01-10- I2040223A1335 LEVEL: Error 
PID : 7131362 TID : 1 PROC : db2agent (SAMPLE) 0 
INSTANCE: db2inst1 NODE : 000 DB : SAMPLE 
APPHDL : 0-1333 APPID: 
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, oper system services, sqlossig, probe:10 
MESSAGE : Sending SIGKILL to the following process id 
DATA #1 : signed integer, 4 bytes 

The SIGKILL can be safely ignored since it is returned when DB2 brings down the db2fmp.

The meaning of the stateFlags can be decoded via the chart provided in the technote belowAccumulation of db2fmp (Java) processes.

Scenario #8: Messages related to Java memory

Please see the technote db2fmp (Java) Memory Issues in the links below.

Scenario #9: Data Partitioned System

On systems using data partitioning, please ensure that the fenced userid exists on ALL partitions. Otherwise SQL1042C may be returned. Most of the DB2 table snapshot functions are implemented as non-SQL routines.

db2 "select count(*) from SYSIBMADM.TBSP_UTILIZATION" 
SQL1042C An unexpected system error occurred. SQLSTATE=58004

Scenario #10: SQL0952N Processing was cancelled due to an interrupt.

If the application calling the routine cancelled the call, -952 will be reported in the db2diag.log. The application may have canceled the routine because there was an error or it may have logic to terminate the routine call if no result is returned within a timeout. To investigate further check the application log and the application developer to determine what may have caused the application to cancel the call the to routine.

Other Aids

The db2diag command can be used to translate any hexadecimal messages such as 0xFFFFFB38 or ZRC=0x8136001C code into a meaningful SQLCODE.

db2diag -rc FFFFFB38

Input ECF string 'FFFFFB38' parsed as 0xFFFFFB38 (-1224).
ERROR: ../sqz/sqlzwhatisrc.C:
Input ZRC 0xFFFFFB38 (-1224) cannot be identified as a V7 or V6 ZRC value



The hash value is the high speed method for locating the statement, but the unique identifier in v$sql is (hash_value, address, child_number) In Oracle 10g, there is a new column called the sql_id which is closer to unique (less chance of collision) than the hash_value, and this also has a high-speed access path into v$sql. (But again, is only unique there when combined with address and child_number)


Starting with Oracle Database 10g Release 1, the column SQL_ID is used to uniquely identify a cursor in views such as V$SQL and V$OPEN_CURSOR. Earlier releases use a combination of the HASH_VALUE and ADDRESS columns for this purpose.


MATCHES and LIKE in SQL conditions

Informix supports MATCHES and LIKE in SQL statements, while ORACLE supports the LIKE statement only.


MATCHES allows you to use brackets to specify a set of matching characters at a given position:

( col MATCHES '[Pp]aris' ).
( col MATCHES '[0-9][a-z]*' ).


In this case, the LIKE statement has no equivalent feature.


The following substitutions must be done to convert a MATCHES condition to a LIKE condition:

  • MATCHES keyword must be replaced by LIKE.
  • All '*' characters must be replaced by '%'.
  • All '?' characters must be replaced by '_'.
  • Remove all brackets expressions.


SQL statements using MATCHES expressions must be reviewed in order to use LIKE expressions.

ORACLE provides the TRANSLATE function which can be used to replace MATCHES in specific cases. The TRANSLATE function replaces all occurrences of characters listed in a 'from' set, with the corresponding character defined in a 'to' set.

Informix: WHERE col MATCHES'[0-9][0-9][0-9]'
ORACLE: WHERE TRANSLATE(col,'0123456789','9999999999')='999'


출처 : IBM Informix Genero Business Development Language User Guide, v2.41 (SC27-3852-01)



How to unblock the database server after a dbspace has been disabled and the onDBSPACEDOWN configuration parameter is set to 2.


The database server is blocked with a checkpoint request that never finishes. User sessions are only able to perform read operations and any update, delete or insert operations will hang. 

When you run the onstat - command, the output shows that the database server is Online, but blocked on a checkpoint request:  


The following output shows that the dbspace test has been marked as down and its associated chunks (numbers 5 and 6) have also been marked as down. The database server is waiting on a checkpoint request - on-Line (CKPT REQ) :

(right click the image for a larger view using your browser)


When one or more dbspaces become unavailable and the configuration parameter ONDBSPACEDOWNis set to 2, the database server will prevent any further updates to the database and waits for intervention from the database administrator.

There are two reasons why the database server will mark a dbspace as down:

1. The database server has been unable to access the primary chunk of a dbspace and its mirror chunk either does not exist or is not accessible.

2. The database server has detected corruption within the chunk. The database server will mark the chunk as down to help preserve the integrity of the database.

Resolving the problem

There are two possible solutions available. 

    The database server will issue a checkpoint and will then be available for use. The down dbspaces will continue to be disabled and will only become available if they are restored from archive. 

    Important: This action can not be reversed as information about down dbspaces is written to the reserved pages of the database server. 

