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출처 : 




You run an ontape backup but it runs too slowly.


Diagnosing the problem

Resolving the problem




How do you use backup and restore filters with Informix Dynamic Server 11.10?


With IBM® Informix® Dynamic Server™ 11.10, it is possible to apply filters during a backup and restore with both ontape and onbar. These filters basically are external programs which are called before the data is written or read either to or from disk or the storage manager. The filter programs expect data from stdin and will send their output, the processed data, to stdout. The most common example for that is to call a compression program, but it can also be used for encryption or other changes to the data. 
If you want to use a filter to compress the data of your backup, you can define a backup filter in the Informix Configuration file like below


    For UNIX platforms:
      BACKUP_FILTER /usr/bin/compress

    For Microsoft® Windows platforms:
      BACKUP_FILTER c:\cygwin\bin\gzip.exe

Doing a Level 0 Backup with ontape 
ontape -s -L 0 

Returns the following
D:\data\backup>ontape -s -L 0
Using the backup and restore filter c:\cygwin\bin\gzip.exe.
10 percent done.
20 percent done.
30 percent done.
40 percent done.
100 percent done.
File created: d:\data\backup\LBNOTE_2_L0

Please label this tape as number 1 in the arc tape sequence.
This tape contains the following logical logs:


Program over.

Comparing the size of this file with a backup done without compression shows that the filter was used.

28.11.2007  11:50        19.775.488 LBNOTE_2_20071128_115015_L0
28.11.2007  12:46         1.171.164 LBNOTE_2_L0

There is no hint in the Informix message log about the usage of the filter, it is only shown in the output of the ontape. To restore, you will need to define a restore filter also in the Informix Configuration file, which will put the data back into the standard format the restore expects. 

So, to restore the backup data with the filter defined above, you need to set in the Informix Configuration file.

For UNIX platforms:
    RESTORE_FILTER /usr/bin/uncompress

For Microsoft® Windows platforms:
    RESTORE_FILTER 'c:\cygwin\bin\gzip.exe -d'

Execute a restore with ontape
ontape -r 

Returns the following output
Restore file d:\data\backup\LBNOTE_2_L0 and press Return to continue ...

Archive Tape Information

Tape type:      Archive Backup Tape
Online version: IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.10.TC2
Archive date:   Wed Nov 28 12:46:30 2007
User id:        ebach
Terminal id:    LBNOTE
Archive level:  0
Tape device:    d:\data\backup\
Tape blocksize (in k): 16
Tape size (in k): system defined for directory
Tape number in series: 1
Using the backup and restore filter c:\cygwin\bin\gzip.exe -d.

If you try to do a restore of a backup which has used a backup filter without the matching restore filter, you will receive an error message like in the following


D:\data\backup>ontape -r
Restore file d:\data\backup\LBNOTE_2_L0 and press Return to continue ...

Archive Tape Information

Tape type:      Archive Backup Tape
Online version: IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.10.TC2
Archive date:   Wed Nov 28 12:46:30 2007
User id:        ebach
Terminal id:    LBNOTE
Archive level:  0
Tape device:    d:\data\backup\
Tape blocksize (in k): 16
Tape size (in k): system defined for directory
Tape number in series: 1
Physical restore failed - function Invalid archive tape failed code -1 errno 2

Program over.



The message Archive detects that page is corrupt indicates that page validation failed.