    1. There will be a message on the screen after issuing the onmode -O command:

    2. Press the keys y+Enter to confirm or press the keys n+Enter to cancel.
    The database server will stop without issuing a checkpoint and information about down dbspaces will not be written to the reserved pages of the database server.

The onmode -ky option should be used if the database server has been unable to access the chunks (marked as down) due to an operating system error or hardware problem. You must take corrective action to ensure that the database server can access all of the allocated chunks . You must ensure that there has been no modification or corruption of the data pages within these chunks. When the database server is restarted, any chunks that were previously marked as down will be online again.




Backing up installed components.

Back up the file "/work/IBM/db2/V9.7/lib32/C/icc/ReadMe.txt" failed since it

does not exist.

Some error occurred while move file,

"/work/IBM/db2/V9.7/lib32/C/icc/ReadMe.txt", to directory,


ERROR: Some error occurred while moving file(s) during backup or restore to

directory, "/work/IBM/db2/V9.7/.backup". The return code is "4294967295".

Back up the file "/work/IBM/db2/V9.7/.backup/lib32/C/icc/ReadMe.txt" failed

since it does not exist.

Some error occurred while move file,

"/work/IBM/db2/V9.7/.backup/lib32/C/icc/ReadMe.txt", to directory,


ERROR: Some error occurred while moving file(s) during backup or restore to

directory, "/work/IBM/db2/V9.7/.backup". The return code is "4294967295".

ERROR: Some error occurred while moving file(s) during backup or restore to

directory, "/work/IBM/db2/V9.7/.backup". The return code is "4294967295".

The specified file, "/work/IBM/db2/V9.7/.backup/.metadata/BASE_CLIENT_R/files",

was not found.

Updating DB2 file sets :.......Failure

 ./installFixPack -f db2lib -f nobackup




제어판 등에서 ODBC 데이터 원본 관리자(odbcad32.exe)를 실행했을 때 데이터 소스 또는 드라이버가 보이지 않는 경우의 해결방법을 정리해 보았습니다.

윈도우 레지스트리에서 해당 항목들을 확인했을 때 일반적인 경우에는 다음과 같이 설정되어 있다.

영문 윈도우의 경우 다음 항목이 '(value not set)' 으로 되어 있으면 정상이다.


한글 윈도우의 경우 다음 항목이 '(값 설정 안 됨)' 으로 되어 있으면 정상이다.


만약에 이 값에 아무것도 표시가 되어있지 않은 상태라면 '(Default)' 또는 '(기본값)'을 클릭하고 마우스 오른쪽 버튼을 눌러 '삭제(D)'를 누른다.

이렇게 하면 '(value not set)', '(값 설정 안 됨)'으로 변경된다.

만일 ODBC드라이버가 보이지 않는다면 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBC.INIST\ODBC Drivers 항목을 확인하여 위와 같은 절차로 값을 수정하면 목록이 나타나는 것을 확인할 수 있다.



There is no installation program for the stand alone IBM Data Server Driver for ODBC and CLI. You must install the driver manually:

  1. Copy the compressed file that contains the driver onto the target machine from the internet or a DB2 Version 9 installation CD.
  2. Uncompress that file into your chosen install directory on the target machine.
  3. Optional: remove the compressed file.

If you are installing the IBM Data Server Driver for ODBC and CLI under the following conditions:
the steps you would follow are:
  1. Create the directory $HOME/db2_cli_odbc_driver, where you will install the driver.
  2. Locate the compressed file ibm_data_server_driver_for_odbc_cli.tar.Z on the install CD.
  3. Copy the tar file ibm_data_server_driver_for_odbc_cli.tar.Z to the install directory, $HOME/db2cli_odbc_driver.
  4. Uncompress ibm_data_server_driver_for_odbc_cli.tar.Z:
  1. Delete ibm_data_server_driver_for_odbc_cli.tar.Z.
  2. Ensure the following if you installed the driver on a NFS file system:
  3. On UNIX® or Linux® platforms the db2dump and the db2 directory need to be writable. Alternatively, the path you have referenced in the diagpath parameter must be writable.
  4. If host or i5/OS® data servers are being accessed directly ensure the license directory is writable.

If you are installing the IBM Data Server Driver for ODBC and CLI on Windows Platform, then you could copy the compressed folder under C:\Program Files\IBM and uncompress it. If you want to register the newly installed driver into the OBCD Administrator tool, then run the exe db2oreg1.exe located under the bin directory of the uncompressed driver(e.g: <uncompressed driver folder>/bin/db2oreg1.exe) from the command prompt as:

cd <uncompressed driver folder>/bin
db2oreg1 -i

After the above command is run to complete, you could see the driver registered in the ODBC Data source Administrator's Driver panel.

If you are installing 32-bit ODBC Driver on 64-bit Windows Operating System then you might hit the error "Data source name not found and no default driver specified".
Please follow the guidelines from the below link to resolve the issue:
Pointing to 32 bit ODBC driver on 64 bit Microsoft system

You could also find the resolution in the Microsoft Technote:


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