During an archive, the database server validates every page before writing it to the archive device. This validation checks that the elements on the page are consistent with the expected values. When a page fails this validation, a message similar to the following is written to the online.log file:

15:06:37  Assert Failed: Archive detects that page 0xc00021 is corrupt.
15:06:37  IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 9.40.UC1
15:06:37   Who: Session(25, informix@cronus, 67612, 1085259772)
                Thread(50, arcbackup1, 40acf758, 4)
                File: rsarcbu.c Line: 2549
15:06:37  stack trace for pid 67367 written to /tmp/af.41ad7b9
15:06:37   See Also: /tmp/af.41ad7b9

below 9.40 version (Expanded chunk capacity mode: disabled)
16:27:49 Assert Warning: Archive detects that page 1:10164 is corrupt. 
16:27:49 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.50.FC7
16:27:49 Who: Session(5, informix@cronus, 23467, 10a921048)
Thread(40, arcbackup1, 10a8e8ae8, 1)
File: rsarcbu.c Line: 2915
16:27:49 stack trace for pid 23358 written to /tmp/af.41043f4
16:27:49 See Also: /tmp/af.41043f4
16:27:49 Archive detects that page 1:10164 is corrupt.
16:27:50 Archive on rootdbs Completed with 1 corrupted pages detected.

above 10.00 version (Expanded chunk capacity mode: enabled, always)

The page number is printed in hexadecimal. The format for page number is 0xCCCPPPPP where CCC represents the chunk number, and PPPPP represents the page number. For this example, the corrupted page is in chunk 0xc (12 decimal) and page 0x21 (33 decimal). The archive aborts after detecting 10 corrupt pages. The online.log file displays the full error message, including the page address, for the first 10 errors. Subsequently, only the count of the number of corrupt pages is put in to the online.log.

When you receive this message, identify which table the corrupt page belongs to by examining the output of the oncheck –pe command. (해당 정보는 sysmaster:sysextents 테이블에서도 확인할 수 있습니다.) To determine the extent of the corruption, execute the oncheck –cID command for that table.

A corrupt page is saved onto the backup media. During a restore, the corrupt page is returned in its corrupt form. No errors messages are written to the online.log when corrupt pages are restored, only when they are archived.






On Windows server db2icrt fails with the following error after a computer name change

DBI1959N  The instance directory cannot be created. 

The error suggests the user does not have the write access to create the instance directory
even though the user has all the permissions,


When computer name is changed the global registry entries for groups DB2ADMNS and DB2USERS remain unchanged and are not updated, (호스트 이름이 변경되었거나 영문이 아닌 경우에도 발생할 수 있다)

Diagnosing the problem

The only way to diagnose this issue is to take a DB2 trace.

The trace will show that the we fail to get the SID for group <old computer name>\DB2USERS

Resolving the problem

Update the global registry entries with the new name for groups DB2ADMNS and DB2USERS

db2extsec -a <new computer name>\DB2ADMNS -u <new computer name>\DB2USERS

This is a mandatory requirement after a computer name change



DB2 데이터베이스에서 데이터를 로드할 때는 아카이브 로깅 모드 설정 여부를 확인해야 합니다.

아카이브 로깅 모드로 설정되어 있을때 Load를 수행하면 해당 테이블이 존재하는 테이블스페이스는 'Backup Pending' 상태로 바뀝니다.

이유는 Load 유틸리티가 기본 설정인 COPY NO 옵션으로 수행되기 때문입니다. 테이블스페이스가 Backup Pending 상태로 바뀌면 해당 테이블스페이스의 오브젝트, 테이블, 인덱스등에 대한 변경작업(INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, ALTER등)들을 수행할 수 없게 됩니다.

이런 상황을 방지하려면 Load 수행시 COPY YES 또는 NONRECOVERABLE 옵션을 사용합니다.

예1) db2 "load from test.del of del insert into test COPY YES TO /home/db2inst1"

예2) db2 "load from test.del of del insert into test NONRECOVERABLE"

일반적으로 운영 데이터베이스는 아카이브 로깅 모드를 사용하므로 COPY YES 옵션을 레지스트리 변수에 설정하여 로드를 수행할 때마다 적용되도록 할 수도 있습니다. 일반적으로 COPY YES 옵션으로 인해 생성된 파일은 HADR 환경에서 롤포워딩 하는 경우에 사용하므로 테이블스페이스를 특정시점으로 복구할 일이 없거나 대량데이터 로드하는 경우가 아니라면 LOAD할 때는 보통 NONRECOVERABLE을 명시하여 수행하는 것이 맞다고 봅니다.

예) db2set DB2_LOAD_COPY_NO_OVERRIDE="COPY YES to home/db2inst1"

Load Overview -


Load command -


DB2_LOAD_COPY_NO_OVERRIDE and controlling non-recoverable load operations -


DB2 FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions about DB2 for Linx, UNIX and Windows



Q: 在DPF環境下,一台Server建立兩個 logical partition,當調整Server系統時間時,會發生SQL0903N COMMIT statement failed, transaction rolled back. Reason code: 2".SQLSTATE=40504 的錯誤訊息

當系統時間往未來調整時,DB2會自動更新寫入log extent的時間為調整後的時間,但當系統時間往過去調整時,若時間差距超過 max_time_diff 的設定值 (預設60 min),就會發生該錯誤訊息,因為DB2在 log extent裡會紀錄當時時間,並不會往過去調整。
其二是修改 max_time_diff 讓該值大於修改過的時間差。

시간을 현재보다 미래로 변경할 때는 문제가 없으나 과거 시점으로 변경할때는 MAX_TIME_DIFF 매개변수 값을 초과하지 않는 한에서 변경해야 한다는 내용.






Optim Exit running pr0sign command failed with challenge module message:
"Challange module /opt/IBM/Optim/rt/bin/libpr0chlg.so is corrupt (9)".


Unable to sign the Optim Exit.


Corrupted ".mw" directory

Resolving the problem

Resolving the challenge module issue requires re-creating the corrupted ".mw" directory.
Here are the suggested steps.

  1. Delete a hidden folder named ".mw" located at the logged in user's default Optim home directory.
  2. At the home directory, run "ls -la" from command prompt to locate the folder.
  3. Remove the ".mw" folder by issuing "rm -r .mw".
    Note: Mainwin will create a new .mw folder after steps are done.
  4. Re-sign the Optim exit using "pr0sign -d" with the same user id that installed Optim, and the id that is in a plan to run the Optim server.




Based on the fact, Optim is a 32bit application, which also can be used / installed on a Linux 64bit operation system, a customer has to install the correct Oracle client version to be able to connect the Oracle database on Linux x64.


Starting with Oracle 11gR2 clients will no longer contain the 32bit libraries. For that reason, a 32bit Oracle client has to be installed, to be able to use Optim on Linux x64 as server.

To get the full functionality of Optim, use the "Administrator" installation type. This type contains all libraries needed and the binaries, for example, sqlldr, the Oracle SQL Loader, sometimes needed.

see also:
Oracle® Database Client Installation Guide
11g Release 2 (11.2) for Linux
1.2.3 Separate 32-Bit Client Shiphome for 64-Bit Ports

The supported database versions of Oracle with a current Oracle client you can find at Oracle directly:
Note:207303.1 "Oracle Client / Server Interoperability Support"

For 11.1-clients that means: 
Server must have or higher, is not supported.




Based on the fact, Optim is a 32bit application, which also can be used / installed on a Linux 64bit operation system, a customer has to install the correct Oracle client version to be able to connect the Oracle database on Linux x64.


Starting with Oracle 11gR2 clients will no longer contain the 32bit libraries. For that reason, a 32bit Oracle client has to be installed, to be able to use Optim on Linux x64 as server.

To get the full functionality of Optim, use the "Administrator" installation type. This type contains all libraries needed and the binaries, for example, sqlldr, the Oracle SQL Loader, sometimes needed.

see also:
Oracle® Database Client Installation Guide
11g Release 2 (11.2) for Linux
1.2.3 Separate 32-Bit Client Shiphome for 64-Bit Ports

The supported database versions of Oracle with a current Oracle client you can find at Oracle directly:
Note:207303.1 "Oracle Client / Server Interoperability Support"

For 11.1-clients that means: 
Server must have or higher, is not supported.



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